"Communism is a failu-"

"Communism is a failu-"
Clearly you've never heard of Yugoslavia

Other urls found in this thread:


>that one serb that is still butthurt over the bombings

>showing a illyrian city like an agrument about how cool the jugoslavian communim was


"Yugoslavia" You can find it over here along with Ukraine and half the countries in the middle east.

yes, it truly is an amazing country today.

yeah because bombing a white christian country in support of muslims is so great amirite fellow pedes! :)

Please post redpills on Yugoslavia during the Marshal Tito era.

Nope, can I smoke it?

That marshall plan money and the IMF bailouts sure did help a lot didn't they you commie fuck?

Tito and the partisans killed about 100,000 of their own people at the end of the war. Tito was a maniac

Yugoslavia was awful. Thank fuck we've climbed out of that hell hold

I'll kill you. Not in the street like a nigger, instead you'll be in my trunk for a little while and the rest will be a mystery. To your family, to the police, to everyone. I'm gonna keep your secret.

>Basing a claim of success on a country that doesn't exist anymore


I want a "Yugo" car just for the meme value. I've heard it's nearly impossible to find one not turned to rust by now.

Also what does communism have to do with the artificial construct called Yugoslavia? From what I've read Yugoslavia was BARELY communist. Tito was so independent that the Soviets and the Americans considered Yugoslavia to be practically neutral. They were part of the Soviet Bloc in name only.

just fucking visit and offer someone money for it. i can get you one if you wanna travel all the way to fucking serbia to collect it, lol.

>A country that doesn't exist anymore.

It was communism. Take my word for it.
Tito was a faggot who aligned with poos and salam sandniggers (Non-Aligned Movement)

Milder form of communism made it less shitty than most.

>Non-Aligned Movement
>Very active today
Pick one.

should have never been created in the first place

The point is he saw namaste and salam sandniggers as equals
you goof nigger you

pic extremely related

>Clearly you've never heard of Yugoslavia
Yes because it doesn't exist anymore

Yugowhat? Nukes or GTFO.

It is a failure. It provides free stuff for the current generation on the expense of the future generations. We're now paying the debts of our stupid communist grandparents.

The Non-Aligned Movement is not as active as during the Cold War. It also played the anti-imperialist card and several of its member states were pro-Soviet.

none of that matters you black nigger the point is Tito was a faggot degenerate who stood shoulder to shoulder with salam and namaste sandniggers

>Rule of three
I'm done.

That was socialist dictatorship with heavy overlay of artificial yet working Yugoslav nationalism.

Noting commie about it.

this too. in many ways, yugoslavia was natsoc, it's just it replaced actual nations with a single artificial one. still, had we been separated with governments a bit more nationalist and a bit more capitalist, balkans would be a fucking utopia rn

maybe if egos weren't such shit they would have caught on in america like honda/toyota did and yugo would have been swimming in money. Maybe that was Reagans idea and you failed him

yugos not egos

reagan was working pretty hard on fucking yugoslavia over as far as ik. i actually think a yugoslav identity would be pretty cool, but croats and slovenians clearly didn't agree and now it's too late.

oh shit nvm lol

>reagan was working pretty hard on fucking yugoslavia over
he literally gave your car industry access to the biggest market on the planet and you fumbled the ball

i'm not sure this is neccesarily true, but i do remember there being talks about the reagan administration funding various ngo's and similar shits in the country.

redpill me on Tito

total faggot

Isn't Jugo - Slavia just another Jew - Slavic organization?

Or does Jew-Go mean Jew-Get-The-Fuck-OUt?


>A country that doesn't exist proves communism works

most loved "dictator" of all time

this is a subversion thread, and not even a good one.

Have you ever heard off Singapore?

>yay, let's try to make fucker that hated each others for centuries live side by side, how could that possibly go wrong ?

jugo means south
slavia means slavic
jugoslavia = south slavic

Jug means south or southern
istok mean east
sjever means north
zapad means west

Uhh do you know how it ended up?