the jews wanted your white supremacists in charge because they fear putin
(((They))) are scared of how much the movement is growing in America.
What are those groups?
Are they nazi larpers?
>Ukrainian nationalists
>white supremacists
Pick one. They are controlled opposition and love jews
It does not matter if Ghandi actually said this or not, the quote is true anyways.
America only cares about (white) America, whether it's good or bad.
>>muh nazis
>>muh racists
>>muh whitesupremacists
(((They're))) panicking
(((((((Butthurt Nogger Detected))))))
This. I always thought the left side was stronger with numbers, but they are just scared for this to happen.
I really like that this happened.
We are finnaly waking up and now I finally see how our ancestors ruled the world.
Together the white race has the discipline to fight every other race.
Well there are only white Americans. The rest are invaders or outdated farm equipment.
Because Ukraine is a progressive liberal young democracy with minor growing pains that the West must support against evil fascist Russia and aggressive Putler who also meddled in democratic American elections and installed his fascist puppet Trump that now personally organizes white supremacist racist marches. It's like you haven't gotten the memo.
Because America is the only country that matters.
Wrong. Israel is the only country that matters for you, amerigoy.
they are jew-paid useful idiots
you realize the nazis in ukraine are funded by soros right?
> large media cost a lot and therefore are a propaganda outlet for those who finance them ie progressive globalist elite
> journalists in the MSM are graduates of top universities which are progressive and globalist to the core
>there is a double standard and bias
hohol plz
you are literally more zionist than the Jews
no, most people who are laughed at and ignored are genuine morons rambling.
People only remember the 1% of them who were first mocked and then won or were proven right.