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Based Quotes Thread
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Fucking beta cuck quote
I hate when people say 'I'm lucky to be born here'. Fuck you. You aren't lucky. You're the continuation of generations and generations of glorious ancestors. You're the blood of their blood, the flesh of their flesh, and the spirit of their spirit. If you're born British, it means your ancestors, whose blood is running through your veins, are great, and better than the ancestors of a Kenyan boy.
>no source
I'm assuming it's Table Talks which is almost certain fake.
It's GK Chesterton. Fix it.
No it's one of his most famous quotes. It might be the most famous actually.
And the source is?
"By the sacrament, you have a good sturdy pussy." - Hans Wadl
Such honesty should disqualify him from being a scheming slimy Anglo.
>politicians lie in public speeches
Wow, stop the presses.
am i the only one considering these pictures with quotes and european paintings to be cringeworthy?
upboated :DD
So none of these are particularly inspiring from an air-right or natsoc perspective. And yet you felt the need to save all these and them post them?
Shill larper detected. It's a lot harder that just googling raycist quotes.
anyone want more?
You sure about that?
That's about all I have
You're absolutely right.
Truly blackpill quote.
you see it here to
quick job