

>implying that africa would be better off without whites in their conuntry

Notice the one country that hasn't lost any ground and hasn't been kicked out of a single place?

Yep.. the world only superpower currently controlled by a major "I don't give a fuck" POTUS. Don't fret... expansionism is coming back. The call has gone out and it begins in the US.

you got your fucking teeth kicked in by rice farmers i'm pretty sure that counts thrice as much.

European powers have rarely, if ever been "kicked out" of their colonies. After however many decades of industrialization and organization in colonial society, the colonists/ indigenous populations have enough competence to look after their own affairs. No historically colonial society would have had any prospect of nationhood without the modernization effect of European powers

Nah, never happened cupcake. If the US went total war on anyone they would be utterly wiped from history. Vietnam was a clean up duty and nothing more.

No enemy has ever withstood our might and never will and your reaction/anger shows how even you know it through your fury.

this desu. Look at Vetnam now, it couldn't be more capitalist. Who really won in the long term

People always spout this meme but it doesn't fucking work. Of course you aren't going to go total war mode in a proxy war, of course the US theoretically had the power to go full nuclear mode but that wouldn't work within the historical context because it went against all of the goals of the war.

Sup Forums BTFO

How was Vietnam not total war. Conscription, attacks on civilians, the best of US technology, trouble on homefront...

>vietnam was a cleanup duty
The US literally abandoned south vietnam to the ho chi min-led north, who then proceeded to finally unite the country under the CVP, a marxist leninist party. It has been in continuous charge of the country ever since 1976.

What exactly did you clean up? I really need you to clarify your point please.

decent bait
decent satire of that "j*ws have been kicked out etc." pic

i give this post 7/10 points, he image could actually list places from where whites were exiled (like these subsaharan shitholes or algeria etc.) so it would be even better b8

The fact that political system on continental Europe was almost completely overthrown by those leaders should have leftists shaking in their boots.

Total war also includes not giving a shit about civilian casualties and literally bringing the heat to the enemy regardless of if they play the civilian shield game of not (ie: WW2 en masse).

Vietnam was, in many ways, the birth of modern conventional war with air targeting only specific things and avoiding everything else. Total war would be more of a "if we lose, we die" type scenario and literally bringing out everything (bar nukes of course). In this modern age it would be MOAB city, it would be rail guns from the ships, it would be blowing up refineries, schools, anything and everything. A total war of obliteration for survival.

Considering Macron went full, "Niggers need to stop having babies" I think France may have worked out. Time will tell.

Austria was the only close election on the continent. Lefties are back to being smug after all those victories

What has that anything to do with total war, leaf?

Isn't it time for prayer, Bilal?

You had a "far-right fringe party" take 1/3 of the vote across all of metropolitan France. The classical left was completely destroyed in the process, loosing all of their seats and clout in legislature. At the end of the day, a new party that is 100% aligned with the economic goals of the EU elite took over the country. Call that a fucking victory you delusional cuck

Most cases of decolonization were caused by internal rather than external struggle, i.e. the colonizers decided to leave rather than being kicked out. In many cases, this left many white/european families in a disadvantage, though.

This. Macron may be a blessing in disguise.

Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!!

I kek'd

ill-made argument. Latin America was built by whites and has a large white population, plus it has adopted the white culture and language. Africa and Asia were nothing but conquered territories, and any subject people would hate their conquerors.

Fuck off nigger