Never lose sight of who is in control of racial divide
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This is who is hiding in the shadows, pulling the strings while all this shit goes down in Charlottesville
And here's the archive
>theguardian com/us-news/2016/sep/09/trump-demographics-2016-election-republicans-can-win
lol those ballsack eyelids
Soros = Rothschild
THAT is who is really in charge.
You aren't suggesting that if it wasn't for Soros that we'd be able to live in peace and harmony with all the non-White races in White countries are you?
Because racial discord is natural. The only solution is to separate the races.
Do not let the kikes slip back into the shadows.
White people?
Jews aren't White.
Communism is Jewish, though.
soros agenda sure seems similar to putin agenda
>In the United States:
>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."[1]
Stop falling for tricks
No Im not. Im suggesting when the racial "fire" is left alone, people of all ethnicity's are able to live together with minimal incident.
When this racial divide started during the Obama years, it was a plan put into play, part of (((their))) larger narrative. Soros, and filthy kikes like him are throwing fuel on the "fire" I mentioned above.
ultimately to bring the country to its knees. Divide and conquer
>soros merc snipers escalating the situation exposed when
>racewar is inevitable despite over a century of getting along just fine actually
>therefore the only solution is race war to prevent race war
seperating the races without a war. lol good luck
you're probably a shill anyways
well we need to get people prepared to investigate just in case
The moment you lose sight of who is behind it is the moment they get away with it.
>No Im not. Im suggesting when the racial "fire" is left alone, people of all ethnicity's are able to live together with minimal incident.
This is a Disney movie dude. Eventually every country becomes at least 90% monocultural through intermarriage and absorption.
The more bad material you bring in, and some people have bigger tits, bigger dicks, bigger legs, and BIGGER BRAINS, the more bad you bring in the dumber you make yourself.
You mean Sup Forums's boogeyman?
just a boogeyman? see
>literally nothing
Yeah, this is moronic. Racial divide is controlled by nature. Soros may fund groups like BLM which attack white interests but he has no interest in white people standing up for their interests. Terrible post as usual OP 0/10
>t. traitors
Make sure to wear your maga hat today.
strengthen your neck muscles faggot
>No Im not. Im suggesting when the racial "fire" is left alone, people of all ethnicity's are able to live together with minimal incident.
...to the eventual extinction of the White race.
>ultimately to bring the country to its knees.
Fuck this country. I care about my race.
>seperating the races without a war. lol good luck
Today proves pro-Whites will never be allowed to spread their message legally and through voting. I fully admit there needs to be a race war and I'm fine with that.
>Make sure to wear your maga hat today.
why would I vote for or support that anti-White Zionist?
Thats not what im referring to.
Look at the way life was before the 2000's.
take hollywood for example. There were blacks and whites in movies and NO ONE GAVE A SHIT. You watched the movie either liked it or hated it and went home.
today? Only one black guy? 3 white people?
Sequel does away with all white people and puts in blacks,mestizo's and asians.
What Im saying is, EVERYTHING today is looked at as "is it racist or not?" its like the first question asked.And its not naturally occurring ,its all orchestrated, artificial racism to PUSH an agenda.
to divide and conquer.
I'd say Spencer's rally is a REACTION to this overly pushed anti white racism (((they))) are pushing down our throats. And its playing right into (((their))) hands.
this is what they want, they want divide.
im not denying that.
Im simply saying dont lose sight of who is behind all this strife. Would all this race mixing being shoved down our throats by (((them))) be half as bad if their agenda was non existent?
>There were blacks and whites in movies and NO ONE GAVE A SHIT.
The jewish media has been indoctrinating White people for generations. It's just stepped up in the last couple years.
>I'd say Spencer's rally is a REACTION to this overly pushed anti white racism (((they))) are pushing down our throats. And its playing right into (((their))) hands.
We are attempting to save our race from genocide. You just want things to "go back to where they were"...which will also lead to genocide but at least you won't have to see it on your talmudvision.
>this is what they want, they want divide.
You can't mix oil and water.
>soros cant have his guys false flag to make one side lose public support
>has no interest in people who want him shoah'd
eyes open
>Im simply saying dont lose sight of who is behind all this strife.
The Jews, of course.
>Would all this race mixing being shoved down our throats by (((them))) be half as bad if their agenda was non existent?
Of course not.
But memes and shitposting isn't going to remove the Jewish influence from talmudwood let alone install a pro-White government in a White-only country.
I didn't say he had no interest in them. I said he had no interest in them standing up for their racial interests. Are you a shill or illiterate?
Honestly anyone that is going to believe we're violent extremists already does. There is no "public support" left to win. The lines have been drawn and the people that are going to pick a side already have.
And youre not going to kill a snake unless you cut off its fucking head.
>And youre not going to kill a snake unless you cut off its fucking head.
Now we're on the same page.
The only way White will free ourselves from the enemy is to fight. Not just the leaders but the people doing their dirty work.
Not have rallies and run away at the first sign of trouble.
>tfw he will die while Trump is president
Feels good
hahaha what the fuck have you even read for 5 minutes any of the data
why would he not have interest in that? Interest in a Goyim uprising that wants his ass hung?
why am I a shill for considering outside interference from people who fund groups to create chaos?
Just like Ukraine- a couple well placed snipers and the #Drumpledorf'sArmyResistance takes to the streets-Democracy Spring just as planned
There's always support to win over
At least consider it and keep an eye out
Im sorry I speak english.
>people of all ethnicity's are able to live together with minimal incident.
jesus christ you people are thick headed.
Racism was always a thing, Im not denying that.
dont lose sight of that.
perfect example of Jew propaganda.
a tried and true method they use to push racism to the front.
While we fight it out, they sit back in the shadows rubbing their hands and smiling.