why didn't he say anything when antifa did it?
The best part, is some people on this board are just here to shitpost. Now we're all in the same boat. Good work folks.
He ends a sentence with a conjunction. MORON.
>ZOG-controlled puppet
No surprise here
>Spencerfags, TRS and assorted Soros lackeys are going to try to use this to say that Trump doesn't care about white people
it's futile
Trump has done more for white people in less than a year while hobbled by the rest of the federal government than Duke, Spencer, Taylor or whoever might show up to these things have in decades
(((Donald Trump)))
GET FUCKED! Holy shit this just might be the best saturday ever.
> storm front raids Sup Forums
> Sup Forums's president BTFO loser retard traitor nazi larpers
damn nigs gotta nig
He's referring to antifa.
Because they were making themselves look like savage fucking morons. He didn't need to say anything they were losing support from the majority of the population. Now the right wing retards have gone and done the same thing all the while the msm is just itching to destroy you.
I swear Sup Forums is so fucking stupid now thanks to the influx of newfags thanks to the election.
It's fine. He's the president for all americans. We will present him our civil rights complaints and he'll come around eventually.
He and the nation will learn at the same time about our people's concerns and desires.
>Trump has done more for white people
like what. go on tell me. we're fucking dying and no new york yankee kike-lover will lift a single damn finger to stop it. you look and see what happened to the south. it's coming for the rest of you too.
>secede unlawfully
>wtf we're enemies of the nation now???
>still thinks optics matter
have you not left the basement since 2015?
>hate isn't cool and violence isn't cool
He's not denouncing anybody in particular and everybody is happy
Notice how there is no subject, he is just condemning the violence like a president should do.
He did. He said they should even revoke funding for Berkley - even though technically Antifa isn't connected to the school.
He has to say stuff like this, he couldn't have been more generic either. For all we know he's talking about street violence in general.
The right didn't do the same thing. They weren't calling for violence or rioting, burning, whatever. Stop being insincere faggots with no grasp of context.
>say you'll do something
>never actually do it
d e v i l i s h
Well it could be worse, he didn't specify which group he was talking about.
Can we all just agree this guy is a massive pussy now? The only way to save whites is via mass insurrections. You were all so naive to think that you could vote your way out of this mess.
Who's he referring to? The alt-right or the Antifa mob?
He did
Yup we will unite the right and lick antifa when we can catch em. Thanks trump.
What did you expect exactly? Endorse even more violence?
fuck off kike
>Getting more popular to normalfags who are the majority: the tweet
383285858928589398893598358953895332032852503305220843802480420808420283082408420824842084208240842d chess
Except this isn't making him any more popular. Normalfags have already anchored their hatred of Trump, they're not just gonna be like "wtf i love trump now" because he made a vague comment on how rioting is bad.
daily reminder that trump is right
You may think this was a failure, but tell me - were there huge far-right marches twenty or ten years ago? Did the fucking president talk about them as a threat?
No, there were not - this means there is a tide slowly rising up, the battle may have been lost, but in time, the war will be won and a new age shall arise. All these posts indicate is the fear all these leftists fucks feel, they're scared, like rabbits hiding in their burrows as the wolf wakes up. Fucking cucks, you'll all hang.
Does anyone have any doubts that trumpstein is just a dumb neocon now?
The thing is Trump can't go full 1488 until his second term if he wants to get reelected.
You think trump is going to come out and say he's for unitetheright? He would be destroyed even more then he is now. He has to say the fluffy words because it's the presidential thing to say.
fuck all of you
i want pol back
you all have to go back
so why isn't he yanking federal funding from the state of virginia? why isn't he pulling money from the city? the answer to these questions and more is that he is an anti-white pussy like every other white that tacitly consents to the genocide of their own people. that means cops, military, bureaucrats, politicians, judges and so on -- all of them are you enemy. they want you dead, your family dead and your culture erased from the pages of history. mercenary bastards... the lot of them. i wouldn't trust any white in a position of power further than i could throw them.
I straight out told Sup Forums a million fucking times Trump was another generic neocon goy and always got called a JIDF shill. Toppest of keks, who's laughing now.
It destroys the argument trump is a white supremacist. Good enough for people who already voted for him, and also attracts more people towards the right.
>still not understanding Trump
Of course he had to come out "against" it but learn to read between the lines. He didn't call out whites. He could have been referring to the cops or the left for all we know. He never calls out the good guys directly. Ever.
Exactly, (((they))) caused this and (((they))) know it. You can only cuck whites so far before they push back. This is only the beginning.
That will not sit well with the Alt Right. Hate is their game.
>always do the opposite of what jews say
ANTIFA were the violent extremists.
Fuck off shill.
>Trump is hitler omfg!!!!!!
>haha take that nazis not even trump supports you!
So now ypu support trump?
That is an extremely bland statement, and carefully crafted so it can be used either to condemn antifa or create distance between Trump and white nationalism.
You dipshits are the ones who ruined this country because you're too fucking lazy. If you had picked your own cotton none of this shit would have happened. I can't stand you dopey inbred faggots.
t. Yankee
>this kind of violence
WHAT kind of violence?
I was watching the streams...I saw a few pepper spraying incidents and one push and shove.
That seems pretty par for the course, even at Trump's own rallies.
>thinks the stormfags represent everyone on Sup Forums
Newfags abound.
Good thing facts literally don't matter to the left wing. Haven't you noticed how the "Trump is racist" argument still persists to this day? Also, nice job on that trump piss bed story thing. You're not making Trump look good, you're creating another avenue for retards to make Trump look bad.
>woah cnn did a fake story about trump wetting the bed, they suck
>woah trump might have wet the bed in russia! i knew i didn't like this guy!
>tfw secretly rounds up larpers and sends them to Guantanamo for political gain
>tfw the night of long knives is about to be repeated
Can't WAIT for nazi scum to be BTFO
His daugher and son in law are jewish. No way Trump would be a Neo Nazi.
It's true though. This is how Trump works. Remember when he wouldn't single out the Jews for that holocaust day or whatever? He said all victims, despite what the kikes gave him to read. Believe me, he wants us to march in the streets. He just can't come out and say it. You don't think Bannon is like a little school girl inside today?
By decreasing illegal immigration by over 70%. Literally infinitely better than anything everyone else is doing.
Kek racists BTFO by Drumpf
But that's what you don't get, Trump IS a Jew puppet. He's a Jew puppet, Antifa are Jew puppets. This whole thing is just good goyim vs. good goyim.
Trump knows these people support him. So he won't directly condemn them.
This. He's actually being middle of the road and basically saying both sides need to calm down.
Then why when the muslims have to crash some building they choose yours yankee?
>hate against whites
I've been trying to tell you all. Sup Forums are the niggers of the Patriot movement. hailing Hitler and encouraging hate is extremely fringe, even comes of as psychotic in the real world.
Trump said the good goys lost WW2 KIKE.
> Now the right wing retards have gone and done the same thing
When did the right wing retards do 'the same thing' as antifa? Wtf are you talking about?
>who's laughing now.
I'm laughing.
>this kind of violence
Is he saying that "hate speech" is violence? How is that different from those dreadlock degenerates and snowflake oppression students?
you ruined it by invading us you stupid bastard. we could have been left alone, but you just had to have us. just had to fight that fucking war, didn't you. all of the consequences of the war are on your head.
guess what: we're going to take you with us when this failed experiment of a "country" implodes like a dying star. i hope those three hundred thousand yankees laying dead in southern ground were worth it. enjoy your niggers and communists.
He's from reddit. Prepare for some massive retardation for the next few days because of this rally.
Great argument. My point stands. Jews shipped in Africans and you took them in instead of working the land yourselves. Lazy and stupid.
I love these rallies, it shows who's larping on Sup Forums and who isn't
(((Donald Trump)))
Why is antifa attacking the military wing of the democrat party known as the KKK?
," he cried shrilly, his voice echoing off the bare walls of his room.
Who cares about the current leftists? We are talking future generations and the lack of arguments they will have against right-wing ideologies, even the light ones like the so called "cuckservatives". Also the "you can't turn a leftist into a right-winger and vice versa" is a meme. Just go to any college and see how they shape all of your ideologies.
Proof that most of the Nazi flags on Sup Forums are LARPers.
Also, great comment. Sup Forums is an ancap board.
>enjoy your niggers
You brought them here, dummy.
He shouldn't have used the word "hate." That's a libbie buzz word.
did donald trump just predict the future again? 4D chess , the hate got from the people agains the protest it seems
as usual, trump shows us the correct strategy--the jew is attempting to simulate and subvert it's host, so pluck it off
simply condemn foolish behavior: 'the alt-right' does not exist, and has nothing to do with us or our power.
you think normies matter to us? they are our agents, and will do whatever we decide. if we flush the alt-right, so will they, and then we can continue our work normally
chill fake shill