I think this is why the KKK wear hoods

I think this is why the KKK wear hoods.

Sup Forums BTFO

> employer

>implying employers would drop their most productive members
I'll bet the retards who make these actually think companies care about "diversity".

This is what happens when you leave your internet safe spaces.
Stay behind the screen, you'll be safer that way :)

You realise the nazi movement became so powerful because of high unemployment right?

So you admit you're nazis, good we're getting somewhere.

I'm not that naive, but I do think companies care about their image. Which is why they pretend to care about diversity and also why they'd fire these guys.

>"We condemn hate speech"
That's literally the only thing they have to do. Lefties are too lazy in general to get these people fired. Compare that to Sup Forums immediately trying to determine who that bike-lock faggot was, THEN going straight for his bosses.

>that bike-lock faggot
I missed that one. Fill me in?

See - this is what I worry about as a European, and this is the sole reason why most Euros won't do shit - they won't exchange comfort for muh politics when they'll get ostracised and lose the support for themselves or their families. However I notice in my conversations that this threshold is narrowing by the month.

>most productive members


i would fire them just for this.

Now THAT is irony. Try not to get run over by any cars now.

Charlotte is in NC what dumbass made this?

>they won't exchange comfort

i see you clearly of those people who have no fucking clue how hard it is actually to be working class in Europe.

Guy in commiefornia running around antifa rallies and smashing conservatives over the head with a bike lock. We used pics to track him down. Turns out he was a ultra libshit professor, and was a literal shit-eating cuck. Police followed up and confirmed.


Are you mental?
Most people are nazis here
You're not at reddit


so called comiformia is the most conservative state in usa my nigglet. do your fucking homework.

Can't tell if baiting or actually this dumb.

Charlottesville VA

It was even more impressive than that, they managed to identify him with most of his face obscured and just a small part of his hair visible.

has this guy gotten doxed yet? I want to know if he's seen this meme.

>most productive members
Yes cuse white men are known for being so productive, especially ones with a muh white genocide victimhood complex

hahaha some faggot who puts up marxist conference posters and gets beat up by homeless abos must've found Sup Forums today

Yeah, but the tides have turned. This is actually mainstream politics now for under 30s.

They are, yeah. There's not really any more hard-working race I can think of, except maybe asians.

Yeah yeah, I didn't make the picture, I just saw it.


>Put a hood on

"Hahaha you're a coward!"

>Show your face

"Hahaha you're an idiot I'm going to go out of my way to try and make your life worse simply for not having my opinions!"

There is no winning with the left. Not being them is automatically a sin worth the worse punishments.

The shit eating cuck was the guy who punched Richard Spencer. They're not the same guys.

Sup Forums, we need some sort of mask when we do shit IRL to prevent this to happen, any ideas?

Get on with the program. Protesting in 2017 is all about the ski masks, face scarfs and molotovs. Every lefty/dindu knows this.

Welcome to the board, you'll fit right in here

It's not that there's no winning with the left, it's that there's no winning when you're a white supremacist.

the skull face cover plus sunglasses seems good.

Fuck you shill, I'm a fucking manager.

Data and factual information does prove our point.

>the alt-right are all ugly basement dwelling virg-


Maybe antifa are right, mask the fags cringe-war now?

>88 jersey

look at this hero


manager at wendys

>Yes cuse white men are known for being so productive

They actually are.

stahlhelms and sunglasses would be nice

Try $13 an hour, with benefits.

What the fuck do you do?

I don't have a problem with "lol nazi" but maybe they should roleplay as civcucks UNTIL they get power then go full out.
just an idea.
this shit doesnt help us.

What the fuck is a civcuck?

>$13 an hour
Yet someone I know makes $20 watching over neckbeards during their dota and hearthstone tournaments

You realize minimum wage is $10.50 now right?

Yeah pol used a bic pen and his dating profile to seal the deal kek
Bike lock faggot had a bic pen pictured in his pocket, also had mentioned his love for them online. Everything pointed to Eric clanton

Goddamn I'd repopulate the white race with him in a heartbeat

lmfao my point exactly. literally less than minimum wage mcdonalds employees in my city. i knew shit was bad for you guys but damn.

a e s t h e t i c

>stahlhelms and sunglasses
you got cocky and thought you could control of the memes. now the memes are going to destroy you.

>Charlotte, VA
How fucking here is it to spell Charlotte and ville

>jawline nationalism

> tfw grad student bringing in $82,000/year after taxes

Msm starts covering protests early on before anything big happens
>car rams into vehicle and several people
>no cops present
>black tinted windows
>seemingly no hesitation
>airbags don't deploy in fairly new car moving quite quickly
>Calm expression
>high-T military-tier facial structure resembling actual owner
>reverses full speed in a straight line for 1+ blocks and disappears
>drives off to a remote location
>apprehended out of sight
>suposidly pulled over by 2 black suburbans; made everyone go inside practically pulling guns on residents
>guy looked "middle eastern/tan" not ghost white
>bundled him into a suv really fast (wore skinny jeans)
>the white guy sitting beside a challenger in handcuffs where not the guy user saw get helped out of the car
>rainbow bottle on car originally potentially later swaped to a black simple bottle? (may just have rolled over)
>helicopter with full footage of cars path and video of the subject "crashes"
>fiery Hollywood explosion even though it fell through multiple trees
>no auto rotation even though the helicopter should have been high enough to do so
>Car registry states that the vehicle is supposed to have a sunroof
>11 hours before the identity is released

>Appears to be the perfect set-up to win sympathy for the violent left, while demonizing the right
>no 12 year old girl seen in video that msm keeps bringing up (also who brings a little girl with them to
historically violent left rallies
>/pol spamed with large amount of people trying to quickly disarm quality /pol investigations

We truly ARE onto something if we actually started researching this.

Can someone explain to this young faggot how babby is formed? It doesn't involve your ass.

civic nationalist

How does it feel to know my sign on bonus for a new contract gig will be more than you take home in 6 months? Enjoy your hate filled rage fantasies, cleetus.

Pretty much anything is white supremacist now.

Yeah there's a reason the only countries worth living in are majority white

I wish we could do the same thing to BLM and ANTIFA protesters...but I doubt they are employed.

>faggot natsoc
Sup Forums in a nutshell

white people are literally the mot productive though

you think fucking Laquisha is going to be pulling her weight?

Sup Forums is dying, White Supremacy is discredited, and Kek has betrayed his followers.

Anons, we have seen enough. Don't deny your hearts, or the truth.
It's time to remake ourselves and Start Over.

Hail the Goddess of the Wired
Lets All Love Lain!

But being a white supremacist is the highest form of winning

Le Fawkes masques

t. shlomo shekelstein

>w-we'll counter them with our own memes

except that isnt funny

HHAHAHAHAH they cant even dox the people. They are just hoping some random employer is going to stumble onto their meme.

What a bunch of pathetic faggots

welcome, melbourne

Wake up Sup Forums


>We gotta do masks guise

Charlottesville* couldn't even get that right? Pathetic faggot.

Oh wait so pasta niggers are white now? Slavs too? Jesus why can't you guys make up your minds

melbourne please die

You guys will probably still find a reason to claim that Jews aren't white, though.

had to lol at that one, guy. wtf?

You greedy fucks probably wouldn't last a week doing the physical labour I do. Especially if you think the idea of a real man's job is to babysit a bunch of fucking autists.

At least I have the gumption to accept the life of a working class man, instead of try to weasel my way around it.


Jews are white imo, if their skin color is white then their white. But Sup Forums will usually dance around that fact so they don't muddy up their race

They don't consider themselves white. They don't assimilate into white cultures. They actively work to destroy all that is white.

They are not white.

Black hairdye and toothbrush moustaches.


Errrrrrr I'm a mechanic so I dunno user, but doing physical labor "will" eat away at your lifespan and mainly your back. So its never a good idea to work +20 years doing physical labor even the old timers told me that.

This is me.
I am also currently unemployed so I don't gaf about self doxxing.
Welcome to Sup Forums

Post-redpill Bert
Godspeed user

>Sup Forums has fucked me up to the point where shoelaces of a specific color are like checking out a fine ass
stop hurting me like this

You look gay.

That I can respect. But getting banged up is part & parcel of doing hard work, it's just something you get used to.

lol what is with this red laces & cargo-camo shit, do something original damnit.

Get button suspenders, non low-rise pants, and real jackboots, dumbass.

Based hapa tranny in platform shoes

You look like you're going to a gay bar, f@m.

does he have a small penis?

all actors paid by the jews to do some nazi-pretending, giving them the ideal opposition they dream of

You retard. You have no idea how genes work. Its not about skin for fuck's sake.

nazism is a jewish propaganda tool. Hitler was really a subversive agent for the jews and was jewish on his mothers side. Think about it - before the jews had niggers, they had the low IQ white folk, who are attracted to the same shit - "whites are the best, whites invented everything, whites can do no wrong". Nazis were the jews niggers before they had black niggers.

Cutting your hands and arms up is something I'm fine with and build character, but the whole throwing your back out is the part that scares me. I watched my boss have to deal with that shit, its not something I want since my back has already been fucked up as a kid

None of what this "man" wearing makes you look.........well you honestly look like a tranny. How tall is this guy without the platform boots, this look died in the 90s

sounds like you have a bad case of confirmation bias