Was he legitimately the worst president in US history?
Was he legitimately the worst president in US history?
Yes, the moment the banks stuck their hands up his ass.
Yes..next question please
>implying it wasn’t LBJ
Fuck off leaf
his mother was such a slut that he is not legitimate
LBJ and Wilson were worse.
I mean there was bush and bill Clinton
>who is Nixon
no. worst since lbj though
he was actually the greatest president in american history
meant this one
Only in the minds of you lonely alt-right faggots.
Do one for Bush, I wanna see these fags faces when they see just how bad Bush was
If there had been a civil war in my lifetime, I'd say whoever was President was a shitty President.
No. Memes aside, he was bad, but only an idiot would put him before the likes of Harding or Ford.
Bush was unironically the worst president in American history.
No president took America from such a position of strength to such a position of weakness in just 8 years. America was on top of the world when Bush took office. America was on the brink of complete collapse when he left office.
Nigger, please.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Bush was the worst President we've had post-Civil War
Not yet.
>1 post by this ID
>people still think the president controls all of this
cool memes
Bush, Wilson, or A. Johnson. Wilson was surprisingly a vicious racist though, like Sup Forums tier vicious.
>graph starts with the subprime mortgage crisis to make Obama look good
James Buchanan
>implying the President doesn't control troop combat deployment
>implying Bush didn't cook up some horeshit to invade Iraq because military contractors to whom half of his staff had connections to saw 9/11 as an opportunity to revive Cold War-era levels of international engagement and thus military spending, and Iraq's status as an international pariah made it an incredibly tempting target even if it made absolutely no geopolitical sense to target a Baathist dictator in a war against Islamic terrorism and the ultimate effect it had in expanding Iranian influence was entirely predictable
>implying that they weren't planning to do the same thing to Libya, North Korea, and Syria until the occupation got bogged down, which was somehow not expected at all
>implying Cheney, Rumsfeld, and every member of the Project for a New American Century shouldn't be getting raped to death in prison by a pack of rabid wolves right now
Republicans crash the economy. Democrats thrive the economy.
This is nothing new.
Yes and his legacy will be dropping phones and telling Americans they didn't build their businesses.
it's misleading, but you could include gas prices
yes, at least on recent history
He doesn't control them directly but the policies a president pushes effect them. It's called economics
Has there been a good us president yet?
>implying democrats aren't just thriving on the economy created by republicans
>implying democrats aren't the ones who are ruining everything every other president
>presidents are responsible for job creation
they are not.
Compared to this moron even Trump and Obama looks like Saints
What the fuck is your government even responsible for?
>Crashing the economy
>Is not Gubernments fault when people get unemployed
Do you burgers reallly want a government that only cares about other countries becoming communist or not?
lol even that made up fake news chart admits that Democrats are better for the economy
Trump is going to make him look like one of the best ever, especially sandwiched between the 2 retards the republicans elected
lol how fucking retarded are you to keep posting this chart that i eviscerate every time?
1. The Republicans controlled the Senate between 1998 and 2003.
2. I love how you're so fucking retarded, you cut off the chart in 2010 because you don't want to show that the unemployment rate plummeted under a Democratic Senate
Trump isn´t even the worst yet. But he acts like a retarded manchild.
I can't imagine how much of a fucking retard you have to be to think that Bush handed Obama a good economy.
Honestly, u retards are mentally ill
He was, by a huge margin, the worst POTUS.
I was about to say this. Obama may have been only a top 5 president but when history remembers the 2 Republican retards that came before and after him, he will be widely regarded as the greatest
She's hot
Would fugg
Under is reign racism was reborn... is he really the greatess president?
the bar is set fucking low if you ask me.
*blocks your path*
>greenest person is ford
lol....dont make me laugh
Think of it this way Congress builds the car the house pays for the car and the president drives the car.
and yes national defence is one of the main jobs of the government.
He ran his entire campaign on hope and change and proceeded to be one of the most generic and forgettable presidents in recent history. He was a massive redpill for most black Americans once they realized a black president wasn't going to magically change everything. Another minority president isn't happening anytime soon, Obama pretty much got that out the country's system.
He also cockblocked Hillary from focusing more on the "first female president" angle, since it seemed insignificant and kind of petulant (it's HER turn!) in comparison, and focusing too hard on it would have made it seem like the nice white lady had to come and fix the black boy's mistake.
Be glad you got Obama, burgers. He was really fucking important for you guys in the long run. Could have been A LOT worse.
Lawnmowing jobs done by illegal aliens don't count
Doesn't matter when it's cut off it shows a clear trend when Democrats are in charge unemployment goes up
*blocks your path*
No. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and LBJ have him beat.
this right wing retard think HW Bush was the 3rd greatest president since WWII, he couldn't even win re-election
Doesn't matter when it's cut off it shows a clear trend that when Democrats are in charge unemployment goes up
Trump is what, 35% now?
you're right they don't count in the stats
except republicans had the senate between 2000 and 2003.
i swear to god u fucking retards don't even know how your own country works
and the unemployment rate plummeted under a Dem senate
> people thinking you're doing a good job is better than actually doing a good job
Actually the unemployment rate goes up under Republicans and down under Democrats. You're actually legit mentally retarded.
>2000 to 2003
Exceptions don't invalidate the rule
you're so fucking retarded, you didn't even know that Bush had a GOP Senate. How fucking mentally handicapped could you be?
The rule is that the unemployment rate goes up under Republicans and down under Democrats.
Thx for playing. You're actually mentally retarded.
civil war was buchanan's fault
you're so fucking mentally retarded that you believe a fake news graph just because someone posted it here. that's how mentally retarded you are. Bush had a GOP Senate for his 6 first years. Why is it colored blue? Because you're literally fake news. Even you know it. AAHAHAHA what a fucking right wing retard.
This is spot on.
In my mind the greatest presidents JFK, Teddy Roosevelt, Reagan and Washington all had one thing in common. They exemplified and proved that the American Dream could be provided to Americans through their own love for the country.
JFK was about to give a speech on conspirators and treason within the country before he died. Trump may join that group, but he has to deal with the profoundly un-American boomers and commie kiddies in the country.
I'm English, so I have a distorted picture, but Obama only really highlighted that "being likeable" was not enough to save your country.
Woodrow Wilson said something about friendship being the glue I think, but the fact of the matter is, in my opinion that, exclusivity is the glue. Exclusivity in this case, having access to American land, products, freedom safety and women.
(Of course this current push back by the media, has set us back a lot, cut the cord on the media and you'll really see what he did.)
white people couldn't handle a black president
Why is it colored blue between 2000 and 2003? Because you're mentally retarded and you're literally fake news. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA
>Bush sucked
so what? and it still don't invalidate the fact that historically unemployment goes up when Democrats are in charge
Unemployment goes down when Democrats are in charge.
you're getting btfo
you're literally fake news
you're so retarded you can't even answer simple questions
Why is it colored blue between 2000 and 2003? (You)
God I love massacring u filthy little right wing retards. You're such mental midgets. You destroy yourselves.
>In my mind the greatest presidents JFK, Teddy Roosevelt, Reagan and Washington
C'mon son, are you retarded?
What is your endgame obamaleaf?
It is undeniable that the high level of morale brought into presidency by Reagan was infectious.
Reagan took a lot of hits during his presidency due to the rise of subversion.
Retarded, nah, just English m8.
wonder what happened to cause this? do you know? I know, bet you don'the and will parrot some about Buuuushhh
Hey retard explain why you're posting fake news. Or admit you're so fucking mentally handicapped, that you didn't know that Bush had a GOP Senate.
>OBama jeaf complaining about fake news
Thats rich and I did know that, exceptions don't make the rule though. Now answer my question , what happened during the time period?
So you admit you got duped by fake news? typical right wing retard
>the rule
>can't answer the question
>being this much of a faggot
have fun with that.. later Ofaggot.
I agree you can't answer a simple question
you're so retarded you can't even answer simple questions Why is it colored blue between 2000 and 2003? (You) (You)
The president has complete control over everything in america
He literally has a lever that say a more jobs and less jobs setting so if he pushes it forward to more, more jobs are created
same with the economy its a big lever with two options bad or good economy its up the president alone.
Nothing other then the president can influence anything. if walmart fires someone they have to get presidential approval same with hiring so it is fair to attribute everything thing that happens that is good to the president unless its bad then its the last presidents fault
>Freed slaves in the south that wasn't following the north's laws. (Not even the North)
>Takes credit in the history books for "freeing slaves."
Lincoln was a piece of shit that deserved to be killed.
She doesn't look half bad. Bit of a butterface, but I'd smash desu.
Not even close lol
What are some underrated Obama scandals?
Cash4Clunkers was a big one
>presidents are responsible for job creation
>they are not.
except Trump, right sweetie? :^)
Not a top 10 in my opinion but I could see him fitting somewhere between 10-20
Can't see him lower than maybe 22