With everybody looking at the Dodge is anyone looking into the helicopter crash at all?

With everybody looking at the Dodge is anyone looking into the helicopter crash at all?

Because they weren't killed by white supermacists

>is anyone looking into the helicopter crash at all?
Couple of hot dogging pilots trying to save the day.

Then why are MSM outlets reporting 3 deaths related to this incident?

Because I really doubt anyone has surface to air missiles.

This is what I've been saying. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info on it, though.

This was a crash of a police heli returning home after being deployed to the protests. No reason to suspect foul play. The msm are just bundling this event with the car crash to trick low information listeners.

What if the chopper recorded what happened in pic related?

Fox News just said "alt right racist white supremacists" killed two state troopers.

>What can men do against such reckless propaganda

Why is this sliding so hard?

>No picture of the helicopter

This happened.

Did they change the drivers and the copter saw it?

Quite possible.



that's pretty typical for Jewish media

= Tower 7

>fifty threads of "holy shit we're FUGGGING DOOMED" after a couple of enemy casualties

hmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder why.................................

>TFW no milf gf.
