>Federal permit to protest
>Mobilize riot police
>Mobilize National Guard
I love america
So this is the power of MUH FREEDOM
So why can't you peacefully protest in America anymore?
>(unless you're white)
Whites are going to need a civil rights movement over there in a couple mroe decades. :^)
Only niggers get to burn down the town!!! Don't you white bois know this?!
>INB4 B...but I voted for (((Trump))).
mmm, Nazi tears
Because I'm white and have different opinions
>baked alaska gets bear maced for free speech
>dude keep streaming
so whites don't have a first amendment in the USA?
b-but i voted for richard spencer
Not in Virginia
Only if you agree with the left.
Disregarding the obvious trampling of rights that the 'unlawful assembly' decision represents, can any of you faggots defend the behavior of Richard Spencer and his sperg friends carrying torches and sieg heiling for the cameras yesterday?
What good does purposefully imitating Klan rallies achieve?
Well your country is only as strong as its weakest state. So you don't have first amendment anymore, simple as that.
Next time I hear some retarded burger talking about muh freedom all I have to do is reference this incident. Sweet.
To be fair;
They got a permit.
At least they let them have the right in theory, before revoking it in practice.
Bongs don't even get that.
hahahaha god dammit why is this guy the guy what a pussy
White people gatering in a park is a State Of Emergency apparently.
"Rallying While White".
yea it looks cool
I can't tell if he's a pussy, or if he's fucking acting. He seems fake as fuck.
Not anymore.
White Bois lost their women and now they lost their 1st Amendment.
oy vey gotta stop them white ppl!
well I don't think the UNITE THE RIGHT protesters agree with the Left. But their right to demonstrate was taken anyways.
The Kardashian methodology.
Because, nitwit, supress this and the NEXT rally will be a REAL Klan rally.
>Stealing some dudes milk off of another guy who got maced
>"It's for a VIP"
lol, what a cunt.
What is their end goal?
>if we violate their civil rights, suddenly they'll go away and we won't have to deal with them any more
Right now you have a shitload of angry young men who have been thoroughly redpilled on the fact that the rule of law no longer applies if you have wrong think opinions. How do (((they))) think that's going to work out? They seem to be constitutionally unable to stop themselves from making the same mistakes that doomed the Weimar republic, it really is the 1920s all over.
he's a fucking faggot e-celeb, of course he's being over-dramatic. there's another video of a dude grabbing his hat and he starts crying about how the guy just "hit" him. these people are fucking faggots. man.
The torches look good. Only a couple of guys saluted, but it was still fucking retarded and they should have known better.
Daily reminder Hitler's rallies were shutdown by corrupt police and pedophile politicians the same way.
The jew is afraid gentlemen.
Kek wasnt that tim poole?
>rule of law no longer applies if YOU'RE WHITE and have wrong think opinions
This is very much a racial issue. Don't tip toe around it.
Exactly. Spencer is famously DESPERATE for media attention and will do anything to get it, even when his bullshit 'look at me' tactics are a huge net loss for the right as a whole
Notice how last nights march went basically without a hitch.
They should stop announcing their rallies or have them a day or two before they are announced to happen.
fiveive minutes in.
"I saw it!"
these fucking e-celebs act like niggers everywhere they go.
>looked good
They're fucking tiki torches and they look dumb, and all it's doing is convincing normies that
>muh neo nazis
is a real problem. And now Trump can't tweet anything in support of the shut down rally because it's tainted by LARPing faggots.
if you're literally pushing for race war then yeah this is the way to go.
fix your own country you miserable limey fuck
this video is fucking hilarious though
his rage upon being called a jew is so fucking funny
Jesus, I know it feels like your eyeballs are being burnt out with acid but its a temporary thing man.
Whats with the hysterics, I guess we know how he got the job at Buzzfeed
Didnt see that fucking hell
cant control the fringe elements fucking idiot. even if none of us were willing to nazi salute the commies would plant people that do it who are conveniently right in front of the camera. its absolutely stupid to continue signaling against this shit.
support it. let our youth be radicalized. save the white race.
agreed, but lying about someone hitting you is nigger tier; especially when it's on film.
Lol that fucking "security" he has is pathetic pushing a short old fat man
>So why can't you peacefully protest in America anymore?
Same reason why you can't rally in Brazil: police will fuck you up.
Why they do it? Because the ruling elite is not at all interested in the masses protesting against their agenda.
Basically, you are now on the same level as a third world shithole like Brazil, just a few meager steps away from reaching the same level as Venezuela.
Go ahead and try to deny this fact, it won't change the outcome either way.
did he died?
Bugerbros, defend yourself!
But they've proven they can squash us while the rest of the world cheers.
I fear there's no other lawful way to continue.
It's a trap meant to instigate the Left into further madness so that they make themselves look even worse.
It's a testament to how afraid they are of woke white people.
>But they've proven they can squash us while the rest of the world cheers.
You don't get it...
The rest of the world cheers over anything that kills and/or hurt burguers. We would cheer just as much if the right was destroying the left.
You think the people that celebrated 9/11 were all muslins? Nope!
You think they celebrated the attack as a victory of allah over the infidels? Nope!
They were celebrating burguers getting killed. The reason for that is because in the past the USA made a lot of enemies due to their oppressive external politics. People are grudgefull assholes who will not forget past incidents even if they never experienced them personally.
Bottom line is: we will be just as happy watching the right genocide the left as we would be watching the left genocide the right.
can't deny the truth
>Because the ruling elite is not at all interested in the masses protesting against their agenda.
we are nothing more than cattle.
It was going to devolve into an orgy of violence if they didn't intervene. They made the right call.
I'm not talking about you, quasi-nigger.
I'm talking about white people cheering oppression and violence against other whites.
Baked Alaska makes me cringe
>effectively destroying our right to free speech is the right call
>The rest of the world cheers over anything that kills and/or hurt burguers. We would cheer just as much if the right was destroying the left.
Not really. Maybe in the third world but the murrica haters here are firmly on the left and already think the US is a facist state.
were not known for lying down and taking things here in america
hopefully youll enjoy the show
>They made the right call
>by attacking the people who had permit to be there, and not the commie agitators causing violence
The Mayor is obviously corrupt.
Im sure he got call from (((them))) telling him to call in the guard.
They violated the permit almost immediately and there's plenty of video evidence, they weren't allowed on the road
How did they violate the permit?
The mayor is a jew.
You can peacefully protest only if you're promoting (((their))) message
Because the state is anti-white. Land of the free (unless you're white, and you think whites should keep existing).
Yes you are. For the last century at least.
The day of the wild, renegade American is long gone.
Seig Heiling was cringey but I think the torches were supposed to represent the unextinguishable flame of history in opposition to them trying to tear down confederate monuments, at least originally.
They had to stay in the park, marching on the road was not allowed in the permit and disrupts traffic
Where will you be when whites become the oppressed race?
>be leftist
>see 300 tiki torch bearing white people
>call the police
>literal marching jackbooted militarized police come and shut down a legal protest
You Brits oughta know that a White civil rights movement involves hot lead and cold steel.
The good people in Brazil have let themselves be disarmed, and sometimes might be anti-establishment but still harbor very dangerous leftist authoritarian ideas.
The good people in the states are disenfranchised, mostly capitalist, and are cleaning their AR's.
it doesn't matter Lefty cunt. damned if they do; damned if they don't. no more non-violent options available. no recourse.
on the front lines killing people like you.
Nazis need to be shot on sight
oh look! Australia has a nigger issue.
Brilliant synopsis!
Who said I'll be participating? I'll just be watching two retarded groups fighting from a distance.
Niggers were burning down cars, looting shops and mauling random whiteys on the streets for weeks in a row, national guard was nowhere to be seen. That's okay shart, no one expects american brainlet to comprehend this odd dichotomy.
>can't deny the truth
Of course you can't.
>we are nothing more than cattle.
Pretty much, and the ruling elite is not interested in having their cattle going on a stampede over them.>I'm not talking about you, quasi-nigger.
>I'm talking about white people cheering oppression and violence against other whites.
I am white, kind sir, and am disgusted by the leftist agenda.
That said, im just explaining why so many foreigners like me are cheering over it. It is not because the whites are oppressing each other, it is because burguers are doing so.
We would cheer just as much if it was a bunch of niggers getting wrecked by white nationalists.
Don't believe the leftists claiming all these foreigners are cheering for them, we are not. We would be just as glad watching the leftists die as we would be watching any other burguer die.
>Not really. Maybe in the third world but the murrica haters here are firmly on the left and already think the US is a facist state.
Well, a peacefull developed nation such as Sweden is the exception, not the rule. You do realize that the majority of the world's countries are third world shitholes like mine, right?
>were not known for lying down and taking things here in america
Funny, the past 50 years makes me think otherwise.
>hopefully youll enjoy the show
I sure will.
>The good people in Brazil have let themselves be disarmed, and sometimes might be anti-establishment but still harbor very dangerous leftist authoritarian ideas.
Disarmed, you say? Maybe legally, since it is hard to gun permit, but I could buy a handgun already loaded right next to my local supermarket for R$50, which is about $12-$15...
So how are we disarmed if favela niggers have military grade anti-armor rifles?
Nazis can shoot 3-5 times as many people before needing to reload, and probably have better aim.
This is excellent.
im sure it'll find its way to you.
and it'll blow your fat ass the fuck out.
Shut up leaf, its their fucking town.
Go back getting assblasted by some goatfucker.
>just a few meager steps away from reaching the same level as Venezuela
Well, at least the Bernie Bro's will be happy.
Lol you don't get to cry about having a permit when you violated it
I don't care about the sieg heiling spastics it's the hundreds of people with torches who are intentionally mimicking Klan rallies that bothers me.
And hey look at that Trump was forced to disavow connection to the UniteTheRight rally.
Here's a crazy idea, if we hadn't had the LARPing faggots then Trump would have been able to make the narrative into 'ANTIFA SCUM SUCCESSFULLY SHUT DOWN PEACEFUL RIGHT WING PROTESTERS WITH THE BLESSING OF HUGE NUMBERS OF RIOT POLICE'
it's a fucking disgrace but thanks to Spencer's attention whoring it's not possible for anyone in the government to defend it
Do you love your family?
Authorities declared a (((state of emergency))) preemptively removed the federally granted 'Unite the Right' demonstrators from demonstrating peacefully, despite having permit and court order to do so. They were dispersed, and forced to move away in small groups into hordes of 'counter protestors' where they were subsequently attacked. Now, despite having done all this, authorities have done literally nothing to prevent the counter demonstrators from completely clogging up the streets by the hundreds.
I've seen enough, I'm buying more weapons and reupping my knowledge in improvised explosives. No right to peacefully assemble anymore, and state sanctioned anarcho-tyranny - the only recourse from this point on is death.
>intentionally mimicking Klan rallies
I didn't see any hoods. Well, aside from the antifa types of course.
>implying a trump endorsement would help
It's Virginia, the epicenter of liberal nonsense. It's like an attack on that stupid black box the Muslims walk circles around.
blabla Our streets blabla blabla KABOOOM
Why are the "counter protestors" on the fucking roads then - you fucking putrid, cocksucking motherfucking leaf fuck?