This is the face of the white resistance, how will globalist cucks ever recover?
Commie globalist shills btfo
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atleast his hair isnt blue and he doesnt do some cuck fighting pose. He is dressed like a faggot either.
Whats wrong here?
which one of you cucks is the guy in the pic? lol
There's nothing wrong. I'll give him more respect than I give myself for not going and supporting our brothers/sisters.
lol most these trolls and niggers are grindge faggot whites who do the jews bidding haha
*unsheathes katana*
Give him a rifle and he will die for the cause. Don't make fun of people who care about you.
He is braver than everyone ITT
Thank you for your service
Looks fine and normal
>In the meantime at the antifa camp
Unlike you I have seen some action.
Aside from not having a shotgun and guys to either side I don't see what he's doing wrong.
Fighting for your Jew Overlords isn't brave. It is being a traitor to your nation.
Looks like yahtzee from zp
Little fuck is much more valuable than any of you retarded little-pricked slack-jawed faggots sitting on their ass.
Lol shills are fag trannies what do i care what they think
>Looks fine and normal
mfw Sup Forums unironically thinks this is what fine and normal looks like
Hahahaha the master race!
Full of hicks, pedo mustaches, mullets, and alcoholism. Truly the pinnacle of humanity. The obvious social status of bottom tier that reeks out of them is just icing on the cake. Sup Forums made these fools actually show their faces, hahaha
Nice concern trolling. Don't talk about what normal is I have been at the lefty/pol/ discord I have seen everything
This man bludgeoned an alt-righter with his helmet.
Blood was drawn.
Attempted murder anyone?
Rewind about 13 mins, car caught on camera
t. soyfaced commie
How about you grow a nut sack and hit back? You pussies want a race war and chant shit at rallies asking to get hit but want the cops to protect your inbred asses when you get what you ask for? Pathetic
Cars are a transport method of peace.
2:32 Car of peace
The man he bludgeoned was already involved in a scuffle.
Out of no where, this violent predator emerged.
Striking, again, and again.
Hoping to knock the man unconscious and give him severe brain damage.
No one said the race war shouldn't have safe spaces.
He had the severe brain damage long before he tried talking shit and got hit. Don't get into a scuffle if you think they have rules. It's not a video game.
Nice preposition. I don't buy your outlandish opinions though.
Tell it to your mother.
Don't your kind usually bang their own mothers? At least after you finish shooting up that good stuff and having your cousin / former lover OD...
How do you know what I fight for?
A legend is born. A King has risen.
You seem to enjoy postulating what I might do in the bedroom.
Not getting enough at home?
Try hard not to insult me. I doubt you can do it.
You seem to think it's not directly applicable to those at the lovely rally. Try hard to prove it isn't the case. I doubt you can do it.
ikr we should get over run my sand people just like Sweden, then the overlords will be defeated!
America needs to be nuked. Every American man, woman and child must be killed I don't care if they are white Based Kim please do the job already.
What isn't directly applicable?
Now you're just using the insults you used on me and hoisting them on a random group of people.
Again, I wonder, if you can even think without degradation?
You gonna keep pretending that they aren't the lowest rung of society? Those who failed and fell to the bottom. Wallowing in their own filth and blaming everyone else for their issues like being unemployable and being undereducated. It's not degradation to point out it's exactly why they became who they are. It's not a coincidence that their movements capitalize on the ostracized and the failures in life for recruitment.
nothing bad about it. give him a good training and a gun.
That is the saddest goddamn picture I've seen in awhile.
Look at that poor bastard, you can just tell hes been shit on his whole life, poor guy.
This faggot didnt let his gay look stop him from helping his race. He listened to the call & probably beefed up (Just imagine how skinny he was!!!). Maybe his bad genes cant help but he's proving that those laughing at him now are not only race traitors but the real big fags...
Are we talking about African Americans now?
When did the topic change?
And why are you so racist?
So you're just gonna ignore that it's true then? Blacks have their own problems, but at least they have a fair excuse. These guys had plenty of chances for generations and squandered it. Now they're no better than mudslime. Sexually frustrated men who can't succeed in a shifting societal paradigm, lashing out in anger. It's not a race issue, it's a socioeconomic one. I don't hate them for their race, I hate them for being inbred hicks.
At least he is out there standing up for his beliefs and was smart enough to protect himself against he extremely violent left and Antifa. I don't see a problem.
The Horst Wessel of our time?
Fair excuse, 300 years later.
Pick one.
ayy lmao
not every one of us is jacked and attractive, he stood up against a system trying to destroy him, and put himself in harms way against police and insane communists while you were beating off to hentai in your basement
his ancestors are smiling on him, yours, not so much
hes got more balls than you
>he thinks all the issues ended 300 years ago
>Tuskegee and Jim-Crowe didn't exist
>intentionally flooding the poor neighborhoods with addictive drugs didn't exist
>separate but "equal" didn't exist
At least pretend to know your pride filled history, faggot. Either accept you wasted your potential or don't complain that blacks had it harder for a lot longer than just 300 years ago.
>pol is going to make fun of some scrawny guy that has more courage then them
>almost nobody on Sup Forums even went to the rally
Dude is probably so low in confidence his adrenalin will compensate and it will be like like fighting someone who did a pound of crystal meth.
THIS X 100000
Your raid is pointless. You can't fight against truth and reality.
It isn't Sup Forums making fun of him.
Shariablue or some other soros backed group is doing that.
I've been here plenty of time. I'm making fun of him.
Hes out there isn't he? Where are you bitch?
When did Sup Forums get this notion that everyone that is white nationalist and in a group is supposed to be this ubermensch? Do you guys realize that there were Nazi Germans who looked pathetic looking and didn't have perfect genes?
The guy is a supporter of your cause which means you shouldn't be trying to shame him and push him away from your movement. Who gives a fuck if he's not a 10/10 Chad?
>Do you guys realize that there were Nazi Germans who looked pathetic looking and didn't have perfect genes?
the entire leadership had shitty genes