disgusting migrants from Africa raped an 11 year old German girl! what can we do to stop this!!!
Migrants from Africa raped an 11 year old German girl!
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It's what those krauts want.
Why is that girl crying?
They're all just teens and kids experimenting their sexuality.
you can't do anything about migrants any more than you can a wild shark or a lion. their culture and their genetics have adapted to entirely different situations then the Western world. you can either remove them or continue to suffer. some of you will have to be brave and share these stories on social media despite the consequences.
they are biologist testing some vaginas u racist
1 White man every 100 Muslim/Black
absolute bullshit. look at the statistics from just about any country and you see this abuse occurring at all ages from them. a bunch of old Pakistani man we're basically responsible for raping about 1400 girls and Rotherham. it's how they treat objects over there. stop trying to justify it with a bunch of cognitive dissonance do you not understand how deceived you are.
You ever see hyenas maul a giraffe? It's just nature.
Rape is just part and parcel of living in a big city!
nature is cruel but we don't have to be. we're going to need to pull Temple Grandin into this one.
Why do you keep posting this Ginzo?
It wasnt funny the first time
Stop merkel
Not sure what that means but if you give me a complimentary 11 year old I might get behind your cause.
I mean that we're going to have to use Temple grandin's methods to to slaughter you ... in a humane way.
deport them all
dick was too big.
Go fuck your mother, larper. This ain't a game, it's real life, and winner takes all the preteen vagina.
we can remove it. finally I found a use for Bruce Jenner.
Source? The link you posted has nothing to do with the statement below.
inb4 2 months in jail, so no one calls judge islamophobic
I don't have any problem telling the people in real life that I'm gay. why don't you go tell your neighbors about yourself. but you better watch out. if you live in a city like mine people have guns at home.
part and parcel
Justice. Put him on trial, send him to prison, he'll be taken car of there by the state and the local populace as he deserves. When his time is up, immediately deport him and if he ever sets foot into Deutchlant again, execute him.
we can punish the slutty teens for teasing innocent migrants
cmon guys 11 years old girls are already able to breed
lead is cheaper.
only if your name is Muhammad or shekelstein
So what? When she grows up, she'll probably vote for more. The krauts deserve what they get.
I can't even describe how much fun I'm going to enjoy eliminating your kind. your kind are so inbred you don't even understand what you do.
The image of a due trial, even if unecessary, is vital to keep the populace in the belief that the system works.
Ja, mein Führer.
Seriously though, why don't all five of the Germans who actually have balls get together and start beating the shit out of these asshats on the streets? Make them want to go back to their shithole of a country.
You are only gay because you crumbled under an oppressive gynocentric culture that demonizes normal, virile male heterosexuality. Proclaiming oneself as gay does afford some increased social status in this day and age, but you are a faggot weakling I would stomp on sight. See you at the next nazi rally.
Read the fucking article you retards
enemy combatants should be killed on sight. they're all Invaders kill every one of them on sight.
She kind of looks like this one girl that was on the news because she had a severe reaction (hives and blisters) to sunlight. She can no longer go out in the day time.
Kill them all you fucking faggot.
Wow, what a shock, can't image that all those savages from africa are such animal, right.
I thought they are engineers, doctors, researcher and shiets.
It must be an isolate case, carry on, goys.
you dont say?
game management behind some of the biggest armies on the planet about one-third of the Marines are gay right now. your personal issues aside I have absolutely no problem with who I am. apparently neither do you and from my point of you that gives me the right to murder you without any moral compunction whatsoever. just remember that Law & Order are about to destabilize in this country. one can make a reasonable argument from looking at history that game and and pedophiles have fought each other since nearly the beginning of time. I'm prepared.
answering other user fuck off
what you gonna do gay boi? try to eliminate me with aids by offering your ass?
Don't care to read it. 11 and rape is already a good enough dopamine spike, thanks.
>severe mental instability detected
Lol schizo faggot
I see no "teen" in "eleven".
this bait thread shows that Sup Forums in general is not intelligent enough to stay away from anything that so perfectlya fits the hivemind narrative. no different from leftists or the people you hate
did you know that she was killed by African migrants?
The cunt merkel will be remembered as the destroyer of Europe.
Germany should be wiped off the face of the world.
>face and name in the news after raping a girl
Now that's a white privilege.
does it make me a bad person that I am furiously aroused by this story
Because that will change little, but show that the German people still have the will to fight and mark those who dare to do so to be swarmed upon by the sick farce that is today's leadership. The best one can do is fight by steeling one's will and maintain a stout belief in the ways of old.
Should I put on a dress, grow a beard and bow everyday to a God I care not for, just because some foreign swine that ruined their nation and country tells me to?! ha!
This is a different kind of war, brother. We must first forge an unbeatable mindset and only when the swine are enraged by their inablity to outsmart us and take the fight to streets, then and only then, we must slaughter them like they deserve. Let them pick up the torch first and we will carry it last.
Germans wanted it. They opened the borders.
he is an African migrant
This is nothing
You are a beast and you should end yourself if you're too pathetic to remake yourself into the image of an ubermench.
it actually is nothing
saturdays suck ass on this board
im having a good time
She should of worn more clothing. It's all her fault and she deserves to be punished
So? What does that matter? Germans are not human.
nice dub s my dude but you should read the article
no Germans are barbarian scum
nazi party needs to start back up and just kill niggers and Muslims for real asains indians and whites need to team up and kill off the three other weaker races spics niggers and sand niggers asains indians and whites are the oldest most advanced races lick it suck it and stamp it dumb sandy dindu tooquitos
Michael Dunn doesn't sound like a muzzy
because hes not Sup Forums users are just retarded
I'll bet, go for it bring out the potential keks and maymays.
White girl training for BIG BLACK COCK
Stop shilling your pathetic ideology and perversion on these board. I've seen you ruin 3 threads with this gay garbage. Go here to do so.
Start sinking the dingy's you useless wog.
start reading the article you retarded nonentity
It's funny how 99% of these posters didn't even click the link
burn the coal,lose your doll
ummmm no sweaty it wasnt peaceful migrants bc it was nazis :) #wypipo
what is it with subhuman wh*tes and hiding preteen girls in dungeons to repeatedly rape them n
is it an adaptation to cold climate?
This is our price we pay for voting CDU.