>Red Ice TV is #TangoDown All servers/backups wiped. 23,000 member database stolen. MAJOR DOX INCOMING!!!
RedIce TV Hacked
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Is this confirmed?
Big if true
Do commies think anyone cares? If I went up to a coworker and told them about this they wouldn't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Has any think actually come out of these doxxes?
Site looks fine to me.
Nazis BTFO
Wtf is red ice
I bet only Lana and Henrik's Twitters were hacked. RedIce the website isn't hacked. Commie faggots just trying to panic people.
whats red ice?
Probably a site they run.
they just posted his social security number and where he lives lol
I ama red ice member, they can doxx me. Come at me antifa. I want it. I will literally make rivers of blood of they come for me or my family.
>posting someone's social security number on twitter
at this rate if he keeps his nazi shit up he's going to get a NIT stuck up his ass
Anyway the videos are rescued a few days ago by several anons.
Thats fine just create more full time activists with nothing to lose lmao
No, it seems to be up still. There's no mention of databases stolen.
whats a red ice?
>at this rate if he keeps his nazi shit up he's going to get a NIT stuck up his ass
for those of us who don;t speak Aussie bro...what the fucking fuck does that even mean?
Most normies have never heard of Red Ice. The commies in their bragging about hacking a Twitter account (or just making a fake account) are doing a great job at advertising Red Ice to the world.
Henrik Palmgren Swedish name, plz he deserves everything coming his way, fucking leftie cunt.
>Red Ice TV
what the fuck even is red ice tv
>trolls trolling trolls on the right
>irrelevants doxxing irrelevants on the left
nothing of value was gaine
They probablly just got Lana and Henrik's twatter accounts. This one is untouched:
He is a WN. kys you cuck