I haven't seen the left this triggered since Trump ran for office.
Please go fuck a goat
Cum in my beard
>they still supported Trump
damn shame
But which side is he referring to?
this can't be happening
he was supposed to be on our side
Blumfp has gone to far Im voting democrat next right guys
That darn Orange National Globalist sure is a dumb guy!
But he's right. Richard Spencer and these ecelebs little mobs are like a white BLM. The early rallies had American flags and this one was Stormfag larping. Fuck ANTIFA, fuck Richard Spencer
Probably got pressured into saying that
The Democrat who executed the Republican earlier this week.
>unironically supporting drumpf
the side that his zionist masters tell him to condemn
Why are you neo-nazi fucks always obessing over 1 person, ie hitler or some gay figurehead
Seems like you'd get more done if you didnt have some faggot telling you what to do and how to get him some personal gain. or you guys so weak you need a leader?
I wouldn't be surprised if Soros was behind this retarded rally.
That's what i thought. I doubt he would give a shit about some protest in a small city.
Power goes to those who dare. Go out and counter-signal them with your own message at the next rally.
It is a great honor for me to be here with all of my friends.
So amazing + will NEVER FORGET !
They need a bad guy and they were getting bored. Now they have something to pretend to care about.
This. Spencer is just controlled opposition, a face to trot out and throw events to honeytrap others.
Several alt-right sites have been hacked today. State of emergency declared in Virginia. Trump is a tool of the enemy
>tweets about this but not the minneapolis shooting
>This. Spencer is just controlled opposition, a face to trot out and throw events to honeytrap others.
Idiot. Are you going to hide behind 7 proxies for ever? Why do you even care?
All I saw today were fat people, vapers and degenerate betas on the streets. What ever happened to the ironpill ideal?
DJT is what a weak person thinks a strong person is like
Who do you guys think leftys would be scapegoating if Hillary had won? Assuming the species was still alive, who would they be blaming for all the worlds problems at this moment, whites? men? republicans?
man I wish I could gaze into that abyss, if only for a moment
these neckbeard fucks dont care about self improvement.
all training is sacrifice, all they care about is comforts instead of self improvement at the cost of comforts.
I have no idea what you are referring to. I just don't want this idiot single handedly givibg the left all the ammo meeds while offering nothing. Spencer's a fraud.
It's not this crew, that's for certain. But that's what I've noticed ever since shit on here started going mainstream and all over Facebook.
David Duke is the only person with the credentials to "lead" the alt-right, but he's goofy looking and lacks charisma.
We need to be more selective with rallies; fewer bourgeois larpers with NSDAP flags and more disciplined fellas. We're using commie tactics--which don't work when the commie elites don't like you.
They're hardly better than the SJWs and everyone else they complain about. At least blacks have an excuse.
You're the one that's giving them ammo by being ashamed of Nazism, shill.
I pray for the day when these degenerates are stomped in the streets by real, straight-edge, fit fascists. The Nazis had their Sturmabteilung, I doubt they looked like this
Oh no I'm so diisapointed!
>Daddy kill these stupid Nazis for me!
>Soon Sweetie soon
Trump's from fucking New York, he's used to dealing with tons of jews
>not realizing Trump is addressing the violent left wing.
wtf, does cuck get translated into kek now or what
nip m00t please dont
that's written by Melania
He's not Muslim
Uhmmm pretty sure he does that all the fucking time by directly saying so dont hurt yourself playing mental gymnastics
You leftist cucks don't get that he didn't say, reference, or even mention which side he was opposing. Antifa shows up, starting shit against a bunch of Right Wing People who are holding signs, and chanting, you never. EVER, use your brains, do you? Fucking. Morons.
>The Nazis had their Sturmabteilung, I doubt they looked like this
the SA looked exactly like this. They will serve our purpose and they will be purged.
Nacht der Langen Messers Redux
Ashamed? No, I pity Nazis who cling to such a pathetic ideal. I pity Nazis who masturbate to their Wehraboo fantasies, completely ignoring how much of a failure Hitler's regime was.
I am an American and I believe in what my country was founded for, not the post-modern infected hellhole we have today.
this desu
confirmation bias of the left is through the roof
Haven't you faggot realize this yet? People like (((Baked Alaska))) a pathetic manlet and (((Richard Spencer))) a crypto marxist are controlled opposition. There are always complaints about shills from Reddit and Jewish connections from Trump, but Spencer's (((alt-right))) never complains about their own kikery. I condemn /r/the_donald and crypto-Kekistanis for ruining Sup Forums but people here need to realize that the Richard Spencer shills and other shills from the nu-alt-right have done serious damage as well. The fact that so many of you don't see this is frustrating. It's a strategy as old as time. Even the Rothchilds funded both sides of the Napoleonic Wars.
Perhaps Spencer will be our Ernst Röhm. Can't wait until he is purged
Sure smells like shill in here.......
I've been off Sup Forums for a few days. Can i get a quick rundown?
>kekistan meme flag
>muh shills
Please kill yourself and leave. The election ruined this board
THESE ARE LEFTISTS TRYING TO AGIPROP. Don't fall for it, ((they)) are upping the ante towards civil war.
>When your shit is so retarded even the President had enough of your shit.
Been gone a long time shill?
massive alt-right demonstration in charlottesville, people with torches shouting white nationalist slogans etc., nonwhites and cuckservatives are chimping out about it and demanding bannon's resignation, trump just cucked out by condemning the protesters (his base)
t. Shareblue
I'm getting tired of winning!
Nobody likes your president yet he keeps trying to get into our good side.
>nonwhites and cuckservatives are chimping out about it
Well I mean the ones "chimping out" was the alt-right. They knew exactly what they wanted to do bringing their batons and shields of peace and calling everyone faggots.
I like the art desu.
Trump does not say a word or a tweet when Turkish thugs at the Turkish embassy in the US violently attack peaceful US citizens on US soil. Silence from Trump and Melania.
Trump has never said a word or a tweet at all the Antifa violence toward Republican men, women, and children. Silence from Trump and Melania.
Now Whites start to stand up for themselves and all of a sudden Trump and Melania have something to say.
Do you need any more proof that the globalists are dead set on wiping out the White race? And Trump is an admitted globalist, so there you go. I am extremely disappointed in Melania, though. Out of all the violence that has gone on in America by others, and this is what she decides to comment on.
>stage a giant shitfest doing roman salutes and yelling heil trump that pisses off everybody
>he somewhat condemns it as loosely as he possibly can
>"fug drumpf he was supposed to be /ourguy/ pedes
What the fuck choice do you leave him?
He was never a Nazi, why would a billionaire be a dirty national (((socialist)))
Trump knows this was set up to discredit him and his followers.
Pol didn't realize this, and still doesn't.
I read The Art of the Deal today. Everything about Trump makes sense and 4D chess cunts might be right.
He really is clever.