What is the general Sup Forums consensus regarding Faith Goldy?

What is the general Sup Forums consensus regarding Faith Goldy?

Sick of these shit Molymeme, Lauren Southern etc threads while Faith Goldy is intellectually superior (not to mention better looking).

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Another coal burner.

Ukranian-Greek goddess. I thought she was much older but I guess her b-day is in 1989

E Celeb coal burner


Guys, go get fucking girlfriends instead of orbiting these whores.

Yeah. She aged like shit.

she's way hotter without the disgusting lip synthol

Worthless e-celeb with a catfish mouth and an atrocious, hectoring voice. She's yucky

QT as fuck. Also very intelligent - MA from Uni. Toronto - has many awards, scholarships, etc.

Literally waifu-tier.

Probably all an act though.

Id slay a generation of people to fuck that sweet piece of ass

Really oy's my vey's.

You kikes are going to get what's coming to you. You have absolutely no idea what's in your future. I promise it'll be painful.

>plastic tatas
>now saviour of the white race

3 minutes after the Challenger slam she said, "Sorry guys I'm sweaty & gross" - apologizing for her appearance due to hot weather

Why do all rebel media gurls look 10-20 years older than their actual age

Hot af and crazy af.

Also interesting coincidence that she was present to film at the exact time and location of the car crash today.

I fucking wish even half of women their age looked as good kek. And it's FAR from that.


She smokes, sun beds significantly. A shame I know.

Would put it in her butt but that's about all.. no man should ever waste time with a Youtube "personality".

I like her a lot. Much better than that traitor Lauren Southern

She looked pretty good before she inflated her lips.


Faith Goldy and lauren Southern started at the same news agency.

Rebel Media

she spent too long in the sun

Lips are all fucked up


You she looked way better before the collagen to the lips... way better.

How can she be a traitor if she never was on your side goyim?

roasties, my dude