Jewish damage through history

Sup Sup Forums Why cant i find information about this topic?

aside from the fact that they are (((JEWS))) can you redpill me on them and provide some sources that document their actions in history?

Other urls found in this thread: General/judaism-discovered.pdf Walsh 1925.pdf

Dont know but someone needs to make an encyclopedia of the destruction the kikes have caused


That term wasn't in use during the Roman era. Or even though the dark ages. It's a Renaissance invention.

what other terms do you suggest to search for? the only term i can think of is kike and im not sure if its gonna yield better results.
Although it would filter out pro-jew propaganda.

>aside from the fact that they are (((JEWS))) can you redpill me on them and provide some sources that document their actions in history?

William of Norwich

Maybe try "rabbinical Judaism" or Rabbinism or similar. That's the modern Jew as you see in the world today. Israelites was the term post Exodus.

But most of the time they were mixed up in tribes with kings like the Arabs.

You gotta look in libraries for that kinda thing user.

There was an user compiling the times jews has been kicked out of a country.
Try searching for his image and find out what makes them get kicked.

Here you go, lad.

>all these recorded incidents of Jews being expelled from a nation
>not a single reason given why it happened

Really makes you think

holy shit thats a long list.

>Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff
Prof. Toaff has since partially recanted, and now maintains that:
- yes, Jews are a corrupting and disruptive element in society;
- yes, Jews lend money at 40% and seem to do little else;
- yes, Jews buy and sell justice with huge bribes;
- yes, Jews pull off all sorts of fraudulent bankruptcies and swindles;
- yes, Jews resort to poisoning and assassination when thwarted;
- yes, Jews are obsessed with hatred for Christians and the Christian religion;
- yes, Jews kidnapped and castrated Christian boys on a large scale and sold them into slavery in Islamic Spain for centuries;
- yes, Jews used [and still use?] human blood in all sorts of quack remedies, despite the Biblical prohibition, even for minor complaints;
- yes, Jews used [and still use?] Christian human blood in their matzoh balls at Passover;
- yes, Jews used [and still use?] Christian human blood in their wine at Passover;
- yes, the blood had to be from Christian boys no more than 7 years of age;
- yes, the blood had [has?] to be certified kosher by a rabbi;
- yes, there was [is?] a large and profitable trade in fake blood products and animal blood, which was [are?] unsuitable to the purpose;
- yes, Christians tried to sell the blood of Christian boys to Jews, but were rejected because the Jews feared it was animal blood; but no, no Christian boys were ever killed to obtain the blood. Never, never! Or hardly ever. It all came from “voluntary donors”!

Anybody having read the book will simply laugh.

The only “saving clause” is that these charges are made against Ashkenazi Jews only. It would be interesting to see how much filthy “Sephardic linen’ the Ashkenazi could air in public if they so chose.


>what makes them get kicked.

Typically it's usury. Or some other disruptive or social practice.

They simply refuse to assimilate.

To the best of my knowledge, they've only ever been kicked out of a country for worship practice during the Spanish Inquisition, which was a more general expulsion of anyone not Catholic.

>Maybe try "rabbinical Judaism" or Rabbinism or similar.
search youtube for blood libel and european law


Most of the citations are from the same source, jewish_virtual_library

>Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel Russian: Haфтaлий Apoнoвич Фpeнкeль; (1883 in Haifa – 1960 in Moscow) was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

>Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.[10][11] Again, the truth is unclear: records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Party purge years; however, no record extant has been found of any meeting in the 1920s.[12]

Hundreds of thousands of innocent prisoners died as a result of his proposals.

Also relevant.
>Arnold Lease - Jewish Ritual Murder

>Michael A. Hoffman II - Judaism Discovered General/judaism-discovered.pdf

>William Thomas Walsh - Isabella of Spain Walsh 1925.pdf

>Jews eat blood

Dr. Ariel Toaff is Jewish, the professor of medieval and renaissance Jewish history in Tel Aviv, and he is the son of the chief rabbi of Rome. He did an extensive investigation where he found that yes, blood libel was real. There were Jews in the past who sacrificed Christian children.

The focus is primarily on the figure of 2-year-old Saint Simon of Trento, also called Simonino da Trento, who was kidnapped and murdered by Jews. His body was found in a cellar of a Jewish owned house in Trento, Italy by local magistrates. There was even an eye-witness. Eight Jews were sentenced to death and executed in late June, 1475.

The ADL did not like it one bit. In fact, so viciously was he attacked for his work, he was later forced to recant (which he did halfheartedly) some of it and donate the proceeds to them.

found this

There is absolutely nothing in the Bible or Talmud that states that Matzot have to be filled with blood. There are specific instructions on how to make them, and blood is nowhere to be seen.

>We have already shown that it is absolutely forbidden for a Jew to kill a gentile. What we will show here is that Jews are forbidden to eat ANY blood and take great pains to avoid eating it. We show great respect for an animal's blood by burying it and we carefully remove all blood from our meat by washing and salting it while raw. If anything, gentiles who do not salt their meat eat more blood than an observant Jew.

>Jews need to go to great pain to avoid eating blood
When most normal dont need to do anything to avoid eating blood since its naturally disgusting

>We show great respect for animal's blood
Making no mention of human blood

dem jew lies :/

yes yes! we kill little christian children so we can make matzo balls, fantastic idea. of course we add blood to the wine it makes it tastier doesn't it goy?