Friendly reminder that Drumpf supporters vote against their own economic interests
>caring about hospital bills
pfffhahaha tell me you dont do this?
if you already have insurance, then what negative impacts could possibly come from "obama care"?
isn't obamacare only that you're forced by law to buy insurance?
What's stopping him from doing bodily harm to her right then and there?
>paying hospital bills
god americans are fucking stupid. just stop paying, they cant fuck everyone
Obamacare ruined private health care.
The people that are against Obamacare are largely either benefiting from it without realizing it's what the ACA is, don't want to be forced to buy health insurance even if they can afford it because they think it's a waste of money and they'll never get sick, or think their tax dollars shouldn't be used to benefit others.
>if you already have insurance, then what negative impacts could possibly come from "obama care"?
Insurance costs soar because, well multiple reasons. When I switched over to a new job my gap coverage was crazy expensive. Also if you own your own business. Insurance costs will bankrupt you quickly.
I still have health insurance but it was devalued and it sucks now because of Obamacare.
If you don't take money from the government then voting for smaller government is in your best interest.
Who the fuck are you to decide what is in another individual's self interest?
Kill yourself, you pinko totalitarian.
I'd say it's within my economic interests to prioritize getting illegals that work for peanuts to stop cutting the wages of the overall workforce.
Sorry I don't like getting scammed by Big Pharma so King Nigger can pretend his "Citizens on healthcare" stat wasn't him literally threatening to tax them if they didn't pay his pharma buddies.
>Friendly reminder that Drumpf supporters vote against their own economic interests
Correct, they vote for their own racial interests.
Yeah because as a healthy 23yo with no family history of disease I should be required to pay out for other peoples bullshit. I just need catastrophic until I reach my mid-late 30's. I don't want to pay for dayquons gunshot wounds because he is in my insurance group.
friendly reminder that mental illness is a prerequisite for being liberal
Nothing whatsoever.
Bump, very interested in how American posters actually respond to this one
I don't take government money.
>implying obamacare covers all your costs
Are these people fucking retarded? I would be better off saving my own money and paying out of pocket than paying for an Obamacare Bronze package every month.
>Not giving hospital fake Hispanic name
>Not pretending to not be able to speak English
>Not having the hospital put you under charity care because they think you're illegal
C'mon now...
You're a based black man aren't you?
>hurr, you pay car insurance though and you dont bitch about that right?
I cant tell you how many times ive heard that response
What makes you think I'll no longer be insured? I do something that is totally unheard of by you lefties and actually pay for insurance. Do you think I am going to suddenly stop paying?
Obama the nigger is why my health insurance went away
Why does everyone that's a idiot assume that everyone has Obamacare
Typical right wing moron with no argument and nothing intelligent to say.
Oh boy here we go...
Charts and 50+ replies incoming
I do, it's bullshit to be REQUIRED to pay fucking insurance.
>"Pay us some money to make sure you're not buttfucked if something is damaged"
>"Oh wait, you died and we never had to pay out? Your family will never see this money"
It's literal extortion.
Good thing I'm within walking distance of my job and any store I need to go to.
A lot of people haven't been allowed to keep their insurance, being forced to join a shitty, more expensive Obamacare company.
>this fucking thread again
>implying insurance makes healthcare free
When ACA hit, healthcare costs skyrocketed - even under modest insurance you would still pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for absolutely nothing. I went to the ER for tachycardia last year, and they ran a bill of over $8,000 for less than 2 hours of "care" - which amounted to checking my blood pressure, giving me a beta blocker and a cheap x-ray.
There is no such thing as "Affordable Care", fucking die screaming in a fire.
if you're under 40 and you see a doctor you must be a weak diseased faggot. i had to go to the emergency room for some stitches recently and i just gave a fake name. emergency room was overcrowded with illegal spics btw lol
>hurr, you pay car insurance though and you dont bitch about that right?
I do actually. I live in a no-fault car insurance state. If I were legally allowed to go without insurance I would.
Friendly reminder that anti-Trump supporters vote against their economic, national, and self interests.
>if you're under 40 and you see a doctor you must be a weak diseased faggot
hahahah you're fucking delusional if you're serious man
Because of Obamacare my premiums skyrocketed to nearly 12k a year with a 7k deductible. I keep my insurance but a decent paying job is necessary. I am one of those people that the liberals say don't exist. The ones where our premiums rose to astronomical rates. Every person I know is paying out the ying-yang for it now. Rates similar to mine.
All that Obamacare did for me was cost me more money. I didn't lose healthcare. I still won't. But maybe my healthcare will go back down if things are changed.
this lol
just have someone bail you out from the hospital and flee without paying
>bu-but they have muh ID
who is dumb enough to go out with their ID in this day and age. If I'm out and need medical attention I could litteraly be anyone, if you take me to your hospital without my consent I aint paying shit nigguh lol
Friendly reminder that economic interests are not the fucking issue at the moment and if you werent a braindead leftist you'd understand that
B-but Marx said it was all about the material conditions! Kill yourself, please
Obamacare looks that way to individuals, but there were several regulatory changes as well which cause premiums to rise. For example:
>No barring for pre-existing conditions
Now insurance companies have to accept the uninsured person with terminal cancer even though they will never pay in what they take out. That will be eaten by all the others with insurance in that area, and they all lose money on insurance overall, to keep that one alive for a few more months.
It's so bad that it's actually cheaper to just pay the fine for no insurance, which just makes the problem worse.
Weak diseased faggot detected
You yanks need to go a step further than abolishing Obamacare. Strip out all the regulations and socialism bullshit that protect salaries of medical professionals, forcing them to compete on a level playing field without government interference. Basic healthcare would become cheap enough to be accessible to everyone.
do doctors in your country even have medicine? you'd be better off visiting your village wizard. at least he could hook you up with some magic herbs or something.
WHats the more pressing issue resolution right now right wing retard?
Obamacare caused my premium to go up two and a half times.
Most of this country is FUCKING FAT, and it is the cause of most of their health problems. Explain to me why a single fucking cent of taxpayer money should be spent on their health, or why I should have to pay so much more for my insurance to cover them?
Nope they voted for poor spics and Niggers to die!
Nignugs don't have enough money for hospital bills, so they die!
Because they are your countrymen and our taxes should go to the basic welfare of our citizens. Our economy would benefit a lot more under nationalized healthcare too
>have a job
>get insurance
I don't understand the problem here
It's affordable for people that can't afford anything, but it also robs middle class workers with retarded premiums. Schumer, the architect admitted to Congress it was a wealth redistribution scheme
Doctor pay isn't why our healthcare is so expensive, that's a drop in the bucket. Plus they don't have wage protection, it's literally just supply and demand. What we need to do is get rid of all the fucking lawyers who force us to do tons of shit we know probably won't help and use overpriced nonsense because it's "better".
The country would benefit greatly if you were physically restrained, posted to a wall and shot to death. Fucking puke.
You misspelled Hospital administrator
Go blow yourself up cooking meth in you your trailer home, Cletus
>sending jobs overseas
>mass immigration
>good for salaries and wages
If you cared about your fellow citizens, you wouldn't subsidize the side effects of their sloth and gluttony. Not even the best and most expensive medical treatment can save them.
Also no, charities are for welfare. The government should only be involved where complete collectivism is required, such as national defense.
Voting for your own economic interests is selfish greed when you don't like it though
>ignoring the real problem which is international globalist bankers/corporations/pharmaceuticals who exploit the normal American man out of everything they can for a quick profit
They just make the rules to fit the world of the lawyers
Same here.
Also, my required meds went from $10 a bottle to $350 since Obamacare started.
The Capitalistic want for more (aka successful societies) is expressed through democracy. You're both wrong.
>more pressing issue resolution
Identity v. society
It's not the pharma company trying to make me pay for Tyshon's metformin, it's the socialist left.
or the relationship of society giving you your identity.
Yea but a lot of working class whites for billionaire economic interests, which doesn't make fiscal sense for them when they could benefit from universal healthcare
My son was sick not too long ago. He required a prescription shot for blood thinner, the Insurance company doesn't pay for it. The shot is $1500.00 per injection.
>12k a year with 7k deductible
Sounds more like you need to lead a healthier life, user. There's no fucking way you should be paying that much unless you're in and out of the ER every month, you have like 30+% body fat with shit blood pressure, or you're seeing some specialized care provider routinely and the insurance company has justifiably considered you a high risk customer.
Public health is a lie and an excuse to overtax middle class and make socialism (everyone poor, except the commies). Fuck off.
Every person at my job is paying these premiums. It's the going rate for insurance with your employer.
Friendly reminder that "voting against your own economic interests" is Marxist code for being selfless and having honor.
I just bought my first Mercedes
Yeah, tough times. I couldn't even afford the AMG
Fuk U Trump...LOL
Shut the fuck up your worthless nigger loving butter golem. You're fucking dead. Read it once, and read it again - YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD.
Then you're employer has to be fucking you over or putting you guys on a terrible plan. I have nationwide coverage and I'm only paying $840 a year for my plan with my company's provider.
>implying you can't call the hospital on their bullshit and get the charges reduced by 95%
>implying insurance isn't just a big scam
the amount of money I pay in a monthly premium is less than my annual medical expenses
U mad Cletus? Lmao
>I don't want to pay for dayquons gunshot wounds because he is in my insurance group.
but negro, that's exactly what catastrophic insurance plans do.
Blue Cross and Blue shield. It's no joke and the employer was paying the deductible for the employees until it skyrocketed. Before Obamacare my premium was 185$ a month.
While the Democrats like the blame Liberman and republicans for Obamacare's failures. The law was designed to fail from the get go. the major cost control in the original bill was a government run insurance plan. Which people could pay into instead of private insurance companies. This government plan was to undercut everyone to try and bring private plan costs down to compete. Though the private insurers would not have been able to compete against artificially low prices. Everyone having to get their own insurance would have bought the cheap government insurance. unless they can afford and care about better quality care. eventually the ACA would cause the insurance markets to collapse. a large enough amount of people would still be on functioning government insurance. so the Democrats would have then pushed to put everyone on government plans.
though by gutting it to appear "bipartisan". they may have switched to a different strategy. set the republicans up to take the blame for the collapse. then use this to make major gains in votes. giving the democrats majority in federal and state governments for a generation.
buy Merc. What a fucking cuck.
BMW, Porche, Trucklife are the only options. Audi's ok, but they seem pretty woman tier.
sounds like you have a shitty employer. why don't you get a real job. I have one and my premiums are 10x smaller.
It's not just my employer. It's nationwide and it's a huge problem. You're one of the lucky ones that did not have these increases. Most companies have. Smaller companies that is, compared to nationwide corporations. I am going to guess that you work at a very large company.
I'm literally on Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I'm only paying $840 a year.
doesnt work that way nigs and spics get free healthcare regardless only people that die and get stuck with a huge bill are whites that voted for trump.
Yeah but a lot more goes into pricing. Employees of large corporations where many pay in to have lower premiums. Whereas a company like mine that is local and employs roughly around 150 people pay out the ass.
Another thing they don't like to talk about is that this kinda just dicks the people who really need something like this.
The """MIDDLE CLASS""" was already insured in most cases, either through employment or private insurance, but the thing is that now employers have to provide healthcare for full-time employees.
So minimum wage employers who don't have to be nearly as picky with credentials or performance now only hire on part-time workers. At best, anyone who might have been helped by this bill is instead bouncing between 2 or 3 part time jobs. At worst, they can't find enough hours to support themselves.
He want a catastrophic plan for himself, not a distributed socialized one
And here i am paying 60 dollars per month. Life is good.
its funny cuz minimum wage part time workers are abused as fuck. Deadlift 80 pound things managers don't want to move. The people that do the most potentially harmful labor that get you sick or injured are the ones with no healthcare. Really makes you think.
Maybe it's a necessity issue, lift this or we will find someone who can vs. Visual Basic coding, if anything is off we'll have your head.
>80 pound deadlift
lmao, do you even lift?
Usually something heavier than 50 is going to be a "group lift" when you're working in something like retail for minimum wage, but I don't know how heavy the shit you're pulling is when you're working at FedEX or something.
Friendly reminder that all pro-ACA posters are faggots still on their mommy's insurance plans.
It's not really the same as weights, it's not balanced weight most of the time. Sure, doing it is fine for a bit, but it starts to fucking hurt after a few hours.