I live by the 14 words. Respect them. Honor them.
Fuck Hitler. Fuck Fascist Salutes. Fuck Germany. Fuck National Socialism.
Anyone who LARPS as a "Nazi" in the United States in 2017, is a raving DIPSHIT.
I live by the 14 words. Respect them. Honor them.
Fuck Hitler. Fuck Fascist Salutes. Fuck Germany. Fuck National Socialism.
Anyone who LARPS as a "Nazi" in the United States in 2017, is a raving DIPSHIT.
Other urls found in this thread:
Any chance you would back up that claim?
This times 100.
Fuck off Kike
Hitler did Nothing Wrong
Amen. All commies must be purged
Hitler was a bumbling fucking Idiot. Germany has NOTHING to do with White Identity in 2017.
Fuck your LARPING 88 shit. I'm tired of seeing you fucking Faggots actually trying to LARP as Neo Nazis. The 14 words are true. 88 is a total fucking LARP.
Hitler was a drug addict who believes psychics over his generals. He committed suicide in a bunker as his empire collapsed around him. He was a loser.
Hitler LOST. To a SUPERIOR System of Americanism. We're Americans. We're not fucking Germans. If you can't get that, you're fucking retarded. Hitler is literally WHO now.
Fuck your 88. Hail the 14 words...from the U.S., to Canada, to Australia, to ALL of Europe.
actually Trump said the good guys lost WW2
>to Australia
Fuck off Americoon, you don't get to speak on my behalf. Hitler did literally nothing wrong.
Hitler was a fucking genius who created the greatest society in the world. He priortized HIS NATION'S PEOPLE first. That's more than we could ever ask for in a leader. We need to learn from his good ideas, not just throw it all away. He was right about the Jew subversion, the marxist subversion, the crumbling of White civilization. We need to listen.
You know American national socialists exist right, George lincoln rockwell is my kin, he isn't german.
He believes in natural law and so should you JEW
I literally want to secure the existence of Whites throughout the Anglosphere, and you call me a COON??
This is why you fucking 88 faggots are mental.
Anyone who actually believes this is fucking retard. Just read the words you've typed out. Does anyone of it even make sense you fucking mongoloid?
Except the loser bit, which is technically true since Hitler did lose the war unfortunately.
I'm a fucking JEW? Because you fucking Larping faggots embrace 88 over the 14??
Hahaha you retarded monkey
You will be gassed first
Hitler did nothing wrong.
I'm actually part German, and you FAGGOTS Larp about Hitler. Which is fucking hilarious.
14 words....FUCK HITLER
He didn't finish off the English at Dunkirk
Fuck kikes, fuck salty muds.
Heil hitler.
Yes goyim go America
This is the new face of America and if you don't agree it is treason against the United States. If you don't support the fellow Americans who are blessed with color you are attempting to undermine our country and likely a Russian spy.
Reported to the Department of Homeland Security.
watch the youtube video.
Hitler was right
>hail the 14 words
is that my maryland flag in the background?
Thats true
>If you fight communists you're the bad guy :DDDDDDDDD
t. retarded burger brain
I don't give a FUCK about Jews. The Holocaust was a fucking HOAX.
But Hitler was a failure. And this 88 shit is larping autism.
Hiter is a HERO
>today I will try to convince them to drop National Socialism
Exactly OP being NatSoc is entirely UN AMERICAN and I'm a proud American, our movement is entirely different from Nazi Germany
fuck off CIA kikes
>Hitler did Nothing Wrong
Hitler lost, so objectively he DID do something wrong.
Stop emulating failure, and leave Hitler in the history books where he belongs.
stop working for the cia*
top kek
>We're not fucking Germans
Kek user you do know that most Americans are descended of Germans don't you?
Socialists/ Communists are fucking SCUM. My great Aunt LIVED through Hitler's Germany. Lost everything under his system. Nazi reps at her business 3 times a week harassing her for taxes.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about Socialist scumbag.
FUCK NatSocs and FUCK Hitler
George Lincoln Rockwell ALSO failed.
Stop emulating failure.
sure thing
Yeah, including myself. WTF does that have to do with HITLER??
Commander Rockwell got taken out shortly after an alliance with kalcom x and the black nationalist movement retard
Don't you know White people aren't allowed to move on past 1939? We must do as the Jews tell us in their media and always exist in a time loop reliving the events of the 20th century over and over again because our history began in 1939 and ended in 1968.
being literal nazi is the worst thing you could do for the white cause
white pride was just starting to be seen as acceptable, as reasonable, as not a movement of hate but a movement of self respect
something had to be done to stop it, welcome to the REICHFAG MARCH FOR NAZI FAGS.
now, white pride is literally hitler again. thanks so much. now we lose.
>My great Aunt LIVED through Hitler's Germany
guess they missed one
>support the white race
>another guy supports the white race
>wow fuck this guy, the media tells me to hate him so i will
hur dur speaking in these numbers is so nuanced fuck off.
Lost to usury and kike plants and the entire focus of the military industrial complex.
Assassinated by a jew after serving half his life in the u.s. military. Commander rockwell spits on you from valhala.
She was actually a member of the NAZI Party. Until they fucked her whole life up and she saw what "National Socialism" was.
If Hitler wasn't a greedy fuck who brought most of the world against him when he started annexing European countries right left and centre, then nationalism likely wouldn't be seen as dirty in the eyes of your average joe.
Ironically, it was the Nazis and their failures that killed Nazism.
Damn right user. This 88 shit is cringy
In other words he failed.
I'm not shitting on the man, I'm saying he has no relevance to the issues of the 21st century beyond his existence as a footnote in the history of White resistance against genocide.
Shilling is becoming more obvious
jew jew jew jew jew jew jew
Fucking hell the jews did a number on you, you're a walking stereotype of american ignorance.
It doesn't matter dumbass. Anyone who displays any ounce of what a leftist snowflake thinks is 'intolerance' or 'hatred' or 'violence of any sort' that makes the leftist feel scaredy, gets labeled by that leftist as an evil nazi who can be killed/destroyed without feeling any sympathy. They are going to call you a nazi no matter what unless you are a raving mad leftist like they are. So you might as well own it instead of running from it.
The UNITED STATES is the true National front. We are AMERICANS. We're not fucking Germans. My Germans grandparents came here to be AMERICANS, and WHITE.
Not for fucking HITLER. Fuck HITLER. FUCK 88.
14 Words
>Sup Forums isn't under coordinated shill att-
This shit is getting ridiculous, I haven't seen it this bad since the election
Yeah? Giving the Fash salute when we should have stuck to 14 words is fucking autism.
This. Fuck natsocs. Hitler was a delusional megalomaniac who didn't know a thing about military strategy. Responsible for the death of 10% of the german population
I'm pretty sure the ghost of Commander Rockwell places a higher priority on the survival of the White race than on LARPing as a national socialist, and he certainly isn't hanging around in some kike comic book "Valhalla".
Shill / slide thread
National socialism for all Aryan people.
I'm ameribro too, just not gunna shit on my ancestors as well as those who uncovered this whole lie for us.
America is jewd and must rid it's self of the infestation.
>Fuck Fascist Salutes.
It's roman, damn it, IT'S ROMAN YOU FUCKS
The survival of the white race depends on answering the JQ and understanding the full history of political power.
My great Aunt lost her entire business. And she was a literal NAZI. They were at her business 3 times a week pressuring her for "protection money" that they called 'taxes'
They ruined her, my Uncle wanted to kill them. And they couldn't get sponsored in America where the rest of the family was.
Hitler was a fucking failure. And seeing these larping faggots giving the Fash salute is the most retarded thing ever.
>Until they fucked her whole life up and she saw what "National Socialism" was.
Antisemitic? Sorry, the man nose knows.
Why do we have so many share blue shills as of late?
Typical D&C
What is their end goal of the shilling? Its so fucking obvious but they can't keep up this intensity for long
You do realize he got mustard gassed, shot, and blown up with a grenade in WWI right?
>Bad goyim aren't allowed to be anything other than Nazis, stop defining yourselves in ways other than ones that revolve entirely around our Jewish holocaust fairy tale!
Anyone here an actual national socialist?
Not talking about the sieg heil, gas the kikes nazies, but actual national socialism?
>always thought I was on the conservative right wing
>Hating the leftists because of the gender-politics, the victim-shit and the refugee-loving
>One day go through all of my political stances
>except from my view on immigration, I'm actually fairly leftwing
>Want free healthcare, a strong state, free school, welfare etc. as long as it exclusively helps my country and countrymen.
>If only there was a socialist party that had the same views as I
>That also were nationalistic and fought for ones own country
>something like a national....socialist.....party........
Would I be on the left wing or on the right wing?
Go watch TGSNT including the last appeal to reason. Obvious most of you ignore its message or haven't watched all of it.
Nope. She was a red haired, pale, blue eyed German. The rest of us settled in Pennsylvania and Kentucky.
"JEW"? Is that the standard response for anyone who opposes the 88??
You would be on the middle path my dude
None of which requires imitating the Nazi regime.
So basically, I can't support the 14 words anymore...I have to literally HEIL HITLER....or else I'm a "JEW"??
FUCK YOU. This won't last. This shit isn't gonna fly.
Lol what crap
Make me faggot, I got German blood in me and it fuels me everyday more and more. I live and breath National Socialism, it is the best way for any self respecting white to live. You're fucking kike OP, stop pretending.
>"JEW"? Is that the standard response for anyone who opposes the 88??
yes, because there's no reason someone would be against it unless they were afraid of having a light shined on them
It isn't 'crap'. It's the truth. That's why I know how fucking retarded you "NatSocs" imitating Nazis are.
I wish Hitler settled for just kicking every Jew out and keeping his control limited to Germany. I feel like he overextended and that's what brought the him down.
The Reich would still exist today, and it would be great.
"KIKE" = Anyone who won't Sieg Heil now.
You are gonna make more Whites turn away from the 14 words than any Nigger or Jew. I GUARANTEE it.
You're an idiot here:
The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor - David Irving
Hang yourself. youtube.com
I can sense the friction of jewish hands from here while reading this post. OP was a faggot once again.
Germany was a normal functioning economy, it didn't run like some two bit mobster outfit. No one was shaking down dear great aunty for protection money
Only kikes cry about "88" or National Socialism, cry harder bitch.
Right, everyone who opposes 88 is a "JEW". So what's the answer now? I can't be 14 anymore? I gotta literally Heil Hitler and sport a Swazi??
14 and 88 go together. You can't be one without the other.
Many kikes here, dancing on Der Fuhrer's grave.
Hitler was fucking destroyed and Germany should follow suit
>a swazi
>he keeps crying harder
You are a fucking kike. Holy shit you must be scared about something alright.
Got it....so now it's 14/88...."Or else you're a JEW"
Have fun with that shit.
Okay man, I got it. To have White Pride...I gotta now be a NAZI.
Like I said, have fun with that shit.
It wont fly with the jews but everyone else will get on board dont worry
just a reminder that all totalitarian ideologies lead to wars, deaths and suffering - left or right or religious - communism, fascism, islam - its all the same plague