Not even republicans like you Dumpfkins

Not even republicans like you Dumpfkins

>having an opinion that matters

If Trump doesn't send the feds to Virginia I'm done with him


implying we like the RNC

National guard is there mate

But it's powerful and brave when shitskins do it, right? I hope the RNC implodes right after the DNC.

You didn't vote for him faggot

>Not even republicans like you Dumpfkins
The feeling is mutual.

The Democrap Party is falling apart. Trump is the ONLY thing keeping the Republicans from falling apart. If Trump is assassinated, impeached, "dies suddenly", or is forced to resign, then it's over for ALL OF THEM. They can ALL FUCKING BURN. There will be no left/right only swamp creatures and people.

i love how fucking dumb and short memory liberal retards are. You imply that people that actually want the country back from deep state / crony establishment politicans and that think trump can help would like the RNC. Besides rand paul, they're all garbage that don't give a shit about yours/the country's interests .

RNC is almost as bad as the DNC.You can thank hillary, john podesta, and debbie wasserman schultz for that

What are they doing that's hateful and bigoted? Can I get a quick rundown? Is it because they want secure borders?

being white

>Pepsi Presents: Team Red corporate career politicians dont like this!
>Just like Pepsi Presents: Team Blue corporate career politicians!



cuckservatives were never on our side
different side of the same corrupt kike coin
vote them all out

Any specific examples of "hate" and "bigotry"?

>rally organized by ???
>invited kkk and neo-nazis under "the right" banner
>only accomplished demonizing whites even more
>blm suddenly pops up again after being dead for a year

really makes you think

Fuck the RNC. They don't give a fuck.

if you wanna be dense that's fine but there is no grace or tact in the walks, it's literally being framed as nazis and kkk are walking for rights?! nah man just walking to show off they still exist. There is a subtly that stormfront lacks and if they really wanteded to could have disguised it enough to get away with it. There is no real base except to defend whiteness. They could have at least have the focus maybe be on income inequality, or lack of opioid support that is ruining white communities, or lack of funding for rural communities, or hell even flipping it as a white appreciation contribution march mighty worked better but no, autists are too dumb for that and they thought that literally bringing out their confederate, and nazi flags was the way to go.


Romney was the reason Obongo got into office the second time. Worthless faggot, I didn't even vote that year because he was such shit. Anyway nothing is wrong with nationalism but the (((media))) and the left would like you to think otherwise. Please be a good goy and listen to what we have to say here at the (((cable news station))), no need to think for yourself.


>a fucking romney
Why should i care about this persons opinion?



Just controlled opposition for Israel and the Jews. They seek to exploit and exterminate the white people of the US as well.

Where was the hate a bigotry coming from? Why do these pussies always let their opponents frame the argument for them?

Rand Paul is garbage. He doesnt do anything hes all talk.

what is
>american revolution

dumb foreigner cunt

They're defending the statue of an anti-slavery figure because he fought for the Confederates. Apparently Confederacy = pure evil.

It's literally no different than a fag parade done today


>Neice of Romney
>hates Donald Trump and white people

What a surprise!

I think the past 8 months should have made it clear that "republicans" are an enemy just like democrats.

>Not even republicans like you Dumpfkins

Yeah, that was apparent during the election. Republicans are a bunch of cucked little faggots who play by the Democrat's rules, this was made painfully apparent last year.

it's like they're on autopilot and they don't even care that words are supposed to mean things

what violence is she referring to?