Massive L
driven out by the police
How is this an L, exactly
What were they supposed to do, chimp out and give the opposition even more ammunition
Lawful, peaceful assembly has been revoked by the authorities. This is the biggest fucking mistake they could possibly make - it takes all other avenues off the table - and the only thing left is killing. Get ready to die, you made your fucking choice. Cops, feds, elected traitors - all will be slaughtered.
The last image of this whole march is people chanting black lives matter. Huge L by the alt right
Yes give us more salty tears
I did not see anyone from the right forced out. The men with guns(whom i presme are part of the right) went to one side of the sidewalk and that was about it. on the other side of the roadway were leftists shouting black lives matter. just a whole lot of nothing.
Hhahahahaha just hours ago Sup Forums was hyping itself up to KILL ANTIFA, SHOOT LIBTARDS, MUH WHITE SUPREMACY. How it was going to be the single greatest rally for white power ever.
Watching you cucks change your tone 180° to "w-w-whut are we suppose to do?!!?!" is absolutely fucking hilarious Hahahahahaha
kys neogaf faggot
I remember Black Lives Matter burning that city a fews years back and they had to bring in the National Guard.
Liberals reaching hard for any kind of victory it seems.
>Much Pol is one person meme
Get real boyo
This. You think cops are your friends? The gubberment?
Anyone that goes to these rallies, be they left or right-wing, are autistic LARPing faggos.
What happened to day of the rope cuck?
absolute shit show. the only way these faggots can redeem themselves is to march a thousand strong on downtown and take it back
>going outside
not even once
yeah that's all you have left at this point faggot HAHAHAHAHAHA
I'll let you pretend this was a win out of pity
ok he has an earlier video with the police ordering the right protesters to disperse. none of the protesters were arguing or shouting at the police. they followed their orders.
The only time I have seen rotesters arrested was because they disobeyed and were causing trouble, often they were leftists and leftist groups. BLM, commies, and so forth were always arrested because of their refusal to obey the police and general disorder. This is direct opposition to the rightists who, as we see in the videos, obeyed the police and did not instigate violence. Even the armed militia men followed police oreders outright.
The government just showed that they support commies at the rally.
>rally organized by ???
>invited kkk and neo-nazis under "the right" banner
>only accomplished demonizing whites even more
really makes you think
Agreed. Once the real race war starts ill be there
Best thing that could have happened. Spencer and the larpers are controlled opposition
a fucking leaf
The right don't attack police like lefty faggots
fuck off antifachan
Nice refuting, go back to your Discord server on shame
That's what Ryan says.
They declared a state of emergency????
Lol this is precious coming from a board that calls everyone who is not sucking daddy Donny's cock a shill. Fuck off faggot.
Watching your echo chamber get BTFOd so badly within hours of starting your little rally is absolutely hilarious.
Michael rapaport nailed it
Paul Ryan is a absolute cuck. Why that faggot is still in power is beyond me
>B-b-but we didn't hurt the copz. We're the good goyz! W-w-we swear.
Okie dokie sweetie
they did absolutely nothing wrong, they were BTFO by Charlottesville police which are under the control of a nigger commie mayor. You didn't "win" anything if you have unconstitutionally use the police to enforce your no-free-speech dictatorship.
Not surprising a mentally ill libshit would consider that a "win".
Thanks for making me want to die even more.
You really think this fucking idiot has any ground to speak?
He knocked up a black chick, he's the ultimate loser.
>Wants to enforce a christian white ethnostate because MUH SUPERIOR EUGENICS
>lecturing about constitutionality
>*ring ring*
>"Yes hello Charlottesville police? There are about 400 larpers in a park"
why can't they just do the gay hand holding thing and let the police try disband them
What's his name user
Did the first few inches hurt at first?
Well its usually black dudes knocking up white girls
A white guy knocking up a white girl sounds cute
Interracial babies are future by 2050 most people will be mixed
I mean sure, at first I thought a right wing protest was a good idea, but if you watch any MSM right now, including Fox, they're all being referred to as "racist white supremacists" they're cherry picking the people they interview. The last guy I just saw on Fox literally said
>I survived genocide when I was a child. We're being gassed by the jew lovers.
Any of the violence that crops up is being painted as being started and caused by the "racist white men" no matter who starts it. And whenever they find a sensible person to interview they cut him off as quickly as possible. The right wing was better off sitting at home, doing nothing. I fear that this will kill any momentum the right had. It will turn moderate people away from the right. Hell, I'm pretty sure there's Antifa there posing as dumb white rednecks, and that's who the MSM is interested in interviewing.
I'm just saying, the right was better off sitting at their jobs, or at home, and allowing the left to go out and make a fool of themselves. That helped the right immeasurably. This does not. If you don't believe me, turn on any MSM network and see what they're saying right now. what happened?
there are like 17 threads about the fucking march
Damn, only took 14 (literally fourteen) hours before they stopped it.
You do know this has been going on since 6 PM.....YESTERDAY? This march was a massive success in every way. Regular lefties are scared. Actual fear.
>Jewish governor revokes the federally granted assembly permit at the last possible second and sends in police in riot gear to break apart the rally
>We did it fellow leftists!
Umm sweetie, you didn't do anything.
>my feet hurt
>tfw no white nationalist gf
>I want go home
>I could be posting on Sup Forums
Hold this L
>Cop said the Mayor is ordering the police to stand down allowing the AntiFa and BLM to attack the #UniteTheRight rally. #Charlottesviille
paranoid much sweetie?
Where are all these shills coming from and why do they care so much?
March got shut down despite them having a permit from a federal judge, and Sup Forums has gone into maximum overshill due to people being triggered at that many whites in one place arguing against ethnic replacement.
Sorry, but even before the police came the commies were already winning.
They just peppersprayed and got back, meanwhile /ourguys/ were just there holding their shields.
>Why would anti-white shills care about a demonstration of white racial awareness and unity.
Read the preamble to the Constitution, it clearly states this country is for "our posterity" meaning our descendants. Read the 1790 Naturalization Act, it states the country is for free white persons. This was founded as a white nation, and we've fallen very far from that ideal. Has nothing to do with "white supremacy" it's just the simple idea that non-whites are aggressive and hateful towards us, and given enough numbers they will crash our fragile democracy with communist / open border policies. It's that simple. You run your country the way you want, we'll run ours they way we want.
They are scared.
Everyone was chanting black lives matter afterwards. Massive L. People are laughing at them not with them
state gonna get sued and lose over this
They don't even understand what the game is - how could they possibly tell who is winning? They are not to be worried about.
>muh excuses
most devastating american rape since Vietnam lol
300 kkk nazi larpers vs 6000 nigger lover and commies.
>300 kekistani edgelords vs 6000 Americans
>national socialist youth is marching in the USA
What a time to be alive. Maybe there is hope after all.
Massive L for your 1st Amendment (again).
But I agree. This is the sort of draconian state control you see in countries like mine or those of Europe and China.
Surprised to see it coming to fruition in the U.S.
And to think - People were worried it would come from Drumpf - But it appears the location of this rally was in a Democrat controlled state.
Liberals really are going full Soviet.
It probably would have ended in bloodshed otherwise. Shame that he chose the easy way out by ending the assembly instead of telling the police to protect it.
Ryan is one of the jews sending your tax money to Israel every year.
so just gun down all the police next time? that would be a "win" in your book wouldn't it? fucking degenerate moron.
Are those communist flags in the background?
The last image is Tricky Dick Spencer being swamped by riot cops before the rally even began and the governor declaring a State Of Emergency because white people wanted to hold a small scale peaceful rally
>you need to protect the nazis
I wonder what your grandpa would think about that.
Are you planning a happening, user?
Oh you!
Because their movement is for respecting order and law, duh. What leftists don't understand (because they lack ethics) is that this is a consistent behavior and it serves to improve their reputation with the larger public. This is how you build a real movement. MLK understood it and he was successful - if the posers claiming to be for equality in 2017 actually knew the history they wish to co-opt they would see that they lose when the nazis appear to be the more reasonable party.
>Hollywood actors
wtf I love police states now
Well, you guys always did look up to Venezuela.
>turn on any MSM network and see what they're saying right now.
dude nobody fucking trusts the MSM don't you get it? most republicans after this past election basically assume "believe the opposite of what the MSM says"
Sup Forums is functionally one person
>we're not violent like the left!
>now watch as i kill all the police because they took my tiki torch!
>you will never latch on Brittany's big titties
>you will never lick them like a mad pig drooling everywhere
We civil rights now. Our people will be allowed to demonstrate peacefully.
He's a lying kike once again the video shows large groups of antifa faggots getting dispersed, they have no permit and are a violent mob and are in the wrong place.
Unlike Bongistan, Americans have a right to peacefully assemble regardless of their views.
Wow. Deeply concerning. Truly concerning. I am very concerned.
How can you win with protesting?
>You get escorted away and arrested and don't resist
Yassss nahtzee btfo we won
>You get into a scuffel with the authority
Right wingers a violent bigot the real winners we the left
What was this rally about anyway? Pol was acting like it was the second coming of Hitler but all I saw was people holding tiki matches
Did this accomplish anything?
Yeah, but basically no one outside pol would try to spin some guys with hazi flags... That's not even infowars tier.
Stop LARPing, you don't matter at all. You are a non-factor.
The livestreams were pretty embarrassing to watch honestly.
It seems the right is better at offense than defense, stick to crashing antifag rallies instead of holding your own
You can't win with the state our MSM is in. Right-wingers will be slandered no matter what they do.
>alt right kids are giant pussies
what a surprise
Ding. No press is bad press. The media is under the impression that shouting nazi will get people to oppose the marchers but what they are really accomplishing is a rehabilitation of the nazi brand. Morons.
>Alt-Right want to hold rally
>Leftist city says "no fucking way"
>Alt-Right sue them for breaking the 1st Amendment
>Federal Judge sides with the Alt-Right
>15 minutes before the rally is to start, riot cops swarm in, Governor declares a State Of Emergency, making any "unlawful assembly" illegal
>Cops send everyone packing
So...Literally nothing happened in the end, after all the hype.
Wow. All that bravado and talking up last night for it all to just come out as a wet fart. All that shit about being the turning point or a revolution was really all bullshit.
Even MSNBC showed a clip of ANITFAgs with some spray painted wood getting knocked down.
>Lawful, peaceful assembly has been revoked by the authorities.
I am amazed. They got scared. They took away the rights of a peaceful protest. This will bite them in the ass.
They got into a tough spot. They knew they had to grant the permit. They revoked it in fear.....Illegal, but fear none the less. The news cannot possibly cover thousands of red blooded americans peacefully supporting a president and praying for a better future for their children.
The sick fucking satanists and other government "officials" need to be removed. Forcefully if necessary.
So are you the one that creates BLACKED threads?
self defense is not initiating violence.
I saw Antifa hiding behind tipped over bins.
Why do you keep saying "L"?