Do these things actually help the "alt right"? Pretty much everybody seems to be condemning/mocking it...

Do these things actually help the "alt right"? Pretty much everybody seems to be condemning/mocking it, and idiots doing Nazi salutes and chanting blood and soil makes it easy to dismiss

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Yes you weirdos should stay on your computers where you can pretend to not be losers irl


>everybody seems to be condemning/mocking it,
you mean

Thankfully that crowd is free from this disease

Reminder that non-marxist political gatherings is treason and will be met swiftly with police and paramilitary action.

Spencer is correct. This was a pre-planned setup, to never allow any free speech to happen. Note that the governor of VA, Terry McCauliffe, is Bill Clinton's best friend and was the DNC chair during his presidency. He raised HUGE amounts of money from globalists - he was the original DWS. The plan was to shut off the microphones and have State police thugs push the United Right into antifa for CNN skirmish tv porn.

How is Tiki torches not cultural appropriation?

More and more people will show up if there are successful rallies, eventually the minority will become either too numerous to be verbally bullied into hiding or they will become the outright majority.

Also, kys shill.

To the moon!

These political street fights are probably the closest we'll ever get to enjoying the thrill of coliseum death matches.

>literal faggots reducing every issue to heterosexual inadequacy

you get the bayonet

>Shitskins Jews and communists

Meanwhile your still sending 30 billion of your tax dollars to Israel every year.

But hey great job marching around with torches goy!

Yes be ashamed of yourselves stupid goys. Just keep larping online, don't ever let it progress to real life and eventually transform into real life death squads because of the increasing social tensions in the upcoming future. Yes, this was stupid and dangerous and let's never do it again. Yes, this pillow feels so soft and comfy right now, let's go back to sleep

Send me your address right now and I'll come make your job easier

How does Brexit make you feel?

Reported to FBI. Knock on your door soon

it's a fringe hate group. there aren't going to be successful rallies.

>How is Tiki torches not cultural appropriation?

of course it is, but it's what you expect from Nazis anyway. they stole the swastika and the word "Aryan" after all.

You cannot stop a people who want to commit suicide from committing suicide.

America would be better off dividing into two - a white ethnostate and a muh diverse utopia. Whites choose which country they want to live in. But there would have to be a proviso; whites who choose muh diverse utopia give up their right to asylum in the white ethnostate once their diverse pets start wiping them out. They'll have to just submit to their masters or deal with the problem themselves.

It was kind of like that situation a few days ago where some autistic faggot went on a date with some girl to a puppet show and went straight off -
"that puppeteer is controlling that puppet like soros controls the clintons" and "jews control the world". You gotta build it up you can't go from 1 to 10 in 3 seconds.

>be anarcho-communists
>depend on Google Corporation and right-wing white male law-enforcement officers to maintain your narrative

Yeah, it's better to just meme and shitpost on anonymous image boards instead of actually showing up and doing something and get attention to your cause.

we made it better faggot.

can some make a Photoshop of the fascist bundle of sticks symbol, But instead of sticks have it be tiki torches

It just makes everyone look like groupthinkin hate-mob idiots. The best way to oppose the degeneration of society is to be a relatable individual who can actually expound on things and make other people understand/aware of things. Going outside with BBQ party tiki torches and yelling slogans from a failed political movement from 70+ years ago just makes everyone even remotely associated with these things look dumb as hell.

do you shills actually think what you do works? you get paid to try and sway opinion on pol, but it never works and never will.

No, this is exactly the type of shit George Soros loves to see.

A divided nation is easier to rule.

Alt-kike morons seriously think bringing up useless aesthetics will somehow make the world more right wing than online activism.

Because actually pushing for actual right wing policy online is nothing compared to playing pretend on the streets.

If we don't do rallies that make them take away our freedoms they'll just do some truckenings, or similar, to take those same freedoms away.
At least this way we scare some shitlibs.

I want to make a t-shirt

Liberal weaklings and sluts have nothing but ad hominem and snark.
The pendulum is swinging.

What an abortion of an idea. "literally who" Richard Spencer is an anti right psy op

>30 billion
It's more 3 billion worth of military equipment


>Navy seal pasta

>Pretty much (((everybody))) seems to be condemning/mocking it

A loud minority of obnoxious kikes and their liberal golems is not "pretty much everybody." If you ask any normie outside of your hugbox they question why you lunatic fuckwits have such a problem with white people forming clubs when every nigger, spic, and vagina is allowed to do so freely.

Your narrative is falling apart. The goyim are waking up, and the fires will soon be lit in your ovens.

>dont be proud of your people and political stance, outsiders will dismiss you goy

>aryan penis

it's funny
i vote for funny

>nd idiots doing Nazi salutes and chanting blood and soil makes it easy to dismiss

I don't understand what the fuck you people thought would happen?

Did anyone actually think that fucking nazism is going to be tolerated?

That white supremacist ideas are going to become mainstream in a country that has only 60% of white people in it, and half of them hate you and everything you stand for?


She is single and looks like a loser. Ironic.

This is the most important image on the internet

No. (((They))) just cropped the photo to make sure you couldn't see any of the women there, that way it fits (((their))) narrative.

>Pretty much everybody
Stop watching TV.

The ridicule only proves their point.

It just drivves them

>for humans, the white penis tends to be the largest
>compared to negros, negros have slightly larger than humans on average

>Your narrative is falling apart.

...says the guy whose nationalist white supremacist rally JUST got shut down while literally every news outlet in the world is condemning it.

But yeah, fourth reich any minute now.

No, we should just do things on the internet. Dumbass

what is the difference?
>media has been shitting on us 24/7 for years
>oh no, now they are shitting on us 24/7

They went LARPing as Nazis and everyone who isn't leftist is going to have this shit smeared on them.

i know it seems retarded, but yeah it probably helps spread the ideology. theres a lot of white males, like myself, that feel completed alienated by modern society. we try to stay composed and not destroy the society we built but some people are getting so fed up they will be happy to see others gathering together.

Trump supports trade protectionism and immigration restriciton that helps native manufacturing unions.

That's why steel unions in the Rust Belt voted for him.

You're a retard with only pleb-tier understanding of economics.

Even Carl the Cuck could kick this guy's ass.

White lives matter, bros.


They've basically set the SJWs up perfectly for a comeback tour


>Pretty much everybody seems to be condemning/mocking it

well no shit, its called taking risks

It's either one or the other

>every news outlet is condemning it

>Random whitey looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before Thomas Jefferson statue. Very very disrespectful.

Not sure, but passivism helps more.

They are the alt-right? They invented the term half a decade ago. It was then co-opted by the corporate fake news to label anyone they didn't like.

Given it's now a by-word for "evil person" the original alt-right can pretty much do whatever they like and it won't have any impact on the label.

It's quite astounding how terrified the authorities are of white people. Niggers and antifa have murdered cops, burnt down campuses and run amok for days on end before even riot police were deployed. A bunch of white lads march peacefully down the street and they call out the National Guard instantly.

If this doesn't demonstrate the state of emergency in the USA - and which NGOs are funding violence and lawlessness - then nothing will. So, really, the conclusion is that nothing at all will rouse the American public into facing their very real social problems, let alone the idea that the ultra-rich are stirring them up for their own ultimate financial benefit.

Whites, we are on our own. What we do next has a certain degree of freedom, but don't expect any institution of State to assist in any way at all.


>Do these things actually help the "alt right"?
Did you miss the point where (((they))) shut down a peaceful protest that had proper permits in a few hours.....VS allowing niggers to burn cities for days before the same amount of force is called in.

Wrap your brain around that.

There are plenty of people who will see this and question it. The only cause that will be harmed is the obvious agenda of a government creature that is dying.

>every news outlet in the world is condemning it
Who? Those jews and their enablers who talk on television? They're saying things again?

Didn't notice.

Who's getting voted out this tribal council?

>Thomas Jefferson statue

The fuck?

Fuck the alt right. You can't convince people anything, they need to convince their own selves. Yes shouting these slogans and waving NatSoc flags and doing the salute absolutely help.

>alienated by modern society
You may as well say you're "marginalized" or "oppressed." Once you start talking like a leftist you stat thinking like one too.

They're reveling in the same "riot chic" as antifa, and everyone who isn't a Nazi wannabe is going to pay for it.

i assume this march for the right was a jewish psyop to castigate the white man.

i mean richard spencer is an mk ultra victim so anything he's involved with is a part of the jew agenda against whiteness...

it promotes it. And the more media attention it gets the more people become aware of it, whether they end up hating it or loving it, and the more people are aware of it the more people will look into it. And when they look into it the more they will see that there is a huge subculture to it and they will see for themselves that there is basically no real Nazi anything and that 90% of the people involved are pretty reasonable non-violent people making rational identitarian arguments.

That's fine. Trump will do some good things, but he won't be able to reign in central banking, war profiteering, surveillance state, etc. We may swing back on the spectrum to a reasonable enough point to appease the majority of folks and that works for me.

But if boom/bust financial crashes, erosion of civil liberties and discrimination based on race aren't curtailed or slowed down, these types of movements more than capable of growing well beyond .3%.

Again, I'm good either way. Maybe I hope for it out of boredom.

By early 1920 the DAP had grown to over 101 members, and Hitler received his membership card as member number 555.

I mean not if we successfully take over the government and turn the US into a glorious militaristic white ethno-empire

White seperatist movements like the Traditionalist Worker Party might be the key. The (((Feds))) have already been taken-over by kikes and leftists. (((Goldman Sachs))) controls the Federal Reserve (the US treasury).

Maybe if whites opt-out of society and form isolationist towns in the Midwest, the "culturally-enriched" areas will destroy themselves Haiti-style, and whites can reclaim the ashes.

Stanisławy Leszczyńskiej 11, 32-600 Oświęcim

>Where is the clitoris
It's the button-like protrusion at the top of the slit.
OPs pic looks like they found it just fine.

>have a peaceful protest
>commies and niggers start attacking people
>state of emergency called
>riot police called to oust the people who had acquired a permit to be there and not the commies
>just for extra measure call in the fucking national guard
It shows you who's really the marginalized in America

It was around a Thomas Jefferson statue on UVA campus.

>Pretty much (((everybody))) seems to be condemning/mocking it
Yeah, on twitter.

Nazis are left wing

>JUST got shut down while literally every news outlet in the world is condemning it
Exactly. And America loves an underdog

The (((alt right))) is a Jewish psyop to associate right wing political beliefs with literal neo-Nazism, thereby driving anyone who would normally vote right but does not want to associate with white supremacy and Nazism to vote left instead.


Calm down Pajeet

It's a false flag. They're all commies. Look at their facial expression.

>but does not want to associate with white supremacy and Nazism to vote left instead
Who fucking cares anymore? They're going to associate you with Nazis anyway. Might as well fight back.

Bitch lol, I just owned 3 of your websites XD

It makes me wonder if people who actually use the word "Nazi" when referring to other, living people even know what it means. I still have yet to see it used properly.

KYS mehemet

omg this is next lvl LARPing lmao


>yes goyim fall precisely into our prearranged ostracized group
>you can LARP on the internet where you'll never have any impact


>Internet Nazis have created their own reality to warped they can't understand why average Americans wouldn't want to associate with Hitler
You need to be more in touch with people outside the online Nazi larping community

>Pretty much everybody seems to be condemning/mocking it

All I've seen so far are a bunch of limp wristed liberals making snarky comments on twitter.

Even Trump thinks this shit is stupid amd can't stand behind it.

All of the fucking progress being made is being hurt by this shit. Spencer, Baked, and the others like them are ruining everything. All it does is make people think the liberals might be right about something.

If you can't normalize your movement, you're dead in the long term.

This kind of things are necessary.

>I still have yet to see it used properly.

Oh, so you haven't read a history book too? Cool!

>alt right
kek leftist scam for social rejects with more acne than white pigments