So this is the power of the alt-right

So this is the power of the alt-right


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Paid opposition

Are any of them Jews? I have to ask these days.


Damn, white people are pathetic nowadays

>12 grams

So nothing pretty much

Is that dirt on the guy in the middle or does he have some kind of fungus?

Keked and checked

This is such stupid logic. The white supremacists think the race as a whole is the master race regardless of their unfortunate circumstances.

>12 grams of meth

Clearly it didn't belong to the middle guy.

When they say propaganda, do they mean they owned some books in their home library?

Or actual flyers and leaflets etc?
For example I own sonny bargers auto biography, but I am no way a hells angel.

Believe it or not doing meth and even heroin can actually make you gain weight. ..though it's usually the opposite

>5 people represent an entire demographic

I thought dems were tolerant?

The power of a strawman more like

>hundreds of pages of Nazi propaganda
So, literally like one book on WWII.

multiple keks

>Nazi propaganda

>book on WWII

Hmm, doubt it, that would be... ineffective.

Cuck German said what?

Here, have some "nazi propaganda".

>Holocaust Handbooks & Documentaries

Im in the ALT-right and i have interacted with David Duke and Richard Spencer several times. I missed the Rally but i know 80% of the real Alt-Right people who were there and i have never seen any of these people before in my life. The probability of them being Jewish agents is very high.

>12 grams
>So nothing pretty much

How much you smoke fag, that shit is enough to keep those 5 fags awake for a week