What if he's found not guilty?

What if he's found not guilty?

Will dindus do a Ferguson #2?

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Probably wont get much, i mean if you look at the video all the cars around the area where swarmed.

Plus it is really easy to just claim that you were frightened and ran someone over. Prosecution is going to have to go above and beyond to fine malicious intent

You fucking racist whites will get away with anything. This is why african americans are angry.

I am hoping both of those things happen. It will be glorious

>Prosecution is going to have to go above and beyond to fine malicious intent
I'm calling it now: the court case is going to hinge on the memes he shared on facebook.

Yes. He will get away with it. And your not going to do fuck all about it.

Niggers are always angry, they chimp out for no logical reason

Fuck you nigger lovin kike, go suck a bag of cocks, knobgoblin coal buring oil drillin race traitor
Go back to Africa, we dont want you, we never did. Every white person who is nice to you secretly wants to watch you hang, everybody hates you kys tranny

but the victims were white
white people will bitch about it on twitter rather than chimping out

Being at the protests on the side of the nazis, his facebook posts and other social media, along with the fact that he took aim & slammed the car into the protesters at 40 miles an hour when he could easily have turned away from the group will do the job of proving intent very easily.

He's going away for life, and expect the charges to increase.

Only reason he won't be getting the death penalty would be to stop him becoming a martyr to the nazis.

An angry mob swarms his property wielding arms causing damage to his property. He is right to be afeared for his life. He dindu nuffin.


I hope they do, maybe you cowards will fight back this time.

stop larping faggot

Yup. Easy rap to beat. They threw rocks and bottles at his car, he tried to run but ran into a larger mob and panicked. Was then attacked by bat wielding nogs, panicked and full reverse out of there. Maybe could get a manslaughter and a plea deal.

>What is freaking out and accidentally slamming on the throttle
>What is small street with literally no where to go

again, facebook posts and memes don't mean shit unless he is directly correlates with hitting protesters with his car. The Berkeley bike lock guy is screwed because they have found that in his possession was antifa propaganda AND bike locks.

If your assertion was true, which it isn't, then if any user on this board killed a black man who was trespassing in their house, then it is an pre-meditated hate crime

At the most he will get manslaughter

That would be the case if there weren't visible damage to his car before he sped up and multiple videos of his car being swarmed after he hit the car in front. He'll get off with a good lawyer.

>Muslim terrorists kill people
>Don't you dare blame all muslims for this, it's only a few hateful idiots that do these things, religion of peace, muslims are kind, you are a bigot neo nazi.

>white supremacist kills peopls
>fuck white people, it's all their fault, white people have to do something about it, oppression, fuck trump

Good thing cops aren't prosecutors...

no, because it was a white woman that was killed.

>visible damage to his car before he sped up
i havent seen these



is this how Sup Forums dies? in a nationally televised court case where they go through his browsing history and thousands of memes become evidence in the zimmeriman 2.0 reality tv court case of the century?

Find videos of the whole thing. The right side of his car is fucked up.


The guy is 99% a Sup Forums poster based on his facebook

They're going to go through everything he ever posted, it's all going to come out, and Sup Forums will be shut down for radicalizing him

its just some autist faggot who got scared and ran a bunch of people over, he's got 10 years minimum already. antifa will still chimp out over a 10 year sentence for 2nd degree murder because they think he's a nazi who came there to kill people.

can someone fill me in on what this images are? I see a weird nazi flag in the lower left. I don't recognize the one in the upper right.

I don't see the self defense card working here my dude

Why would they do that? Courts said none of Trayvon Martin's history was relevant to his case

are there seriously dumbasses who think you can hit 19 people with a car and argue self defense?

what if he has video of antifa smashing his windows?

niggers are taught to be angry, their small brains allow easy (((manipulation)))

No, the only death was a white lady. White Lives don't matter.

>What is "I panicked and hit the throttle"

you are literally a part of the US, which has thousands of cars hitting people every year. This is the most common excuse, and it will work even more since their was a protesters around the cars.

If it's a situation where he was attacked while In the car, yes

stand your ground laws and self defence laws in that state?

Fuck off with your NLP and NVC. Same bullshit flag spouting your pc vomit.

Was the person who died black? If not then there's not gonna be a chimp out. Niggers don't give a fuck if some faggot white antifa died.

never thought about that actually, so this faggot will get 10 years in prison and nobody will chimp out over it

Ah yes, the Ferguson Train lead the way to the Trump Train win.

Are you a billionairs y/n?

Man, the jury is human and will have seen news coverage, I don't see it working

same, although I doubt niggers would give a shit about some dead white bitch.

In blue states(that includes Tehas), yes
They won't do shit in red States
I know for a fact that they won't do shit here in Florida, and if they do it won't even be remotely violent. 1 in 12 people here CC legally, there's a reason that the Zimzam incident was here yet there wasn't a single violent protest during, before, or after the trial in this state despite it being ground zero

Dindus are the blunt tools of (((those people)))
Time dindus learned their place
or they should head for the airports

Serious question. Do we know that this guy didn't crash into these people because he was scared? People initially freaked out about Trayvon and Mike Brown, then we got all the details. Is there a video before he crashed into the people? Like is there evidence this guy was just sitting in his car getting fucked with?

1. I've seen multiple videos of BLM & Antifa "protesting" and attacking random vehicles with people in them.
3. Protesters are armed with bats and face masks
4. Once the car drives forward and hits the people, the mob literally starts breaking his windows. Any sensible person would get the fuck out of there.



You know what to do.

>They won't do shit in red States
>not remembering Ferguson



oh god i hope so. The more niggers chimpout over unjustified bullshit the more people we recruit to the White nationalist cause.

Niggers chimping means more recruits and more foot soldiers when the day of the rope finally comes. I want niggers rioting/chimping to happen every single fucking day nonstop until white normies finally reach their mental snapping point and start sieg heiling with the rest of us.

i love how it wasnt even an alt-right dude

his mom confirmed he was alt right

Scarsella had video of the crowd beating him up, still found guilty, in practice none of this shit will hold up in court, it is not worth going to a rally or a situation where you might be targeted



>Scarsella had video of the crowd beating him up, still found guilty
Rightfully so, quit using that faggot as some sort of martyr.

Wasn't there some guy months ago telling us to get off Sup Forums?

>his mom confirmed he was alt right
give me a non-left leaning source of this


If there are 100 people attacking your car, hitting 19 of them seems justifiable.
Depends on the states self defense laws, do they have castle doctrine?

Something's real fishy about all this. Keep your eyes peeled...

What of it? He was probably there for the rally, got told to disperse but couldn't escape.
>Free speech but only if you think like us
Pathetic dogs.

Trayvon wasn't the defendant.

Wrong guy.

>are there seriously dumbasses who think you can hit 19 people with a car and argue self defense?

a cop probably could since they basically have licenses to kill in the U.S. but some Sup Forums nazi? He's fucked.

so he's a coward who ran over people to save his own skin from a perceived threat from inside his car? either way, he didn't hit the breaks so it was clearly premeditated. why hasn't he been charged with first-degree murder?

>They said the driver was scared
so the same excuse pigs use when they shoot first and ask questions later?

because the cops didn't show up soon enough

because this always happens. first an event happens and people FREAK OUT but somehow the thing worked out just like the prejudices said.

that's why i wait 2 weeks

But he did hit the breaks. You can see him pump the breaks in one of the videos. After which, his car is hit by an agitator with a weapon, and he accelerates in response to get away. That's when the collision happens. After the collision happens, he gets swarmed by agitators with bats and other weapons, and he slams it in reverse to get away again.

Source pls

why are you guys proud to be autistic? You just seem like complete dumbasses

Better than being actual dumbasses like you fags.


In this video you can see the break lights at 0:01. At 0:03, you can see an agitator strike the fender of the car with an object, causing the driver to speed up and collide with the parked cars/mob.

In this video, at 0:015, after the collision, you can see the agitators with weapons swarm the vehicle and begin attacking.


protesters block roads, they deserve it. i don't care about either side in this, i'm on the side of people that like to drive roads, and hate it when fat whales block them because they want to throw a hissyfit

Bullshit. You're terrorists now.

Well if they put me on the jury, he's walking as revenge for O.J.

I don't know why I misspelled the word brake. It's late.

He was found with his car you dumb shit

See: Tell me how I'm wrong. I think some people are just not watching the videos very closely. You can see it all there. You can even hear the screeching of the tires when he pumps the brakes, in addition to seeing the brake lights. And you can clearly see the car being attacked by an agitator. And you can't miss the agitators who swarm the car with weapons after the collision. What am I missing here?

It will be interesting to see if he ever even gets to court, or if hes drugged out of his mind while there

>2:30min in
>"lol where are the police"?!
oh NOW you want police...

>self defense

The terrorist are the Radical violent left wingers paid to instigate violence

This may be what lessens the PR blow more than any other factor, including the degree to which he did it maliciously, which is of course funny since it sports an alt right talking point. But it's true, if white antifa get killed it's not nearly as big a deal to media as if he killed black people. The person killed will not go down as a hero and have murals painted of them or be taught about to school kids etc as would have if she was black.

There are several videos from different angles. They clearly show malicious intent. Calling him not guilty would be insane.

But muh feminism

Who was he?

He did kill somebody. That's still manslaughter right?
Can't get out of it unscathed

care to share your source for that?

>They clearly show malicious intent.

Must be some futuristic ghostbuster shit to show malicious intent on a fucking video of a car

He was a poster here. There are real terrorists who post on Sup Forums. It's not ironic.

>Can't get out of it unscathed

Depends how they try to defend it.
If he claims self defense he could make it.

I un-ironically believe that women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Not only scared but if the person who died was one of the people with bats who jumped on the back of the car then he REALLY might be not guilty.

They'll convict him of SOMETHING to appease the dindus no matter how much he feared for his life.

He's at least going up on manslaughter charges.

"oh look, a crowd of people 100 feet away, better put the pedal to the metal!" Yeah, real fucking mystery.

Beyond Ferguson. It could start our October Revolution.

No one is afraid of you shit flinging faggots. We aren't in the UK. Well. I'm not.

Sarcasm is not an argument.

Intent doesn't address WHAT happened.... it addresses WHY it happened. Do you get the difference?

But that is simply not what happened. You can see him pump the brakes as he approaches the gathering before him. Then his vehicle is attacked by a man with a weapon. This causes him to accelerate forward. The collision happens. There is a pause. The car begins to get swarmed by armed assailants. He puts it in reverse and escapes from them. This is what the videos depict.