You guys look like dorks
You guys look like dorks
This is what the left have been reduced to.
nice coat rack staff
At least we have something to fight for faggot
They're good looking guys. What the fuck are you talking about?
>muh cause
This shit is gayer than a boy scout circle jerk.
so this is the power of communism... woah...
White people don't win through passion. We win with organization and planning. This march was a fucking joke, none of these turds were prepared.
Eat your father's mutilated dick.
>the alt right r/T_D nu-Sup Forums crowd are just a bunch of scrawny middle class kids who are into cosplay
wew lad thanks for letting these faggots in Hiro
get KTFO sweetie.
They aren't dorks. They are literally Hitler Nazi stormtroopers that we need to fear taking over America. Read the news. White people are dangerous.
Yea, I'll definitely agree there. Just an unorganized mess fighting a well-funded Antifa movement that is organized and ready.
Nothing will ever be accomplished with these half-assed attempts.
I picked up on this almost five years ago and they still do it.
They don't even know the criticisms of them that we use to persuade and recruit.
Eat shit, at least they're standing up for something they truly believe in, representing their race as we get closer to becoming a minority in our own lands. For God, Volk, Reich and Fuhrer. 88.
Why the fuck do all these people at the rally look like skinny twiglets? Is it their choice of attire or something?
I could probably beat up any of those white shirts, and I'm a manlet that doesn't even lift.
>I could probably beat up any of those white shirts
you would get your skull crunched in shit stain manlet
no I've always made fun of people who look like dorks
But you're still a giant faggot and if even a dork got in your face about it you'd wilt
lmao can't even do the knot correctly
These clips are fun.
The left are fucking terrified. Rightly so. We don't forget their transgressions against the European race.
Why is /leftypol/ so obsessed with the looks of other men? Wait, don't answer that.
bearded guys look like creepy inbred mormon brothers who put that stick up each others asses.
Nah, look at them. Pure twiglets. They probably can't even lift 50lbs.
its antifa, a white guy showing up regardless of looks is worth more than a million behind the keyboard and /our guys/ are showing up, that said this really is babysteps compared to europe where white nationalist have obliterad the presence of commies, even nordfront in swe walks unharmed everytime they march
In Under Armour an official sponsor?
Will World War III just be a big LARPing event that got taken too far?
we're terrified of your relaxed fit khakis
Grow up.
Even if you're a lefty, it shows you're willing to make fun of any appearance. I bet it's hard to keep your mouth closed with all the tranny pussys dilating around you
testosterone!! use it!!
by amino acids that create testosterone in your body
Fuck off antifa.
Did they steal the helmet from the local batting cage?
well at least we are doing undershirts so our nipples are protruding any more. We will get better