Let me add to the wave that Google started.
Sadly I cannot spread memo in SAP or I lose job instantly. However, Google is not the only place of leftist retardation. I know that your autism will find way. This corruption is international.
Let me add to the wave that Google started.
Sadly I cannot spread memo in SAP or I lose job instantly. However, Google is not the only place of leftist retardation. I know that your autism will find way. This corruption is international.
spill some juicy shit, op.
bump for interest
Remember Google diversity unrecorded meetings? Same here and not even hiding. People are submitted into silence or lose jobs and future jobs. Beware of political correctness. Accept muh minorities be they sexual or ethnic. Dislike? Get rekt. SAP. We make corporate software... AMA anw
I don't know much about SAP beyond having heard of you.
>We make corporate software
what did he mean by this?
SAP is German based software company. German based and German issues having... company. We do soft for companies.
IBMer here, we're just as bad. They'll stop at nothing to hire incompetent shitskins
Forget indians. HR acquintance told me that if it goes between two male and female applicants. If male ha more experience, female is to be taken so she can get more experience with SAP. If same happens with both females, the female with most experience is taken. I do not know how I got job myself at this point.
hallo kevin. no need to hide your flag.
Wer ist Kevin? :D I think some Kevin will get fired.
Could you record one of these meetings and upload it? Sounds juicy af
Self bump. We need people talking on this!
Too risky, the list of participants is kept and most of those who participate will gladly cooperate to find out the who did the recording. I am publicly hidden but I am unsure whether I will be safe for that matter. Besides all phones are normally on the table.
For the greater good, it must be done somehow.
well unlike James, I cannot post a memo because I need the job and just as James I will not record the "diversity" meetings, mainly due to legal issues.
hide a recording device in the room before a meeting. you can "cooperate" as well, but your phone will be clean
>Sadly I cannot spread memo in SAP or I lose job instantly.
How would they track back a single individual if that memo was leaked here and not internally?
Step up or fuck off with the LARP.
You need your legislators doing something about this. You live in a country where "illegal opinion" is a crime, where people get charged with felonies for posting on the internet, and your leader gets applauded for violating international law.
Vote. Persuade your friends to vote. You have to change minds. Organize offline groups. Resist totalitarianism.
I know you could lose your current job, but consider exposing this kikery for what it is.
You may also get a job offer from Wikileaks, like James did.
Perhaps you could take detailed notes under the guise of wanting to """understand."""
what goes on at the diversity meets? what do they teach?
How credible would it be if it was lealed here and not on internal closed system where you cannot be anonymous? I smell shilling intensity...
The importance of equality for the greater good and for business as a whole. Minorities must be represented. It doesnt matter if they are capable of doing tasks or not. Also, there is this type of events solely for women. It is argued that it is for women only to promote more opportunity seeking among women and such events are held in big city hall yearly where only women are accepted to grow their presence in lets say... entrepreneurship. No men as candidates allowed...
just sad
If you think that in Germany it ends with you losing the job... also remember that German media will slide it hard.
Thx for coming on OP. How can they justify these actions from a profit standpoint? Taking the lesser qualified means lower productivity, which means the managers and VPs numbers get slashed. How do they deal with this?