"Unite the Right" is a Soros-funded Antifa-operated psyop designed to make the right look bad

This is what the BLM/Resist producers and directors have been up to the pasts few months and the reason you haven't heard anything from them. Terry McAuliffe himself is certain involved in the production, which is why it is occurring in his state. This op was in planning for weeks, then all of a sudden they spam the internet with it and this is the first that any real person has heard of it. And it uses a lot of reverse psychology "Stay away!" in McAuliffe's public statement to ensure a bunch of idiots show up just to Streisand him.
A bunch of Antifa morons cut their hair and put on decent clothing and are getting paid $15/hr to carry torches around and say stupid things on camera. They'll start a few fights at a few rallies to make right wing supporters look 'violent', then we will see news stories in the typical sites like Buzzfeed, etc. on how individual members either have Jewish heritage or have a felony record for child porn possession. Whatever they can dream up to humiliate the right by associating these fake Nazis with them.
I bet if you took the profile images from the people at these marches you wouldn't find any social media accounts or they are only a few months old and obviously cringe-level larping.

Again, "Unite the Right" is an antifa psyop to make the entire right look bad via this tiny group of morons and whatever social outcasts they manage to attract with their advertising. Either ignore these losers or do your research and expose them, but don't fall for their dirty tricks. This is not some great white awakening or the start of the fifteenth reich. The name alone, "Unite the Right" should have been an immediate giveaway that this is a scam to make the Right look bad. Everyone involved with this bullshit is funded by CIA/Soros.

Other urls found in this thread:


So lugenpresse at its finest

If that's the case, it's working. Alt-Right tards are behind it like flocks.

Racism is treason to a multiethnic United States. All nazis deserve to be shot.

God bless the United States of America.

this thread is a soros funded antifa operated psyop slide thread designed to make good threads go outside of the first page

Ask yourself why no one heard anything about this shit until today. Ask yourself how it is that Buzzfeed reported that there was "violence with counterprotestors at an earlier impromptu rally". How did counterprotestors show up to an impromptu rally?

Why the hell would they use the confederate fucking flag on their imagery other than to increase association between that flag and "The United Right". Why on earth would we, the fucking right, need the confederate fucking flag, when we have control over the large majority of fucking governorships, state councils, oval office, both houses of congress, and the supreme court? The goddamn flag of the USA is the flag of the "United Right" because we control almost all the goddamn country now. Only a complete moron or Soros subversive would attach the confederate flag to rightwing marketing at this point.

>. Ask yourself how it is that Buzzfeed reported
why would i ask why buzzfeed does something?



pol, won't you help her?

Stupid baked Alaska destroyed peacefull and effective meme war. Fuck of retard right people you destroyed the movement

>dont come together goy

It might be time to face the cold hard truth that the alt right attracts very stupid people in greater numbers than even fringe left. You embrace banjo picking cousin fuckers and the rest of us laugh at you.

There is no conspiracy just because your team is retarded.

Meanwhile your still sending 30 billion of your tax dollars to Israel every year.

But hey great job marching around with torches goy!

I see there are still a few real patriots left.

id believe it. the actual NAZIs and white supremacists are retarded enough to fall for such tricks

Nice try schlomo

>Richard Spencer
Yeah this is a congregation of the actually racist mongoloids that make Trump and his supporters look bad. Best to dissociate from this as much as possible

Antifa beating an old man, police car right there.

>all this damage control

a lot of tiny-dicked insecure white virgins were there.

one dude went ape shit after a black guy called him out on his small penis



Those idiots are nothing but good goyim

Goddamn. The cringe is palpable.


>I-I-It was da jews! They made us look bad!

Holy shit, the amount of mental gymnastics you're performing. Are you fucking serious?

fuck you

This is correct.
This is bad press for Trump.

Ironically, this is more influential than any other March or protest they have done.

Peaceful protesters got policed, that's nonsense.


>"Unite the Right" is a Soros-funded Antifa-operated psyop designed to make the right look bad

No, it's someone's stupid idea to mess with a statue during a time were historical wounds regarding the civil war have not healed.

i see you schlomo. i hope you're the first one gassed.


texas will be blue by 2024 and whites will be a minority by 2040. it's too late for slow and steady progress. let trump do what we can, but we have to push beyond that too.

>impromptu rally
>Im so retarded that i dont know where they were protesting, why they were protesting and who was speaking

Sounds something a jew would say.

She should come here and post this herself is she accually expects help. Titts with timestamp means he is discovered within 2 hours

The left has the state and the media to cover for them.

George Soros is the wealthiest anti Zionist on the planet. Why anyone would be against him is beyond me.

Shh, this triggers the Cletus'.

he's pro open borders and globalism and race mixing and feminism and transgenderism and everything that's wrong in the world.

>tfw not ugly middle-aged man

Can someone with more tools than I help me capture this clip of Antifa beating an old man. I'm having trouble doing this shit, because the youtube video is still livestreaming. I went back and have the part paused where they beat this old man but can't capture it.


>Sup Forums please help

>Ask yourself why no one heard anything about this shit until today
Nigger you have such basic bitch political awareness that you only heard about this today. I knew about it for over a month

Cause of the satanism

RWDS is protecting the monument now.

Stupid shit is just going to escalate.

Spencer is a CIA plant. He's a Soto stooge.

Keep it up folks. Send in the guard every night. Keep those monuments closed up tight.

Good goy, just sit in your basement and don't do anything.

He's also the only elite to question Israel's right to exist, and call out AIPAC's influence on American politics.

We are going to shoot you first though desu.

You fucking low thinking plebbitor

Anti Zionism means they are Pro Globalist.

They don't believe in Israel being the Jewish state - because they think the whole WORLD is the Jewish state.

The right doesn't need any fucking help to look bad and literally everyone knows that

so? why the fuck does it matter if israel exists or not if we're still gonna be replaced?

Soros says Jews and Israel cause anti-Semitism. I think you've been spoonfed propaganda by Sheldon Adelson.

>We the right.

How do you do fellow rightwingers.

Confederate flag belongs to Dixies.
They are holding rally in park formerly known as Lee, now renamed into emancipation.
They are protesting the systematic erasing of history and ethnic cleansing of white people (southerners in this instance) .

Confederate flag makes complete sense.

And it's called unite the right because natsocs, altrighters, identitarians, traditionalists, even civic nationalists are invited.

Conservatives I would assume are exluded because they are liberals with time delay and are utter cucks.

Fucking kike

>(((controlled opposition)))
Richard Spencer
Lauren Southern

When will these larping kekistani faggits learn? You do realize you are now on a deep state facial recognition db?

Dixie hasn't existed in 150 years. It's called the United States of America.

>s-since we're g-getting BTFOd so badly, remember that t-this is a soros funded event. W-w-we totally weren't shilling for this rally all night!
HAHAHAHAHAHA can you trumpcucks get any more transparent.

He is absolutely right though. Of course Soros would be against Israel as a state because he believes that Judaism should be an international secret society.

Jews don't produce anything.. They are not "working class" people and have always made money off of rent, usury, speculation and intellectual pursuits.

As soon as Jews adopt their own nation they will need a working class and that isn't going to happen and if it does the Jewish race will lose their status.

You are right, the above posted shillings proof it....

Jesus fucking christ that photo hahaha.

Die commie.

No, racist people are really this stupid. They make themselves look bad without anyone trying.

>“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”


These Alt-Right street faggots are being used to create a United Front against the real Nationalists in the US.

What's worse, is that the Commies openly publish these plans knowing most of the Right will be too brainwashed and stupid to actually bother learning and understanding their methods.