Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
The event was already shutdown and you accomplished NOTHING!
Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
The event was already shutdown and you accomplished NOTHING!
Other urls found in this thread:
They already think that way about white people
Can anyone tell me why his man boobs are so delicious? Is this a shop?
We're a board of peace.
This was all Daily Stormer.
this aint reddit faggot,m you cant justy go around posting your buzzwords not expecting to get BTFO
No such thing as bad publicity.
>Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
Everyone already thought that but now a few more people are afraid.
That what happens when people in power are commie scums and they control police
Only race war can save burgers at this point
>literally didn't know this existed until I came on Sup Forums twenty minutes ago
I wouldn't worry about it, it won't go past the 72 hour news cycle.
>Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
Spencer certainly done his part on inspiring that POV. Every time he does a public video I like to extract pics every 1 second and the background jews holding "suggestive" signs are always there out of nowhere.
>Get called a Nazi and racist for 30 years
MASSIVE L today. We must re group and live another day
This "unite the right" shit is so fucking cringe. It's the BLM of the right and WILL make normies turn away from conservatism.
now the left will go even harder
which will push more people into becoming nazis
and rise repeat till Civil War where this finally gets settled
Reminder racism is treason to a multiethnic United States, and as such all racists deserve to be shot.
God bless the United States of America.
Nobody is afraid of this. White people are watching this and are horrified at these stormfag larpers. Unite the right needs to die a quick and ignomious death
>Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
"Everyone" on social media and the news already thinks that.
I'm neutral, just enjoying the carnage and laughing at both sides. Good (or bad) show everyone.
thank god white nationalism has richard (((spencer)))
every time he goes out he makes the white nationalist movement and the right in general look great and attracts more support
>they're mobilizing the guard to disperse a lawful assembly
>literally have a permit
how is this legal lul
i thought america was all about MUH FREEDUMS
Neat how these anti-right shills seem to have the timing to show up on Sup Forums right when police illegally stop a planned and licensed protest.
Their regularity is getting to be uninteresting.
>Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
Is there an actual downside to that?
BLM has been emptied of its meajing (see, the police brutilized those whites in charlotsvillle). White people now know that there is no way they can get the country back unless they all come together. This event has made a lot of people choose sides. Many things will come out of today.
> people watching stormfags and spencer embarrass the white race
> choose to join them??????
Fucking. Delusional. Newfags go back to the daily stormer
Yeah, its hilarious to read Ramzpaul veiled threats.
"Oh so you don't want peaceful protests anymore!"
Whatcha gonna do whiteboys? nothing, nazis will keep losing as they always go.
I'm right wing but FUCK NAZIS. Retards on here who think a few of us larping as nazis think they're in good company. FUCK OFF
Permits aren't a blank check to do whatever the fuck you want in a public space. In most localities they literally have written on them all the ways in which your permit can be immediately revoked if you act like a dumb fucking sperg and incite violence or commit other actual crimes.
Dumb nazi larpers get too wound up, they get slapped down. Based law and order.
I tell you what,
you're doing it wrong
This guy Richads is either dumb or a shill
I've seen maybe one or two american flags, and the rest was kekistan-tier larp shit, that makes you look as stupid as leftists with commie flags.
there was more niggers with american flag, than alt-righters
What's the problem with that?
You're worried you'll have to be associated with people who are trying to rid America of (((vibrancy)))?
it looked peaceful to me, that is until the right was pushed into the commies
it doesn't mean anything to be american anymore, you don't get it because poland is 90%+ ethnic pole
america is ~60% ethnic german/french/english/scandi/iberian
the american identity is an abstract concept, and not based on blood
this quote is fake, the (((Rebel Media))) make it
THIS. unlike the left I'm not afraid to call out idiots who are nominally on my side of the political spectrum. Neo Nazis fuck off. You are losers and taint everything you touch with your autism
He's so dreamy!
Holy shit this forever.
Fuck off to Poland then. I will proudly fly the red white and blue.
Is Sup Forums trying to start a race war?
It's not. The rule of law is dead
take a hike boomer
god you people are fucking useless
>muh constitution
>muh based black guys
Except you forgot the shit colored people detested whitey from the start.
I hope Trump has the balls to denounce this march for autism
Post this as thread plx
I thought the permit was federal?
Yeah your movement is going places retard. You're as bad as antifa
all white people are nazis.
All white people are Nazis according to non whites. They will never stop until we are totally eliminated.
>the american identity is an abstract concep
I disagree, your identity is what made America at first place, but you guys seems to be confused about it.
This Charlottesvile was shit tier party, fucking snek and kekistan flags. It was cringe worthy, it really was.
There was no patriotism, no fucking nothing, it looked like Comic-Con.
I know I'm not American, but I hate fucking communists, and it hurts me to see how they are destroying one of the greatest nations.
So? We'll just do another.
You either a nazi now as a white person, or you're dead.
>I disagree, your identity is what made America at first place, but you guys seems to be confused about it.
No, YOU seem confused.
The American identity doesn't exist anymore, it's a historical concept. What is left is some post-ethnic, civic nationalist husk. America was implicitly white, and now it is implicitly cosmopolitan. Once whites have rallied together they will need to form a new nation based on a shared European heritage rather than some abstract concepts like a constitution or rights.
But OP, all white people SHOULD be nazis.
This. Sup Forums is satire
you will never escape us, because you are us.
this board was forged by "ebul natzees" you cuckold fuckwit, go back to red dit if you aren't gonna respect your superiors.
prove it leaf
KYS shill
That's really sad, I wasn't aware it's that bad until I saw Charlottesvile
I can tell you one thing though, this guy Richard Spencer is no good, believe me, stay away from him. All of you.
Wrong thread?
America was never built off a single European national identity, because it IS. NOT. EUROPE.
Why is this so fucking hard for non-Americans to understand? We built a new identity made up of European cultures blending in a new land, with a new government, with new geography, new politics, etc. Of course it's different.
Just because it's not a direct copy of an old world culture does not mean being an american means nothing, or that we have no culture, etc. European nations were young once too, and the US is still maturing in many respects. All the more reason to love it and fight for it.
Stop being nazis.
Also, the more reasonable, peaceful and moderate we look, in comparison with stupid, violent and extreme Antifa, the better is the public opinion on us.
These autists just ruined that.
Well, if all white people are nazis, and if "everyone believes it," and if the majority of the population is white, we can conclude that the majority are nazis. Bad news for you, kike.
>Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
Or was it the leftists acting like that is what helped drive more white people to the racist fringes?
A chicken came before the rotten egg that was laid here.
Yeah, and what needs to happen is the formation of a better indo-European based state. America is a failed experiment, quite fucking evidently. Unless you're going to actually sit here and defend the government structures that have allowed for your country to be rotted from the inside.
>Now everybody thinks all white people are nazis.
Good. Maybe that'll help some people to really see what the non-whites want to do to us.
>this is what /r/the_donald actually thinks
Enjoy being bred out.
Nice concern trolling nigger
You're the one who ought to go back since it's clear that you don't know shit about this board. You're just like every other Reddit fag, spouting the same buzz words in a shoddy attempt to fit in. Now fuck off
Let's be honest. Race relations in this country are shot, they can't be repaired and both sides are pushing as hard as they can for a race war
Whites are this point might as well just embrace the nazi image, because according to current mainstream thought, all whites are already racist and evil.
>Trump progress: Is President
>Alt Right progress: Rally BTFO, got beat up in the streets by women and communists
It isn't legal. They're going to get the shit sued out of them.
It was peaceful you lying cuck. Kill yourself.
Fuck you fascist, America is already a corporate Fascist shithole, Fucking die.
Maybe (((white))) people. Meanwhile, hwhite people are watching this and swelling with pride - happy to see their people are coming around to a sense of self-respect and value. What is being accomplished right now is the solidifying of a new pan-white identity in the US. You've taken the primary weakness of whites as a group and forced them to improve in that area. If this were other races it would work because they are incompetent and because YOU are other races you believed that would happen. Instead this is white people and they are actually capable of improving and competent when going about their business. You dun goofed.
fpbp, /thread
nice try shill, fuck off, been a Sup Forums user far longer than you, KYS cuck.
>prove it leaf
g o o g l e
I think our government as it is right now works spectacularly under very, very specific circumstances. For a good 150-200 years or so, we were kicking ass. Then the culture changes, the world turned on its head, and everything just broke.
If we're to survive, the republic needs HEAVY reforms or a new government entirely. I have no wish to see us Balkanize, however.
false dichotomy. look at how the left uses their extremists. read alinsky. stop punching right. cuck. we all nazis now. and they would NEVER stop calling you a nazi anyway.
trump will slow this process, he will not stop it. and cucking out your own race is not moral.
We civil rights issue now. Thanks you.
Dude you are so not based lmao. What a fucking loser xD White pride! xDD
>Trump makes America grow 1% whiter every year
>God Emprah Trump rules for a thousand years and makes America (and the rest of the universe) 1055% white.
you are autistic cancer. KYS.
I see geographic Balkanization as the last stop - unavoidable if nothing else happens.
hopefully this just wakes more whyte myn up.
It's just autists from the lefty/pol/ discord. Sage hide ignore
>user far longer than you
Sorry, this isn't Reddit. We don't care about such trivial things here. That's why repeating the same three insults doesn't work here (unlike your upboat friendly website). Now please go away, the adults are talking sweetie
>when you realize the only reason Trump won was because there is still a white majority
I'm sure the minorities will finally come around to conservatism any day now.
>got beat up in the streets by women and communists
You mean dispersed by riot police and the national guard.
>m-m-muh whiteness is all i have lol
you wont have it for long either xD
Commies and reddit shills can't even shitpost properly. Jesus Christ
you aren't worthy of any real effort, KYS, because it's all you're good for, why should i put effort into insulting pathetic shills like you? fuck off kike.
KYS cuck.
>W-we need to build a while
>it doesn't matter that about 13% of our population is latino and have more kids than us!
Nazis might be ineffective, but at least they realize what's at stake.
Your country is ours burgers
The Alt Right holds no institutional power. All you idiots do is make things harder for the people who actually get things done.
What are you talking about? The folks at Daily Stormer are God fearing Republicans.