>Charlottesville sad!
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
>Charlottesville sad!
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a jew
presumably he's referring to the counter-protest. trump is alt-right himself, so should sympathize.
blumpfy doesn't know punctuation XD
Fucking (((Drumpf)))
His son-in-law is Jewish. He can't openly be a Neo Nazi.
perhaps the fact the bitch ass state goverment shut it down with the national guard and a state of emergency? Just more ammo for us easily, why dident this happen with all those destructive blm chimpouts but this peaceful gathering got hit? They had a permit and everything.
Drumpf is a kike shill puppet
>"Stop making the right look like fucking BLM retards."
>marching in solidarity is the same as looting stores, lighting shit on fire, and raping women.
pol literally on suicide watch today
Some people were just killed you idiot.
he's denouncing the people that voted for him
hopefully whites
You guys are fucking retarded if you thought Trump was anything but a Kike plant.
sad that the city acted against a federal permit?
its a perfectly cofveve sentence
You guys are fucking retarded if you thought becoming nazis was anything but a Kike plan.
Been reading and posting about this off and on, all day but I'm pretty much convinced that Richard Spencer is a shill at this point.
Everything he does, literally everything, end up giving ridiculously bad optics. He's either a fucking retard or a literal shill and is working for (((them))).
as the president of the US he must rule over the nigs, spicks, whites and etc.
every president in the history of our country (post civil war) has preached national unity above all else and it is easy to figure out why.
If whites go crazy the government will fall and trump is currently the head of the government.
Free speech is now domestic terrorism (if you're white)
This is what he meant. He can't cuck down further if he tried. What a waste of a year his election was.
Realize he's not naming anyone and both sides interpret it as the other side.
How can it be domestic terrorism when you're defending your home?
Perhaps he actually cares about jobs & business rather than just sucking your loser cocks who want praise and extra rights just for having been born?
Fucking losers.
fuck off you retarded redittor
he will never win over the democrats, we lost the GOP, and now he lost his most ardent supporters
good luck in 2020
>trump is alt right
It sucks, but he has to say neutral
don't fall for demoralize shills that will try acting like him not taking our side outright is the end of the world.
He lost his core base. It's over. I want to get some liberal pussy and social justice bux just like any other man.
stop being an edgy teenager and go outside for once in your life
>all part of the plan...
The left organized a nazi march and then organized a counter march.
(((Richard Spencer))) is controlled op and the left is using this staged scenario to beat on the right.
The narrative is too united and pre-planned for this to not prove that Spencer is working for them.
The Trump train reached its final station. All of the memetic oomph behind him is gone. All he has now are kike shills, skeptics and the money-grubbing alt-lite. Good luck.
presidential pr
it's not hard to figure out that you arent supposed to reveal your power-level if you want to be a liked president. Look at Obama endorsing BLM. It pretty much killed his legacy.
you idiots want drumpf to side with spencer?
you idiots realize how bad drumpf is looking becuase of you?
You were too fucking retarded to take the initial warning signs back in the election; this is what you get. He should condemn the attack, people killing each other isnt whats needed no matter how much of an edgelord you are.
Still better than Hillary. Also, he's deporting illegals like crazy and border crossings are down by 70%. That's good enough for me.
Building the wall will be the only other thing I expected him to accomplish and he still has another 7 years to do that.
Our country is so cucked to the Jews that there is literally no one better than Trump right now. So try harder, I don't need Trump to support (((Richard Spencer))), I need him to fix the demographic problems or we'll have no country left.
Divide and conquer and race bait.
He's sad they shut it down.
It's one thing to do that in order to get elected, it's quite another to do it once you have the reins of power.
I don't care, it's none of my business anymore.
The kikes are expecting him to unequivocally condemn the Nazis. Let's just say he's equivocating.
*Trump tweet*
...how does it fit in with my agenda...
The people killed deserve it. If you try and subvert and destroy the United States death is a fair result. I hope this escalates further. They need to make the National Guard pick a side.
>him not taking our side outright
But he's not taking your side, you know? Not outright, not subtly. In fact, i'm glad he's not doing it. Divisive president will be the worst thing for US now.
>Driver was black
Nazi's are retarded. These idiots are going to discredit the Conservative wing for years.
>shill shill goyim shill
nazis never called themselves cuckservatives you idiot
pol seems to love jews now, SAD!
Is that true?
Black woman was driving first car that was badly hit with challenger. She dindu. For real.
but aside from that, what did he mean?
And here we see a trumpcuck dealing with his cognitive dissonance like the cucked little lapdog he is. Watch him go right back to sucking Donny dick like a good little lad right after he convinces himself.
I love how obese redditors will use literally every single mark except greentexting.
Makes you so easy to spot.
Trump wants our whole country united and he sees everyone in the country being released from the jew menace. maybe he has a point...
He will appear with several Holocaust survivors and the remaining Montogomery Bus Boycott protestors to condemn vile white hatred.
Your time is OVER white man.
>being this upset
That attack was just part and parcel of living in a place like that
>They need to make the National Guard pick a side.
>Doesn't realize that the soldiers that fought in the Korean war, black and white, were bro tier, and remain so till this day.
>Doesn't realize that the people in the military meet the most American black guys in existence, and form bro tier bonds with them.
>Doesn't realize that the military doesn't give a shit about race.
Really jogs my noggins.
Let's say, as a thought experiment, that Trump's goal is peaceful multiracialism. How would he attempt to persuade white nationalists to stop holding these rallies? I suspect there are no brakes, that they are hardened in their views at this point.
Trump is going to lose me as a supporter if he fucking stands up for these leftist faggots in any way shape or form.
Fuck that, thats too much.
We stood by him through all kinds of violence perpetuated towards us for years now for supporting him, and if he turns his back on us when the alt right was trying to have a peaceful rally and Antifa started all this shit...
I'll vote against him and everyone he endorses from now on.
Nope. These Nazi flag waving idiots created an opportunity for him to distance himself from the impotent radicalism that feeds on the "alt right"
(reddit spacing)
You don't need Jews to control anything, the white trash imbeciles do all the work themselves
>all this shilling by leftypol cucks pretending they are 14/88 nazis
I can almost taste the desperation of sitting around in a discord channel planning to get those darn nazis to disavow trump this time, dangit
>but Charlottesville sad!
We're going to meme ourselves one of our own into becoming the Dem's candidate in 2020. We're going to vote you out, Blumpf. You've served your purpose, time to stand aside and allow the REAL /ourguy/ to take over ;)
We are half-socialists after all.
>Charlottesville sad!
Obviously referring to the infringement on free speech
If they weren't here trying to push their narrative desperately it would mean we weren't doing anything.
Not like they can do anything besides making Spencer forehead photoshops, but it's expected that a dying ideology would try to fight back.
Oh well, good riddance.
Just in case anyone is curious why the Confederate statue was being targeted to be taken down, which is what sparked the whole thing off, here's the reason.
Jews want to primarily hide their involvement in the slave trade. To do it, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League, and other Jew controlled entities stop at nothing to remove any and all things Confederate related and demonize it.
Donald no doubt has all these groups whispering in his ear from his squad of Jews, so don't expect any support from him on the matter. And of course, don't expect the media to tell you these things either. They're spinning the civilian reaction to these Jewish lobbies enforcing their will on the American people as some angry racist whitey lynch mob, on the prowl for black people to hang.
Man I hope it's a black muslim.