I hope the national guard has orders to shoot nazi faggots on sight

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Nazis were not white nationalists, they were German Supremacists. They didn't give a fuck about white people.

That fucking posture. Jesus it hurts my neck just looking at it.

>I hope they Bash NA-

How can anyone tell who is who?

exactly my thoughts

where do you buy those nazi flags..there is not even one on ebay

I'm all up for some good ol American nazi bashing

In all seriousness though, this was basically Trump telling the larpers to fuck off and let daddy take the reigns, go back to the basement, vote in the midterms, vote in 2020, and stop making white people look fucking retarded.

google it, faggot. I got mine for $10 each including shipping

I agree. On one hand, any connection to nazi flags or confederate battle flags hurts the right, on the other va's governor played into like a fool. By shutting it down he pretty much said "free speech isn't for white people" which only supports the point of the rally.

well thanks I guess, kind gent

fuck you traitor

Confederate is fine, Nazi shit has to go though, start your own thing don't just piggyback off Hitler.

The rally today that got shut down was neo-nazis.


the barrel can't tell the difference between nazi and alt-right

Confedrates=neo-nazi=alt-right=racist retards


this is true, but such a shame, because when you're redpilled, that flag looks like freedom

Your blue pill supply needs to be cut off

Fuck off shill

The National Guard and military in general is full of quasi-Neo Nazis so good luck with that

Freedom of speech especially applies to speech you don't like.

sorry, not taking any pills. am drug free and ready to kill nazis

Holy fuck are you ever a normie

please provide a SINGLE quote where hitler says the word "white"


thanks guys for tanking white pride and nationalism, great fucking job.

> Assimilate our assailants with redpills on all threads. Destroy the purpose of slider threads.

normie that's ready for street justice against nazis

>being this new

in this speech he talks about the europoorean races and how the JEWS are destorying them
i guess he means white if he talks of the europoorean races

Bring it on cuck, we will slaughter you commies

They were corrupt too remember Karl Lueger's "I decide who is a jew."

Get the fuck out of here, leaf. This doesn't concern you. Your PM is busy importing the muslims and non whites to cuck you, ready for that?

Nazis murdered millions of Europeans. They only cared about Germans.

Ok where you live, i get my antifa crew ready

Pretty damn easy to sot BLM niggers.

Yup, they join us for the neo nazi beatdowns

>Confederate is fine
In practice no. In theory maybe, but then so is the nazi flag if you go down that road.
>muh states rights
yeah o.k... sort of, but that isn't what the flag is about anymore and hasn't been for a long time.
By flying the confederate battle flag you are alienating a lot of people that would by sympathetic. By flying the confederate battle flag, and the flag of the confederacy, or perhaps even more to the point the state flags of the time, you are kinding of making a point that you are ideologically in line with the current perceived meaning of the stars in bars.

They are both great looking flags though.

"I need more white paint for this landscape"

meant for

Hitler didn't declare war on England and France Shillary, you should read up on some history sometime

actually that's an Indian symbol. that dude is probably Hindu or something

LMAO are those plastic shields??
even Ukrainians could do better

you're completely correct, the nazis were focused on aryan peoples only, which wasvauge and basically meant those who approved of their ideology, all others were deemed untermensch. Hitler was no white supremacist, he was just another ideologue with the power to kill those who disagreed.

t. History MA

Here I thought straya was based, turns out you're only half based

>not nazis
>Literally a nazi swastika flag


Can you imagine being Dickie Spencer and being forced to organise these inbred retards?

So he doesn't acknowledge that there is such a thing as a singular "white" or "european" race. Gotcha. Thanks for confirming my point.

>I am retarded
Yes, you are :^)

“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”


>antifa crew
>5'2" 100lb trannies

This. Put fucking Nazi larp shit away or your a fed basically

And the shit leaks slowly from your mouth

Fuck off cuck boi


There's literally nothing wrong with being a nazi if you don't want to burn people because they are of a different race.

Chelsea sure does still look like a man to me.

Please cool it with the blatant Homophobia

>so I gave the money to the jews

>breaks versailles treaty for anschluss clay
>france and UK tolerate it for peace
>breaks munich agreement for czechoslovakia clay
>france and UK tolerate it for peace
>breaks munich agreement again to steal memel clay
>france and UK tolerate it for peace
>break munich agreement YET again to invade danzig
>france and UK finally declare war


The definition of nazi encompasses a lot of things these days. Not only being part of the Nazi Party. If you dislike other countries, think there is a difference between races and one is better at something than the other. You are also a nazi if you impose your views on others or are unfairly opressive or strict. That probably makes most of humanity a nazi. You would not want to shoot most of human kind would you?

This, death to larpers, the one problem is boomer white nationalists, they carry nazi flags and heil hitler

in terms of rhetoric i don't disagree, but his rhetoric is disconnected with actual events. Simultaneously declaring Slavs untermensch whilst calling east Asians honorary Aryans doesnt exactly follow his rhetoric

well shit you've got me there

this was amazing

we need to recreate this everywhere across the nation

physical removal is the only option

I can see why you post like that, you would go to jail otherwise

>postes against hitler because he is a kike

Right, like all the peaceful nazis did was just casually take over half of poland, they secretly loved white people!


That's it? No going against what he said, just scream kike?

Wow, even other races were fighting for that aryan race domination world take over

Fine then faggot

almost like Hitler placed a secondary priority on ethnicity and instead cared about ideological alignment more

because there is a 6 gorillion % chance that people who critizise Hitler for killing white people are people, who critizise him because he killed 6 million "white" Jews, these people do not understand the inherent evil of Jews (probably jewish themselbes) and their culture and are therefore as bad as any marxist

so proud, the rising is coming stupid liberals!

Well he is a kike faggot to be fair.....

S A G E desu

He deserves it if he can't be bothered to even iron his flag. Look at all those creases. Disgraceful.

>Poles kill sudeten-germans to prevent annexation
buh buh duh poles dindu nuffin


Blocked in my country. Please make the argument here rather than relying on meme vids. Afterall I'm sure you're an intelligent man who can coney his point himself rather than just needing someone else/a video to do it for him. Why did hitler keep breaking every peace pact he ever made?

why did he let all those british soldiers go?

It's called a VPN, there's plenty of them out there for free you Jewish cunt.
To answer your question is the 1.5hour documentary I just posted, don't be scared m8

Look at that ugly fucking degenerate womanlet with tats. Fucking disgusting. Spencer should've banned all boomer white supremacist organizations. This should've been only for new right groups.

>breaks versailles treaty for anschluss clay
Anschluss clay that the people of Austria and Germany both wanted. Who the fuck are the UK and France to say anything about it?
>France and UK tolerate it for peace
The fuck does that mean?
>breaks munich agreement for czechoslovakia clay
Czechoslovakia was needed for the German war against the Soviet Union that was to come. Furthermore they just annexed territories with German people in it and territories that were taken from Germany in the First World War that didn't belong to Czechoslovakia.
>breaks munich agreement
And? By that time it was obvious he needed to move fast and could not rely on the Western powers in his fight with the Soviet Union.
>break munich agreement yet again to invade danzig
Lots of Munich agreements there. The war was necessary because even though Hitler wanted to ally Poland, Poland didn't want to ally Germany under any circumstances. So in order to defeat the international jew that was the Soviet Union, he had to pass through Poland. And how could he pass through Poland without a war or an alliance?

If we're being honest, most of these things could have been prevented but Hitler did what he had to do. Neither Poland or Czechoslovakia were dindus, they would have gotten additional territories if they allied Germany (like Poland did when Germany annexed Czechoslovakia), but they didn't want to ally Germany, they wanted to ally UK and France, meaning they bet on the wrong horse. Hitler's only problem was that he wasn't patient enough but he didn't have the foresight that we have now.

He probably keeps it folded up in the corner of a dresser where his mom won't find it.

>White people

He was basically saying stupid people should shut up.

i also think a problem was, that he had bad intelligence, especially underestimating the military capabilities was a huge mistake

military capabilities of the Soviet Union

Remember the last time nazis were shot at a march? :^ )

Didnt work out so well for (((you))) in the end

All sympathy for Pvt. Manning Gone.
thanks for that.
sounds like she woulda suck O's cock if given the chance

Said massacre occurred on the 3rd &4th of september 1939, the german wehrmacht invaded poland on the 1st of september 1939. It's almost like german insurgents tried to kill polidh soldiers and they got btfo and then the nazis used it as propaganda (even though its anachronistic as fuck) and 70years later brainlets still fall for it.


lmao, this is czechslovakia retard.

I assume you mean dunkirk. He didn't. Blitzkrieg means it's hard for the supply lines to catch up with the front. The german tanks couldnt also get through the bogey region in time. Goring tried to bomb us as soon as he could though, and the 70k french soldiers who stayed behind to save the brits felt the price. It's not a case of letting us go as much as a case he couldnt reach us in time.

>all this unsubstantiated hogwash
funnt thing you mention resisting the soviets. Hitler andstalin signed a peace treaty called the ribbentrop-molotov pact in 1939 and they carved up eastern together among themselves...that is, until Hitler stabbed stalin in the back in 1941 with operation barbarossa and invaded soviet territory.

But let me guess, hitler dindu nuffin?

k ill just call you faggot instead.

He has a
Brand new flag
Brand new shirt
Brand new pants
Brand new boots

100% this is a false flagging faggot.

t. retail expert