Is this the most powerful image from this decade? If not post it

Is this the most powerful image from this decade? If not post it.

this one moves me to tears.

Id even go as far as to say century. Deal with nazis.





I disagree



This one is.

Anybody who doesn't agree that it's this fundamentally misunderstands our revolution.

its crazy how good this picture came out

Gives new meaning to the name 'air jordans'


This one's pretty moving

September Carrino had done it better

lol that doesn't even register

Looks like something easy to power through

Swedish woman defying Nazis

still waiting for someone to post chelsea manning's peen, I know you niggers saved it

I love this pic. The roach looks so vindicated and defiant.

This is now a liberal cringe thread.

Compared to this one? Are you serious?

He looks white u faggot

There are so many.

not internationally and not universally

the world is nearing turmoil and this civil rights struggle 50 years after 1968 looks like a street brawl to show on tv

I have never seen an Uma Delicia that wasn't shit quality.
Thank you friend.

them digits tho

Pure kino

/r/T_D cucks need to mass-suicide already.


Id say this one is

What's going on here? She's just walking up to them, so what?

>ba dum buuuum ba dum buuuum badumbadumbum

He's a turk roach, dumbfuck. It's a great pic but let's be real here.
This one is way better.

If you take a life do you know what you'll give?
Odds are you won't like what it is

Pure Kino


She's so brave and strong walking up to police who weren't even going to lay a hand on her.

kys antifa neckbeard FAG



How is this powerful?

>gay faggot photo op
>best image

I can't explain why but that picture is perfect.

The thing about that image is: that is exactly the type of black woman that disgusts me. She has always been here throughout my life. She has disgusted me when I was in high school, as she was always loud, obnoxious and condescending. She was there at my part time job, sometimes as my coworker and sometimes as a customer, always throwing a fit and making her shopping event something for the world to see. And here she is, she is handed a photograph of herself which will be praised by liberal academics and foisted into the history books simply because she is black. She has been handed a spot in history for no reason.

He's not white, you pissbitch wtf.





>"Swedish woman"

Your ancestors gave her a spot in history when they decided to enslave, lynch and torture her ancestors.

Looks like a screencap from a film. Amazing.

hold up! hold up, ya'll! hold up! hold up! hold up! ho...

What's the deal with this picture? Do leftists seriously think being a dumbass and standing in front of the police to get arrested is something heroic?

That is a disobedient black refusing to yield to cops who probably told the groid to back up. Notice all the whites and even the other blacks complied. This dumb monkey spent the night in jail for nothing.

I've had toothpaste with more power.

Everyone ignores the context, the fact that the cops were on guard because just days before a black guy shot up 10 cops in Texas

Of course the black guy shooting up 10 cops in Texas gets ignored also for obvious reasons

You've got to post the entire thing..

Love him or hate him.. this is the most powerful image of the decade.

>Is this the most powerful image from this decade?
>If not post it.


No, this one.

>Swedish woman

try nigger


poor composition, not centered, fucking manlet in the front walking a different direction.
Trump looks out of breath, Pence looks effeminate... shit picture 2/10

>Not considering this as the most important image of the decade


There's like 10 jews in this picture

lol laaame

>is white

Dummy on the left ruins it




>race is just a color
Don't find yourself on the wrong end of my Mossberg, JIDF. You got that?

The slide threads are here

you just KNOW

Why does that flag look shopped?
Also what is this?

a challenger appears

Seems so staged

Also this is the photo of the century

underrated post

>is not white
No, he isn't, you're correct.



Some kind of 16D chess psyop?

we used the rule the world man

where did it all go so wrong

Also voting for this.
This sums it all up.

Honestly the definitive moment of David Lynch's career.


The day Vladimir Putin accepts Trump's surrender.

the yellow framed picture was shooped in. this is the original.



Russian patriots behead some shitskin immigrants.

shhh :^)


this decade has so much to offer. History is going to be gold by our generation.

what about this one?

