Sup Forums's Entire Argument Against Race-Mixing is Wrong

>X race shouldn't marry Y race because Y race "inferior" on average
Do you think that when people marry someone, they're marrying that entire race and not just that one person? Do you really think that every last person of one race is above every last person of another race?

>but race-mixing reduces the number of whites
Not an argument. Try having more kids in your all-white pairings instead.

Explain yourselves, Sup Forums.

>Not all

>Do you think that when people marry someone, they're marrying that entire race and not just that one person?
>Do you really think that every last person of one race is above every last person of another race?

You really don't get race theory at all

A nation is more stable when it has one culture and different races are better/worse at different cultures

As long as my wife is fucking a /based black man/ I don't see the problem

Rational discourse is not to be found here

Mix-breeding is the only logical solution to race problems. If you create a new race, there are no more differences

Differences don't matter in single-race ethnostates.

also wrong

Single-race ethnostates are a 19th Century meme.

It was a good meme, should have never tried to move past it. The results are clearly shit.

>Do you think that when people marry someone, they're marrying that entire race and not just that one person?
>Do you really think that every last person of one race is above every last person of another race?

Maybe you should try actually listening to our argument instead of attacking strawmen.

She-boon Shill post.

A Black female is behind this. FaSum BWGTOW agenda being push.

Get lost....

bitching about race mixing never made any sense to me. Do any of you really think you're pure ____? Hell no, everyone is mixed as fuck.

These are hardly the only arguments against miscegenation.

>Do you think that when people marry someone, they're marrying that entire race and not just that one person? Do you really think that every last person of one race is above every last person of another race?
What is regression to the mean?

>Not an argument. Try having more kids in your all-white pairings instead.
It's an objectively true statement.

Shill thread, like most today.

Yeah I'm mixed European, and I want my kids to be mixed European as well.

try reading the second part of my post

The problem is the biological phenomenon known as "regression to the mean." In the absence of strong selective pressures, individuals' offsprings will gravitate towards the mean of any given trait. This prevents populations from slowly growing like ridiculously long claws of something. Same thing happens with humans and intelligence.

Marrying an intelligent nigger could still easily give you dumb niglet kids

>It's an objectively true statement.
Migration and below-replacement birthrates are the only major contributing factors.

Within a family, iq can range multiple standard deviations.
Childen of le blased wamyn will often regress to the mean.
Not to mention there is a far greater chance of mental illness

I read your entire post.
It is what it is. People like to be around people like them. By politics, religion, region of the world, culture, and yes even the big scary "r" word, race.


Also OP do you really not see how stupid it is to pretend that the individuals don't make up the race?

So you're going to post a picture and then pretend like you weren't arguing for what it's saying?

What part of
>A multi-ethnic society is thus necessarily anti-democratic and chaotic
do you not understand?

Do you even know what "regression to the mean" means? Do you have any proof of what you're implying that it means?

Are you going to ignore this?

I married a girl who is half non-white and I regret it constantly. I joke with her that white bitches be crazy. But really they are just incessantly annoying. Brown bitches be C R A Z Y. Like for real, son. Think twice. Now we have a son and he is 75% white but I feel he is tainted by his "perpetual victim" blood. I want him to be proud of his whiteness (75% anyway) but his mom is going to turn him into an oppressed minority liberal. He is 99% hight and weight and has skin that is whiter than mine. I dont know maybe he will be able to.have the best of both worlds? Tall good looking and white looking man but also gets to play the sad violin music race card whenever its convenient. He can be the walking breathing liberal double standard.

If I could do my life all over again I would just have unprotected sex with as many white women as I could and make as many white babies as possible and fuck the consequences. For God and Race.

All the mixed race people ive know always end up trying to get white partners because you blacks not only insult them for not being "black enough" but also dont accept them as part of your race Makes me wonder who the real racists are

>A nation is more stable when it has one culture and different races are better/worse at different cultures
I would go a little further and say that appearance e.g. race, are a natural group determination. A nation composed of different races will always have its populous aggregating into racial groups.
This will affect the ability of the state to function, because policies all policies will be judged on how they affect the different racial-groups.
Like; will lowering income tax rate be disproportional good for the white community compared to the black community. People will vote to favor their group, and have limited concerns about other groups.

anecdotal evidence is not evidence, even if you're not lying

>implying I'm black

>Single-race ethnostates are a 19th Century meme.
That wasn't real single-race ethnostate..
Real single-race ethnostate has never been tried


I want my children to resemble me and not some family's kids i'm babysitting.

>Sup Forums's argument..
stopped reading.
You're a garbage poster who thinks this is a hive mind.
Nothing you say is worth reading. Enjoy your life.

imagine you are rich and have control of the demographics of a country through controlling immigration and other factors.

Wouldn't ir be weird to force people to mix?

Im not saying it would be bad, but its artificial which is bad.

if the government can decide when i have kids and who by? What next can they choose what gf I get?

Or even when I have sex or a child?

FEMA camps full of men and women making children all the colours of the rainbow, human breeding?

They did that with black people under slavery in sex farms already.

Why would I bother addressing the arguments of people who aren't against it?

I'm quarter lebanese, and my daughter has blonde hair, and blue eyes. Although, nearly all of my grand parents, parents were German immigrants. Wife is anglo. I just look Italian. I would consider race mixing with a complete genetic opposite IE: European/African, to be an abomination. The children are always fucking hideous.

Well I wasn't really making any hypothesis. I really only made one claim "Brown bitches be CRAZY." The rest of my story was a cautionary tale. I dont need statistical models to offer my experience as a cautionary tale. If someone tells me not to stare at the solar eclipse with my bare eyes because he did and went blind, I'm not gonna ask him for empirical proof of his blindness and a scientific study proving it was caused by the sun. Its a cautionary tale, take it or leave it. Its not an argument persuasion. You may have different results. These were mine. Now you go do some racial experiment and see how it goes.

If it helps I can go marry and make a thousand more brown babies and compile the results.

One, nigs are dumb and the children are the average of the two parents. But even if you find a smart nog....

There are paired genes. For instance, one gene found commonly in whites gives an 8 times higher chance of heart disease; and another gene that neutralizes it. If both parents are white, they will inherit both genes. If one parent is nonwhite, it is possible to inhert only the bad gene and not the other one. Bam, bad health for the rest of your child's life, and possibly their children, and so on, forever.

Also, arabs are heavily inbred. Also jews. They have a host of genetic problems that we want to keep out of the white gene pool.

Its very easy to pollute your genetics and impossible to reverse. Don't fuck up your entire lineage.

>Do you even know what "regression to the mean" means?
In biology, the concept applies to traits tend to regress toward the mean. If a couple that is both 2 standard deviation above the mean in any trait, their offspring will on average be closer to the mean than their parents.
So the thought is that if an intelligent black person is one or two standard deviation above his race, in intelligence. It's offspring will regress toward the mean of the black population.
The child will most likely still be smarter than the mean.. but still less smart than their parent.

Do you think it will happen overnight and under the pressure of the government?

or naturally overtime when people meet each other?

Maybe the increased trade might actually benefit the poor countries involved and develop them (shock horror!) and the world might progress.

Then diamond mines in sierra leone might close down and the powerful would not like that!

racemixing is god

>make a thousand more brown babies and compile the results.


>c'mon even people with no responsiblity have about 20-30 kids max when they can't even be bothered to pull out from a driveway

Nice joke


> it's not real socialism