Charlottsville, Virginia

>Charlottsville, Virginia

Has Chris already made any comments about the attack?

Other urls found in this thread:

Barneyfags need to die

I looked to see if his stalkers had any info, but it doesn't look like it.

Being a brony faggot is just the beginning of Chris Chan's problems

I still hate these fags

Does Krtek triggers you too?

If you think bronys are cringe you aint seen nothing yet, google him sometime

Kill it with fire

I really do

Did Slovenia just get the internet in the last year or two? CWC isn't a "brony" or a "barneyfag," he's a category unto himself.

But I'm proud of your little spergout here, it looks like you're on your way to being some yurotrash CWC yourself.

they still need to die though

I hate them

I hate them

I really wish he gave a fuck about anything. Would be entertaining to get his fucked up opinions on this stuff.

I know this isn't the place and all but c'mon leave the poor guy alone. Unlike most brony fags, who are just faggots, he's actually autistic and likes the show.

He does, but sadly he's not doing so well, so our exposure to him has decreased in recent years. him and his mother are currently begging for money every other week to pay for utilities and food, he's also been selling off all his fathers stuff to pay for video games. He's currently working on his comic series and selling merchandise online so I think his autism is blocking out everything else. But when he does care it's great.

Yeah, his senile mother. That's some disturbing shit.

He's so disgustingly autistic I almost feel bad for him.... Almost.

He's got an axewound dick now

you're slovenian?

We did this to him. He is our creation!

I actually feel worse for his mother than him. He's an autistic fuck who's clearly not fit to work because he's mentally unstable and his mother has to take care of his fat ass and support his autism. Not only that she has to e-beg because her autistic tranny son won't get a job.

>Trying to rationalize Chris Chan without knowing his life's story
Chris Chan was not supposed to get a job because after getting fired from Burger King his dad decided it was better for everyone involved that he should get welfare checks for life, which he does. As economically illiterate as it is since minimum wage>welfare $, Chris Chan is un-hireable due to his autistic tranny personality which was enabled by his parents. The dude had no good chance at surviving society and provides a case for post-birth abortion.
For Education purposes