Sup Forums has been successfully subverted

Sup Forums 2016
>fuck hillary
>fuck bernie
>alt-righy is based

Sup Forums 2017
>fuck drumpf
>fuck capitalism
>alt-right are larpers
>based north korea
>nazbols are alright

Wtf happened?

Other urls found in this thread: Shill/

Not to mention:

>praise kek

>dumb frogposter

reddit's trump crowd migrated here

trump wasn't everything /pol wanted

pol just want chaos. Kek is the force of chaos. 4chaners are the biggest traitors. No loyalty either way.


Sup Forums supported Trump because he was literally Hitler. He wasn't.

However, altrighty still stopped being edgy thing. If you think about it, Following the based Juche doctrine of /ourguy/ Kim is about as edgy as you can get at the current year.

This one is fine. All memes get tired and old and that one had a good run.

Pol is same as was. Just lots of shills today

>You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain

Sup Forumstards slowly became the annoying SJWs they hated, maybe worse.

Congrats, your list to the shills.

Literally the huge influx of shills

+1 like

Shills and /leftpol/ being a loud minority.

Kek was a great meme before the election, but it was ruined by the kekistani faggots.

I want to fuck that emoji

> Assimilate our assailants with redpills on all threads. Destroy the purpose of slider threads.

That was before capitalism was revealed to be sterilizing the white race and only the white race. Fertility is dropping fast in the west and literally nowhere else thanks to fast food


No, just you were.


Civic nationalism = less whites

>fuck hillary
>fuck bernie

Hasn't changed.

>alt-righy is based

Alt lite cucks are not right wing, they they left leaning liberals who are opposed to SJWs and nothing else.

This Shill Operation:


2) Shill/

Expose them by spreading this information about there Tactics.

100% this

>Wtf happened?

Trump got elected and everybody saw that he's not playing 7D space solitaire, he's just a fcking retard

nothing happened. everything is as it should be

>Wtf happened?

useful idiots took the bait

Got anymore of thumbnail shill?

We're being flooded with shills.

Nationalism > Civic nationalism > multiculturalism
The "he's not extreme enough!" shit is the dumbest thing that has happened to the right.

>Implying more traffic is bad
You know the main thing you attract is young fags so better drop those redpills inbetween lunch hours

It's not even a matter of extremes. Civics argue for "integration". This means massive scale race mixing to hopefully (not definitely) produce cultural similarities with minorities on the basis that we'll be fine as a white minority provided foreigners adopt our culture.

nazbol is a gay meme

We haven't been subverted there are just more shills here than ever before

No one who loves Sup Forums ever left

>Wtf happened?
Trump proved to be just another traitor. The dream that there are any "good guys" out there was false. Let them ALL hang: merchants, gov. operatives, politicians, coprorate heads - everyone, burn that shit down to the ground!

>/r/The_Donald butt hurt that the narrative shifted against them

Fuck off back to pleddit already

no one is convinced by what you leftwing parasite faggot commies are doing

/leftypol/ is as aborted as it is diarrhetic.
they haven't subverted shit.
if anything more from their ranks cross over to our side than the other way around.

That's not what I meant. We need to take small steps or else there can be backlash from normies.

reminder that metacomments are still shitposting

the alt-right are, in fact, larping shills

we are not alt-right, because no such thing exist. condemn and destroy the 'alt-right' and return to pursuing the truth. remember pedogate? child sex slavery? that's a little more important than white identity faggotry

Being subverted sucks bros. Can we try not to be divided by every thread?

It's just shitposting

>Thinking Sup Forums sides with anyone
>Not understand Sup Forums as a whole has always just sides with which ever side was the most fun

Do it for the lulz was a motto for a reason

We're out of time.

I hope you slavs get used to western European enclaves forming in your countries because we're going to wind up returning the favour within 5 years.

this is the exact D&C bullshit i'm talking about.

Internet refugees from TD flooded us with le based black man xdxd #maga

Reddit flooded Sup Forums in 2016
Stormfront flooded Sup Forums within a month or two after the election.

We be flooded with LARPing meme flags leftist retards now, son, they come here in droves every day. That's what happened.

TD was literally a Sup Forums colony

everyone knows that the "alt-right" was an expression created by the media, nothing was discussed longer

everyone knows that spencer and his faggotry is BLM-tier stupidity, which is primarily unacceptable because it isn't funny at all

its not even necessary to argue, shills are self-evident, we can smell you the instant you attempt to assimilate

so what your saying is your a shill and don't want us to focus on child sex trafficking rings, but continue to promote the msm/reddit word alt right ok goy

>remember pedogate? child sex slavery? that's a little more important than white identity
No it isn't.

people are larping as commies, because they can hide behind flags now

they literally tried to out-jew the jews.



Trump 2016:
>Repeal Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, Obamacare, etc.
>America and Russia become allies.

Trump 2017:
>Hillary's free.
>Amend not repeal.
>War with Russian allies

I understand if he's trying to preserve his political capital, but today the military was deployed against us. We've got to stop supporting him. Sorry.

I seriously don't know what you were expecting.

Just don't say we never warned you.

I'm glad there are still a few sensible people left on Sup Forums

I feel like we are losing our grip though.
Just over the past year it's become very noticeable that they have been really focusing on disrupting every online forum possible so it's getting harder to sift through all the shit

>fuck drumpf
these are shills
we are ground zero for the meme war


Civic cucks

i want to have sex with that emoji

Tell me one meme on Sup Forums or even the entire website that has not become shunned after a while


so what your saying is grown white men who can fend for themselves and only need to learn good game. Have confidence, learn how to be alpha to live a better life from jewish bullshit and get out of their insecure echo chamber, are more important than innocent children being raped and sacrificed to satanic jews

What? Since when has Sup Forums been politically correct to the point of being communist? /Leftypol/ isn't Sup Forums.
Here you go

Not gonna lie, non white here and i already saw you guys were gonna get caught up in your protest and chimp out and the rally was going to be shut down early.

I mean you guys fucked up the protest yourselves, you should of avoided slurs and fighting, whose fault is it that you can't control yourselves.

It got driven into the ground by the alt-lite. It's not inherently a shitty meme, it was just used terribly by newfags.

"Cuck" has also become a verboten nomenclature here as well, which I can understand.

>EBT, section 8, and virtually all forms of public aid are made abundant to women, to the point where a woman with a child needs to make 58k a year just to match what she can get in benefits
>the lowest men of society are less risky and comparatively more profitable to bang because of this
>the biggest memes going around are how men need to be more "available" meaning work less, when before this was never an issue
>sub-races/low-IQs benefit greatly from this as society becomes more bottom heavy/browner every generation
>Even though the free market is the ultimate Darwinian blade that gave birth to the Victorian Era and has made Hong Kong and Singapore the smartest countries in the world, disgenics is capitalism's fault because french fries

Nothing changed. Shills have simply switched to mostly false consensus building tactics because they can't meme or argue with us successfully. All they have at this point is pretending to blend in in order to make us all look retarded or "changed." It's low energy, it will never work.

honestly if there weren't so many useful idiots (redditors), shills (also redditors/normies) and people who enjoy shitposting on here we wouldn't have this problem but a last thats not the case. This cancer has been spread to almost all the boards apparently, feels bad man.

>being this new
we're getting raided you idiot, there were people with nazi flags for christ sake, this was a fucking significant and huge victory

Shill get paid to subvert 24/7, while genuine anons have a life beyond voicing disagreement in the endless shill threads. At least they are wasting a lot of money keeping this place parcially suppressed. And this kind of shitposting diahrrea only would sway absolute newfags who just arrived.

Just don't let /leftypol/'s pathetic attempt at propaganda get on your nerves.

This was the turning point for me as well. Kekistan is cringeworthy.

show arm and timestamp or gtfo


Nah it didn't have an organic end it was a forced end, by subverters claiming it was never our own but something started by reddit

It's literally just shills. They weren't here two days ago (not in these numbers at least) and they probably won't be here in two days, but for now they're using the Charlottesville thing to launch a coordinated attack. It's going to be a shitshow for a while

Just look at how many more people than usual are using meme flags, these aren't people that spend much time here

There's something weird going on though, because this is the most intense shilling that I've seen since the election. I think it may even be more intense than the election. Combined with the hack of RedIce, the DDOS attacks on other sites, Google, Twitter, Patron, YouTube, Facebook (etc.) collaborating to no platform us and the renewed media offensive, I'm pretty sure (((they))) are up to something

but i said i was non white....

Seriously what binding glue to we have to replace it? Now Sup Forums is nothing but black dick threads, cuck threads, and women are shit threads. The only refuge is the generals, but then they all get lambasted by each other. The only time Sup Forums is Sup Forums now is when another Seth rich or deep state revelation is released, or that rare CNN meme war. In times like that Sup Forums shortly becomes what it once was again. But it's pretty sad that we let our most important meme get subverted by our enemies and at least half of us fell for it

They're one and the same if you didn't blind yourself.

but in a sense it has worked because we have stupid people creating marches like these which the mainstream media eats up to fuel their I told you so agenda

you may have hate towards reddit, but you should understand that reddit really wasn't always this bad.

It was overrun by shills/jews just as how you see things happening here. It just happened much earlier there.

It's just the slow progress of every possible outlet on the internet being taken over. They are just starting with the most popular site and working their way down so that there is no way to spread "real" information.

>non white here
> you guys fucked up
It wasn't meant for you to like it, quite the opposite. If it makes you uncomfortable that means it's working.

Although I haven't seen nice memes in a while

Those with eyes to see can distinguish the hordes of plebbitors and shills.

Rest assured, we're not going anywhere.

one in the same................innocent children vs grown men who only need to men up and stop acting like spergs

It made me nervous but i knew the protest would crash and burn, no i'm not nervous because i know if you guys keep up the attitude of "make non whites nervous!, beat down the commies!" then your protest will always fail. I liked the Trump rallies in california, they worked because they were more controlled and restrained.

>thinking pol hasn't been trash since 2012
OP you're honestly new as fuck kill yourself

I imagine that driver was imagining valhala chrome and shiny as he did that

I had a hate for reddit before the shilling had intensified there. I think this user had said it best, since I had always felt that way personally when it came to the site as a whole, not sure why maybe its a gut feeling or something.

^this. Don't respond to obvious shill/bait threads/posts.
I regularly hide threads, I don't understand how so many people seem to forget this feature exists, and I don't understand how so many people so easily take bait, it's fucking retarded. I guess there's just far too many newfags and plebbitors around who haven't lurked long enough. Get your shit together, guys.

Trump won.
Now it's boring to support him.

Capitalism is the root of degeneracy, responsible for importing immigrants for profits (black slaves, mexicans) and destroying local culture (americanisation, standardisation, celebrity culture, tv-culture, consumption society)
Trump is a jewish conman
North Korea deserves sovereignty

>but you should understand that reddit really wasn't always this bad.
Yes it fucking was you fucking redditor, it always had problems with censorship and it's voting system created nothing but echochambers.

When did Trump ever mention the 1965 immigration act?

You're the NEET type ledditor that has fucked over the board. You were never here before the push of reddit fags, Sup Forumswoo fags and MAGA fags and the like. You were one of the cancerous ones coming in.

in 2016 Sup Forums was pro-bernie

more like late 2015

But it wasn't in California, or even in a liberal area, it was the radical right on its home turf. And I wouldn't list the Trump rallies in California as a success, I've been to one's myself and they were still a shitshow outside the buildings, and the state voted 2 to 1 Hillary.

Ok, here's what's going through my head, If we can extenuate the differences between conservative and liberal America, we can marginalize the liberals back into hiding in conservative areas and spur ideas of secession or state sovereignty in liberal areas, and either one benefits the right as it leads to political decentralization. There's no evidence that capitulation to the left works, it has nothing but a track record of failure. The best we can do is stand our ground and be as unapologetically grounded in our believes.

literally when?

nice reading comprehension

saying that is wasn't always this bad does not imply that it was ever perfect