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Why is Antifa trying to claim credit for what the National Guard does?
Traitors, who should hang higher, riot police or nat guard?
Weekend soldiers
They would only call them in if they took them as a serious threat.
So, they don't consider it larping.
>national guard called within 2 hours
>compared to any other antifa riot
We white bois be scary
Audible Kek
Imagine being called in to stomp your own people and actually going through with it. Anything for a paycheck, right goys?
I just woke up
whats going on?
some autists are doing some nazi march or something?
did I wake up in the fourth reich?
Well, that escalated quickly.
Cool. It takes about 5 days of mass looting from BLM to call serious forces in while it takes less than a day when it's whit protesters.
How do you feel about that/?
Do they even call them in for BLM and friends?
1. Of course this would happen to whites. Predictable.
2. Half of them look mestizo.
So is the protest over?
Another alt-right vs. antifa mob clash. National Guard got called in to stop it.
It's pretty telling how quickly NG was called in. Really mashes my potatoes
Fucking traitors
oh look. the nazi stormtroopers have arrived.
no because that would be racist
Bunch of IRL Sup Forumsacks got a permit to hold a rally in which they give boring ass speeches about Sup Forums shit minus the jokes.
City revoked the permit.
Federal judge reinstated the permit.
15 minutes before kick off time, the Governor of the state declared a State Of Emergency and Shut It Down full force.
National Guard are there because they want to check out Brittany Ventis jublees I guess.
>fellow bong
Shame on you
Are all the american armed forces so overweight?
The protest?
Don't think so. Cops. didn't seem to care about Antifa. They weren't doing much protesting tbqh. Just chanting and playing music.
I dislike the national guard uniform.
>National guard
>Wear common cameo
How is that fucking patriotic? Where is the style and prestige?
dats capitalism
Who were the ones that initiated the violence? I'm prone to think it was Antifa, but I don't want to assume.
NG against the only people not wishing for their deaths. Well, that must be nice. Glad we know where we stand with each other, because after this when the SHTF I'll let any one of you fight your own battles, I and most won't be coming ot your aid. Remember that, because the mongrels you "protected" weren't ever going to help from the beginning.
US Army has traditionally bland uniforms.
Generals are allowed to design their own uniforms but rarely do so.
Bunch of larpers got sent home back to their parents house. Britney Venti is a whore
They must be pretty scared of the white man. Nignogs can riot for days, whitey does it one day and the national guard is present.
Thank you, hungry skeleton.
Is that one guy a lanklet or are the all manlets?
Why didn't this happen in Berkeley?
And the National Guard can do what about the protest? Shoot them up for what reason?
It's not like the protestors will start looting the place and burning down buildings.
There's literally nothing they can do except tell them they have to re-route their protest.
So its over. GOOD
>did I just wake up
Shut the fuck up, you paki mong.
hi there, FBI.
nice digits tho.
They're thugs brainwashed to attack the people they are supposed to protect. They're virtually Kampeitei.
Reminder...I "just" cock slapped 3 of your websites XD
>Antifa BTFO.....BADLY!
dat digits
why not both
how many of those white men do you think are left leaning?
maybe 1 or 2 of them?
Low IQ moron detected
>we should hang The soldiers, not Their Jew bosses who Give Them Orders XdddddddddDdddd
The Trump administration could see repeated peaceful right-wing white civil rights demonstrations. An interesting change from the recent past.
They're calling them in to scare away future white protestors. This is a show of force to try and strangle this child in the crib. It's a testament to how scared the powers that be truly are.
All of them work together. You're defending the soldiers who stand against everything you stand for.
hang all of them. The military is basically a eugenics program for manlets anyways.
You're a fool of you thing these #bluelivesmatter people won't be stomping on your head right along side the nigger that is too. They're not our friends.
Because it's a major display of totalitarianism. You use the guard for disaster relief usually, or other events. They are not the governors personal state run homeland security. Berkeley was using local police and Anti-Fa, a smart move because it didn't make them look worse than they already were. Did the governor act accordingly? Not really, he could of just denied to permit and slowly ejected people. Instead he pulled out the guard showing a willingness to have no restraint if he so feels the need. It'll bit him in the ass down the road, and it's one move people are going to possibly use against him.
Just got home, which stream is best right now?
Looks like a Whois lookup. Am I missing something?
Trump's a zognigger, what's new.
>Peaceful gathering with permit
>Antifa turn up and chant shit, pepper spray people
>permit revoked
>Fuck that m8, federal judge tells them to fuck off
Fucking disgusting
>leftist protest
>alt-right protest
>National Guard
Kinda says something about the power and strength for both sides.
Dumb ass.
The NG is there because the white nationalists have been sent home. The field has now been taken by antifa and local primates. Chimpouts eminent as we get closer to evening.