"NAZI" trending on twitter


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tiki torches

Then the media-staged Spencer event is going as planned I guess

Can someone give me a /quick rundown/ of this rally? Can't find anything in the news other than "white nationalist supremacist neo nazi KKK march"

Federal Judge allows rally for today, Saturday, but last night they did a impromptu tiki torch rally on the UVA campus where the proposed Robert E Lee statue is that is being demanded to be taken down.


>memes cant become real they said

how much you wanna bet Alex Harnack was a big fan of that article about Trannies in the Weimar Republic?

>they won't let me destroy history?
>those nazis!




how many of those accounts are jews



>all these people who have never read the constitution and know nothing about US history


on the topic of the founding fathers


>liberals are "hyper intelligent"
>refer to anyone with dissenting opinion as "Nazis"

Really tickles my think tank

There is nothing wrong with being a Nazi

Why are all these blue checkmarks low T glasses wearing nu-males?

remarkably few are even literate

try telling that to those who want gibmedats

Who knew that forcing white people out of the left with cancerous identity politics would result in white people forming their own movement?

Where did it all go so wrong?

>"let's keep calling them Nazis"
Will the left ever learn?


>that fist tweet
How is this possible, how can someone be this deluded?

>signs posts with 1488
>throws Nazi salute
>"G-guys, I'm not a Nazi!"

did they break or burn anything or beat anybody up? did they trash police cars and set dumpsters on fire? they have a right to march however much i may disagree with them as long as they don't commit crime. holy shit what a bunch a drama queens. social media is cancer.

These idiots are going to bring wrath upon their own heads. At this point I just want trump to actually become Hitler just so these ppl will get what they subconsciously are craving for.

Sometimes I think we should just embrace the term "Nazi" or "racist". They're going to call us buzzwords anyway so what would they have left?

Fucking Nazi leftists!!!!

Might as well enjoy the benefits of racism if we have to endure the stigma.


Solidarity with Palestinians, comrades!
"From river to the sea, Palestine shall be free."

Since Jews pretend to care about black lives, I pretend to care about Palestinians.

>on the topic of the founding fathers

what a retard, the retweeter thinks ron paul wrote it when its written by some libfag with a flawed understanding on ron paul and NO understanding of presentism.





That is not a good idea since many right-wing people aren't actually Nazis. They are to pollute logic rationalism and reason with the term Nazi to silence people. They are unable to understand that they are wrong. They cannot comprehend that someone can disagree with them without being a Nazi. That is the mental illness they are suffering from.

I have to say that everytime I hear the "Nazi" name calling I laugh as it truly appears like these people have no fucking idea what the Nazis were/did.

If this truly was a Nazi country they would, literally, have been rounded up and disappeared already. Yet they continue to claim the country is majority Nazi and yet... nothing ever happens to them...


remember if you fight communism you are a leftists

fuggin notseas :DDDDD

Take a good, long look at the people you will be subjugating and killing in less than 5 years time. These people if given the choice, would vote on having your sons executed and your daughters raped by niggers. They are demons, they are completely irredeemable and cannot be reasoned with - you need to stop trying to reason with them, and stop worrying about how your "optics" appear to them.

I just got a voice verification captcha. Google is probably training an AI to match words within audio. Be on your watch.

It's pretty bizarre that the only reason why leftists have to worry about this Nazi uprising is because they created it themselves by becoming so absurdly strict in their ideals that you barely have to do anything to qualify as a Nazi to them. They've done so much to help feed the right new recruits.

of course Nazi is trending on twitter, it's the bread and butter of all liberals ad homimem "debates."



You're a Nazi for stealing all of my air and distributing it through your body because it gives me heat stroke flashbacks of a time I was almost in a concentration camp

Antifa shit

end the illegal occupation of palestine #OpenBordersForIsrael

Better torches ablaze than cars and businesses tho.

sorry its a protest. not an antifa riot

Absolutely faggotry.

It's true, good point. They pretty much made the biggest mistake a group can make and woke the sleeping giant.

History has shown that never ends well for whoever wakes it and it looks like it is starting to wake from how I see it. This has only been after a few months as well. Imagine what it will be like in a few years. These radical leftists better start hauling ass to the hills because if they think this dream world of theirs is going to continue they are making a big error in judgment.

Proof white people know how to play with fire responsibly?


>it's okay to amend the constitution to read "you have the right to free speech unless you're a fucking nazi cunt"
Putting aside the obvious absurdity of this post, let's actually try to analyze it seriously:

And who defines what is a "nazi"? Does this include only unironic National Socialists marching in brown shirts and under swastikas? Or does this encompass everything right of center? What about grammar nazis or feminazis? Do they fall into this category as well?

Also the word 'cunt'. Does this imply 'cunt' as in unpleasant person or 'cunt' as in female reproductive organ? If the second, how is a vagina nazi? If the first, how do you determine what makes a 'cunt'?
>this is very illegal and against the constitution
Pretty sure "freedom of association" is guaranteed by the US Constitution, but I could be wrong, help me out here burgers.
>we have the right to travel unmolested
Context? Is he implying that the "nazis" wouldn't let him pass or something? Or is it more along the lines of ""dreamers" have the right to travel "undocumenteldy" into America if they want to"?

This has been brewing for years man. The left started their identity politics years ago.

>Track record of fighting nazis
>And killing millions of people
That wasn't real communism tho.

He probably doesn't know but he might be on to something. IBM socially engineered whatever the holocaust was. It's not really known what it was specifically as IBM keeps the official records secret to this day. Maybe it's 0 gorrilians, maybe it's infinity gorillians (ongoing)...

>antifa, liberal, and black lives matter rallies go around destroying property and looting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stuff, chanting death to all whites

>couple hundred white guys group up and burn torches spouting some racist memery

I don't get it, is it because they fear what whites could do?

>move to nazi Germany
If only...

Living the the modern modern makes me want to have been born as a goat herder in a fucking mountain with a people density of 1.25/sqkm.

Divide and conquer.
They've been working this for a while now, finally giving them something credible to oppose. Now watch it grow and eat the country.

Read a pretty good normie statement recently about that very thing and how ALL of these things started at the same time period.

Really compelling shit actually tracing every single thing back to the mid 90s. Usually I don't care to read such things but it was pretty captivating in that every single issue was traced right back to decisions during the Clinton years which have since spiraled out of control. Really made me question what we really know about the Clinton's. I don't usually buy into the tin foil shit but it really did make me think about it as the writer was right... it really did all track its source right back to those years and has spiraled since.

>the free market, anti-federal government Confederacy is pro-Nazi Germany
Liberals are retards

whats so bad about marching for white rights anyway? thats what everyone i talk to tells me

Any red pilled Twitter reactions? Tired of seeing these idiots spout off.


>no pee break
>just in case the propaganda doesn't work

would it be ok if they were notzis but still wanted to march for white rights?


twitter has been controlling hashtag trending for years
ie #HillarysHealth last year being suppressed into various rephrasings and misspellings and then getting suppressed again

this is beyond obvious collusion with the MSM
look for all the reports today and tomorrow linking this rally to whats trending on twitter

Seeing as how the Left just endlessly spam Nazi at ANYTHING they disagree with, why don't we do the same to them? Communist, Fascist etc.

Treat them with the same level of intelligence as they treat us.

Bad idea. Best thing for the right to do is avoid labeling themselves anything other than anti-SJW. You aren't going to attract moderates on the verge of being redpilled by acting like a cartoon villain.

tiki torches are /comfy/

(Personally I think it's okay either way, considering I'm a white nationalist)

> drinking coffee
Fucking addicts I swear

There is no violence on the right. Violence = Assault + Institutional Power. The right can assault people, but they can't be violent.

Because as we've seen this past year, it doesn't work. We won with our tactics, no need to steal theirs.

>Make coffee
Obama and Hitlery and other World Actors have created and enforced an enemy population invasion on their own countries and others with the intent of replacing the indigenous in mind with people who are easier to control on all relative levels I.e COMMUNITY, STATE, REGIONAL and so on.
>This dude gets his heroin from him and his posse collectively riding Obama's dick.
>The Marxist acolyte acts on one's impulse when weaponized
>Irrational fear based decision making
>Feelings of being captured
Paranoia, schizophrenia, flashbacks, feelings of impending doom
Obama is the reason we are in this mess as much as Bush before him Clinton - and him - Bush Sr.

This shit is getting qwazy

oh haha you got me

YT comments, lower is a response to upper which is commenting on a video

And they are helping how? They're only gonna make the movement and hate grow. GG

Exactly the same thing that created the original nazis. Fascism was sold as an anti-communist movement, now communists call themselves anti-fascists as if fascism would still somehow exist without their provocation. Lmao

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a nazi.

Anyone notice how liberals like to combine random nouns with curse words?


What a bunch of dweebs

I hope the stupid lapping was worth it, we pretty much just blew our load and now lost all potential normies to be red pilled. You can't just go full 1488 with that small of a rally.

Guys, guys! It's obvious the manufacturer of those tiki torches need to be held accountable... this is serious business here... Nazis have tiki torches!

Jews obviously WANT a nazi america, either that or they have single digit IQs. Every single action they have taken over the last year just makes the movement stronger.

>the Jew proclaims his concern for the black!
>then should we not poclaim our concern for the Palestinian, who the Jew abuses and murders in his own land and in Jewish colonies?
>-Adolf Hitler

They're draining the word of any meaning and destroying their own credibility as a result.

They've made people unafraid of actual fascism, it'd be a terrible idea to start doing the same for their cause.

goddammit can they just for once explain exactly what is so nazi about this, you can never get a straight fucking answer out of these people

You have no faith.
That or you're a traitor.

It really does feel like the powers at be do in fact want a race war. I seriously can't imagine why since it is clearly obvious that would literally destroy every gay and minority group and, typically, the powers at be do things to support those groups.

If shit went down it would be complete obliteration of those groups so I really am questioning a lot about this shit of late as something just feels odd about it.