The AntiFa Manual
Hope there are some nudes in there or its waste of time
why are there come stains on it?
It's coffee.
Ive saved this too when it was originally posted. Was the authenticity ever comfirmed?
>And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name.
What the actual fuck?
>Muh Starbucks
Is that the end? It doesn't look like it.
fake and gay
>OP makes a fake Antifa manual, complete with excessive coffee stains
>Can't even make the text seem half-plausible, even for SJWs
fake and gay
Kys yourself op
Satan really thinks he can win over God lol.
someone wrote a fake manual and even went to the trouble of staining it to make it look "real"
>Our color, my Blackness, for example, comes first.
Not gonna do you a whole lot of good when NK drops firey death on your hive mind, LA. White privilege won't mean shit when you can't breath without a gas mask.
I noticed that, too. What the fuck is this shit?
Looks like someone larping as an ANTIFAG.
It's fake
> not covfefe
This seems fake.
this is quite possibly the dumbest shit I've ever seen on Sup Forums
keep yourself safe, OP
>unironically calling for the mark of the beast
Holy fucking hell, purge this evil from this Earth.
These antifapeople drank all the coolaid.