>It took white-run South Africa 170 years to go from a per capita GDP (in fixed 2011 dollars) of $1,000 to $10,000. The same took black-run Botswana only 33 years.
Pack up your white supremacy, boys. It's over. You've been decisively BTFO.
>It took white-run South Africa 170 years to go from a per capita GDP (in fixed 2011 dollars) of $1,000 to $10,000. The same took black-run Botswana only 33 years.
Pack up your white supremacy, boys. It's over. You've been decisively BTFO.
Give us the black population percentage.
You cant really compare the wages of a colony in 1800 to a country of today... or are you really that oblivious?
Wow.. Its almost as if niggers are doing good on their own. Oh wait. Pic related
south africa gdp is unsustainable and fake.
It's 97% african. The thing about botswana is that its a full blown free market economy.
I see nothing wrong with exponential growth. This certainly won't suddenly reverse and result in catastrophe.
>my article screenshots and memes beats your data
And anyway we're talking about Botswana not Zimbabwe. Mugabe has undeniably ruined Zimbabwe I agree, only Sup Forums makes him out to be representative of all black governments which is wrong.
>what is inflation
12K in 1977 are A LOT more than 17K in 2015, retard.
Botswana exports.
>natives are jailed in "reservation-ghettos"
>Homosexuality banned
>diamond export
The "whites" that Mugabe kicked out went to Botswana and other countries in Africa.
It's in inflation-adjusted 2011 dollars. It says so both in the chart and in the OP, you dumb wop.
pay your tv tax bitch
Where's the evidence of that?
Africa is a shithole that contributes nothing to society.
Wow it is as if the whites from Rhodesia fled to Zimbabwe when they started getting genocided.
Botswana is the most prosperous country in africa:
It's 92% african with 8% of minorities including "white":
It has been the only country to adapt a free market economy in post colonial africa. As a result it's gdp has been exponentially growing and it's poverty exponentially declining:
Sorry white supremacists. Us Lolbertarians win this round.
>white-run South Africa
But it's not though. It's a nigger infested hellhole with the white minority paying all the taxes
>Wow it is as if the whites from Rhodesia fled to Zimbabwe when they started getting genocided.
What are you on about? Mugabe has lead Zimbabwe since 1980 and Botswana has been growing fast since the 1960s. Whites are only 3% in Botswana.
derp, didn't read.
Oh well, good for the niggers I guess?
I still don't want them in my country.
Oy vey delete this goyim! We must transfer white people's wealth to the black masses of Africa!
It's a nigger shithole.
It's not white-run now. It was white-run until 1994.
What are you going on about, fabio? Your country already belongs to niggers.
every time I hear that girls just wanna have fun I belt out BOTSWANA BOTSWANA
You know everyone in botswana has aids right? And that they get tons of out of country aid? And that South Africa has been in civil war since basically forever? And that the only reason per capita GDP in South Africa is so low is that niggers don't do shit for the country?
I like botswana but don't try and make it seem so much better than SA.
remove all this aid and africa would be at least at south america's development level in 25 years
Their major exports are non renewable resources, sounds normal for apefrica.
>south Africa
>White run
It would be better off, but never at the level of south America. Blacks are something else, man.
>muh malthusian fallacy
Botswana wasn't a communistic nigger infested shithole though. Instead the people kept their whites there and not booted them.
African countries should actually follow the Bostwana example
Note how much lower the percentages are for northern Africa.
These guys got it right
This. Foreign aid is a bad meme that only hinders progress for a country. Is like welfare on a global scale. Remove foreign aid from africa and some countries would become south america tier in a few years.
>free market capitalism is so fool proof that literal niggers can prosper using it meanwhile commie/national socialist countries are so shit tier that white people have to die in the tens of millions to sustain them
White nationalists eternally BTFO
damn i was actually extremely hopeful that i could stop being racist and find something magical there but its just diamonds
it means the dollar inflated massively in the 70's you stupid inbred goat fucker anglo
I'll explain it again slowly so you can understand. It took South Africa from around the year 1800 to 1969 (when it was white-run) to get to a GDP per capita of $10,000. It took Botswana from 1966 to 1999 (when it was black-run) to do the same.
Simple enough for you?
>more niggers doesnt increase gdp
>it probably will in europe though lets import as many as we can
there is no """inflation adjusted dollar""" that doesnt take into consideration the ditch of the gold standard and put it in their ass crack. you do know what happened in the 70's right? cmon dont be a stupid sheep shagger like your fellow people
>What is inflation
A lot of african countries export diamonds user. The nation's wealth, and most importantly it's well beign can't rely on a single export. Look at Venezuela and their oil exports reliant economy. Stop being racist, don't be an idiot.
well my point is it doesnt really need to be the properly functioning civilization i was hoping to see if its funded by a diamond mine. same thing applies to venezuela the middle east and russia. they are basically just getting free money from the west in exchange for a few people operating a mine or drill that is probably set up and/or run by westerners.
But that chart shows that SA was superior to Botswana for 2 centuries straight right until whites lost power there.
>fixed 2011 dollars
>constant 2011 international dollars
>Germany literacy
So tell me why Botswana's GDP is supposedly inflated but not South Africa's? They're both being measured in the same currency unit.
It helps that they're a country of 2 million people, and that they have stated owned diamond mines. The biggest diamond mines in the world are in Botswana.
>what is first boer war
>what is second boer war
>what is hut tax
>what is mass increase in uitlanders
You DO need it. How many countries are resources rich but also poor as shit? How many countries have literally zero riches yet have the largest GDP's and highest living standards? Diamond exports don't really mean shit. What matters is that the country adapted a free market economy in the last 50 years. Use google street view and take a look for yourself. Botswana looks hell of a lot better than my country at least in terms of infraestructure. It has half the percentage of poor people too.
You're retarded if you think having insanely valuable natural resources means nothing. It's one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard.
How have state owned oil exports helped Venezuela?
as if GDP has anything to do with wages
im not saying botswana's economy is inflated. you were asking how they got there so fast and i answered you. every other ocuntry in the world with a working economy made a jump after the 70's because the steps they made were more noticeable now. and btw south africa didnt keep going up because... well you should know the answer to that
Good for them, lets trade.
I don't know or care enough about the situation in Venezuela to comment on it, but the idea that natural resources play no role in a country's wealth is absolutely insane, and pointing to a specific country that doesn't know how to govern itself doesn't change that or make it a rule.
Thanks a lot niggers
Jew-Sponsered Niggers?
Not quite the same thing as picking-yourself-up by your boot-straps?
it let them run for decades
they just promised more gibs than a low price of oil can support so now they will have a civil war
thats what happens when you dont actually have a properly functioning civilization and instead have a welfare state based on one nonrenewable natural resource
What are the most based African countries
Botswana has an interesting population pyramid, they went into steady state 3 or so decades ago.
Unfortunately they, like the rest of us are fucked. Their higher breeding neighbours will come to drag us all down, helped by the jews.
So they managed to keep about the same GDP even though the rest of the world increased it.
And this despise inheriting a perfectly well oil economy, industry and finance system, plus keeping all the whites in the relevant managerial positions.
>I don't know or care enough about the situation in Venezuela to comment on it.
Shows how much you know user.
How come my country, with geography and size almost exact to that of the U.S, is still a shithole (Majority white by the way) and the small resourceless island of Japan is one of the world largest economies?
>"There's nothing to steal anymore"
So... they at least are keeping an eye out for something to steal...?
Exactly. So the racial composition did not change but rather the economic policy.
Yes the difference is that Botswana doesn't run a welfare state wich is why they haven't been invaded yet. The moment their accumulated wealth leads a politician to start giving handouts the rest of Africa will swallow them.
no...the economic policy stayed identical. the only thing that changed was the price they could sell the thing for.
Diamonds? I wonder who's running the show.-
By the way, take this as an example of who Rhodesia ans SA *should* have been run
I tought you were talking about pre socialist to socialist venezuela. Regardless of the Oil price, giving handouts will yield the same results sooner or later. Had Oil prices not fell Venezuela would have reached their crisis in 2030. But they eventually would.
Wow, niggers are fucking WOKE and HIGH IQ after all, thanks for showing me the light OP. I'll go back to my cuck cave now.
Botswana is a nation that genuinely took massive steps to unnigger itself. But it's one of the few, and it has border checks to keep Nigerians and shit out. Also, South Africa is still the largely the most influential African nation.
so when blacks led blacks, they fared well? And when whites led blacks, they did badly? hmm, it's almost like we should keep populations and governments of a uniform race or something instead of forcing everyone to mix.
Botswana only has one tribe in it, so it isn't a war zone like South Africa. This is a glowing endorsement of ethnic nationalism, no one here is an imperialist
It's also all one tribe. This is the salient point. South Africa has 9 black and 2 white tribes fighting it out. Ethnic self determination means peace and prosperity
>Shows how much you know user.
Yeah, because I don't know about the inner working of some shithole in a part of the world that has been unstable for as long as I've been alive, I know nothing, right?
>How come my country, with geography and size almost exact to that of the U.S, is still a shithole (Majority white by the way)
First of all, no, you're not majority white.
Second, even the white portion mostly comes from southern European countries, which incidentally also have terribly economies and are rife with corruption.
>and the small resourceless island of Japan is one of the world largest economies?
Because the Japs are intelligent, hard working and right-wing. Same with Koreans and the Taiwanese.
I'm not saying political systems don't matter, but race matters far more. North Korea is dirt poor, but there is still complete order and very little crime. The same goes for East Germany. Even with the worst political system in the history of the world, good races can make them work to a point where they don't descend into violence and chaos.
This. This as fuck. It has such a small population.
No, some countries today have lower inflation-adjusted GDP per capitas than in 1970. Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo for example. Those two countries did genuinely become poorer like Botswana has genuinely became richer; it's not an artifact of how they're measured.
Botswana's relative ethnic homogeneity and smaller population probably has saved it from the conflicts that other African countries have suffered, I agree.
>You know everyone in botswana has aids right?
Not even close to true. Only a quarter of the population is infected with HIV.
Botswana is lower on the HDI than fucking North Korea. I wouldn't call that "prospering".
Genetics plays a much larger role in how well a country does than its political system.
>Only a quarter of the population is infected with HIV.
g-good job botswana...
You mean Rhodesia?
What whites tribes ?
English and Dutch descendants ?
>itt people with no first hand experience acting as if they know about African countries
You should just stick to Nazism and Anarcho capitalism to prevent yourselves from sounding blindly uninformed
Don't make me laugh, OP.
And as long as we're on the topic of aid...
Botswana doesn't shot the successes of the black race, but its failures.
As reminds us, African nations have the fortune to export their lucrative resources, like diamonds, to the rest of the world. A simple strategy, yet no African nation seems to do this, except Botswana.