>Chaos, protests
Just as planned, see you in September
>Chaos, protests
Just as planned, see you in September
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can't wait. SHADILAY
9 more days
Reminder that those who pray the rosary will be saved.
That was last year you faggot
reminder that the rosary is heresy.
like always your performance was lousy so we have to come and save the day with our bacs, again
What makes you believe that?
Its almost here
Well currently I listen to Templar chants to go to bed, does that count too? This world is so fucked up beyond measure, I don't even care anymore.
He's just a retard. American education, huh.
Are you catholic?
Yes. Half Polish half German, raised by an ultra catholic grandma who dragged me to church every fucking day.
When was the last time you confessed?
Soon. The elusive goal of collapsing the West is finally within reach.
Some folk call him "Soup" round these parts.
S E P T E M B E R .
Long ago, I don't really believe in that organized shit anymore. When I want to pray, I go to the lake we have near our house and "meditate". Couple months ago my dad was in hospital, and he is way more conservative than me. Got anxious, wrote his testament and wanted to confess lol. But he didn't like the priest who came, so he didn't do it. True story.
I don't need a priest to relieve me, God is everywhere, just look at nature, it's fucking beautiful.
>yfw it was all planned
These type of predictions get made all the time,
and they're wrong every single time.
Sadly i live in a shitty city so i can't really enjoy nature. Anyways, you should confess your sins to a priest, and start going to mass every sunday again plus praying the rosary everyday will do wonders.
The signs are all here, chaos, a possible nuclear war, political instabilty, the church has been corrupted with freemasons and modernists. Our Lord will come in our generation for sure.
I had a long talk with the priest who buried my brother's father-in-law last year. It helped to deal with the situation. I would never bash priests, most of them are trying their best to help their community although some are shit and fuck kids and so on. That's why I don't like organized religion anymore. I pray all the time, it helps. But I do it alone. And now I opened my soul enough for you, don't even know if you are serious or just some troll hiding behind a meme flag.
can someone explain this to me, I dont understand.
Nah cunt
I am serious. I'm not the best catholic either, but Our Lady said that those who pray the rosary will be saved.
ya look at inb4 phone poster
You keep changing that fucking thing
eventually it will be right
Been a long time since I prayed the actual rosary. Nowadays I do that free style like I already explained. But the old thing I inherited from my grandma is still hanging on the wall here. No worries my friend, I'm in balance with nature and enjoy God's creation a lot.
Do pray the rosary everyday.
Yeah I won't start it again just because you tell me so. Did that for plenty years, then moved on.
Well, be safe then, God keep you.
I'm still skeptical.
Post will end with a 7
All of this is a lie.
I repeat, all is a lie.
It still a lie.
watch me
get the fuck out nigger
It will happen when the weather cools.
rolling for digits also bump
Is Saturn going to ignite? Yellowstone eruption? Demon invasion? Civil war? Any combination of these and more???
Perhaps this is the cycle of the world and the eternal struggle of man, the constant death and rebirth of the world.
Order & Chaos has been a cycle since the dawn of Time. Some have tried or managed to control/manipulate it to some extent.
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The focus on the eclipse might be used to distract people from what else might be going on in that Day/Timeframes.
hailed and checked
I hope it's not gonna suck
Majority of Catholics are shitskins
Catholics need to be gassed
Did we actually summon Kek?
Are we gonna be the ones responsible for all the weird shit that's about to happen in the coming months?
see you based Kali
a year ago I wouldn't have cared much. but now everything is going well for me, even have a sweet gf. I need a fucking world war like a third tit right now
*cucking intensifies*
Non-Christians BTFO
I'm christian but not since too long, I read the Bible and pray every days but I know I don't have the time to be baptized by any church before September 23.... Will I go too hell ?
If I get numerals America has a civil war while Canada stays unscathed
If I get numerals, America has a civil war while Canada stays unscathed
fuck off frank
>based anon5 visits my post
SEE YOU . . .
Modernist pope, i'm a traditionalist
The original sin will remain, so..
Idk really
Some people believe you need to be baptized and some don't
I asked some family members
Some said you need to be baptized
Some said you just need to believe in god and Jesus and obey them
Idk I was baptized as a baby and I consider myself a believer in god
But I don't know if being baptized as a baby counts
We could do some research and post our sauces in this thread
Had to try twice
>But I don't know if being baptized as a baby counts
Offcourse, the point of baptism is to remove the original sin, so you can only baptize once in your life.
Probably revelation 12
oh look this thread again
>september 23rd
This sauce says you don't need to be baptized
Yes you do
>Luke 21:25-28
>And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
>Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
>And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
>And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
shit the polizei still got it
I double posted cause I thought the first one didnt go through, so it counts
Praise kek
There's Ephesians 2:8-9
What verses prove you need to be baptized (this is a discussion not an argument)
I am awaiting His arrival.
I already said, the objective of baptism is to remove original sin, you can't go to heaven with original sin.
the power of holy light will protect you, see you in september
Catholicism is for Crypto jews. You are controlled by Jesuits. Get over yourselves. The Papacy =/= Jesus. ONLY praying to JEsus will get you to heaven. Praying the rosary is as useful as farting.
Thanks, if I'm dying I'll ask someone to baptist me.
I know God lead me to seek him, I was reprobate. I trust Him, He would bring me to the Light to cast me to Hell. Pray for me brothers please, I beg you. God I'm glad - even if it's too late - to let me know the Way and the fact that You love us all,