Whats the difference between white people using a vehicle to inflict terror and death...

Whats the difference between white people using a vehicle to inflict terror and death, compared to Muslims using a vehicle to inflict terror and death?

Hint: There isn't one.

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google.com/search?q=hitting protesters with car legal&oq=Hitting protest&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0l4.3223j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Right, they're both inbred jewish puppets.

Which ones were blocking the street

simple, leftists and islamists arent humans to begin with

TIL that people protesting on a street gives free reign to mow them over.

By that same logic, if you're stuck in traffic on a motorway, you have free permission to just drive into people to get through. They're blocking your exit home after all.

Dumb cunt.

Actually it does. google.com/search?q=hitting protesters with car legal&oq=Hitting protest&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0l4.3223j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

The people in traffic don't hit my car with baseball bats tho, retard

The difference is that this was a Soros false flag/antifa accidentally running over his own people/other made up Sup Forums shit

Fuck off false flag

Ahhh, so #notallaltright then?

This right here.

Mudshits are running over innocent people NOT standing in the middle of the street. The other is running over Soros paid shills. So fuck them.

Public reaction:
White guy : Whites are killers !
Muslim guy : They won't divide us, we must unite against hate!
>inb4 OP is cuck!

^ exactly what I meant.

You fucking nazis can't even take responsilibity when you kill antifa scum. Pathetic.

minorities sympathize with muslims

whites do it in their own countries, muzzies do it in other people's countries. one is more disrespectful than the other.

hahahahaha """"""""false flag""""""""

because that elaborate little drama is more likely than some white nazi trash being a violent murderous coward, right?

funny how you guys laugh at liberals for their mental gymnastics, yet are the first to create pure fantasy when you can't deal with reality.

say it with me Sup Forums: WRONG. SIDE. OF. HISTORY.

Muhammad in Britanistan quick to capitalize on a random vehicular homicide.

Which "white people" group has urged attacks on, well, random people? Which "white people" group has suggested the use of a motor vehicle for the purpose?
>Hint: There isn't one.

Thanks for reminding me that Muslims are scum. Not that I need to be reminded about it every 10 minutes.

The people on the London Bridge were not protesting while attacking the Muslim's truck.
The guy in Charlottesville manged to stay on the road and not plow into the people on the sidewalk.

The difference is the difference between ideology and the difference between Civil war and war.

Dude I was making fun of the idiots calling it a false flag...

ah, my apologies then. carry on good sir.

uh white people can call it something else because white priviledge.

offense and defense, hint: go back to Somalia.

I think everyone will carry on regardless of your opinion.
You can't even understand basic english and you're """"British""""
now get the fuck out Mohammed

One of these situations is a chaotic street brawl where the police are doing nothing to contain the situation.

The other is an attack on innocent civilians.
You don't just get to advocate a "diversity of tactics" to shut down your opponents and then complain when there is blowback because "we were in the PEACEFUL part of the mob of violent thugs assaulting people"

This shouldn't have happened but it's the natural conclusion of the behavior by leftists for the past year in using extra legal violence to try to suppress anyone to the right of nancy pelosi.


1. Muslims do it more often.
2. Muslim kill more people with them.

These are the metrics that actually matter.

the bats flying through your windows.

>that guy at the end who crushed between the two cars


Islam car of peace : Part and parcel, nothing to see here, #NotAllMuslims.

Right wing car od death : Must be stopped, kill all white people, literal Hitler.

why they had bats in peaceful protest?

The difference is that killing communists is self-defence


Muslims attack innocent people, and exist in networks with tens of thousands of supporters.
The supposed right-ring guy attacked violent political opponents and acted alone. This wasn't planned or supported by the side he supposedly belongs to.

Besides, terrorist attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city, and according to the left, you can never blame the ideology the attacker belongs to. National Socialism is an ideology of peace, after all.

White people cannot be terrorists because we are not systemically oppressed as a people, for the same reason black people cannot be racist towards whites.

Muslims do this on a weekly base

Didn't these guys jump out with knives and start cutting bitches? The guy in USA didn't.
That's a pretty big difference...

No evidence it was premeditated at present. Just as likely it was a direct response to the driver being approached by a horde of angry and violent extremists causing him to panic and floor it.

this desu

"acted alone"

he was literally at an event where hundreds of his fellow neo-nazi's were doing a gay little candlelight vigil for a statue.

If somebody punches you, and you punch them back, they're in the wrong and you're not. '''Progressives''' attack whites, therefore any violence against them is morally justified.

What is the difference between random pedestrians out on a sidewalk, minding their own bushiness and violent communists gathered on the street in hundreds to wreck shit?
I don't know bruh it's a fucking mystery.

Cops are charging him with 2nd degree which means the police don't think it was premeditated.

Both use violence as a political means instead of rational discourse. Both are vermin. Neither are condoned. Both are condemned on both sides.


Hint - lefties are not people

Too many people already got killed, seriously hurt, robbed of money and car by those antifas BLM and anti-trump "protesters"


If such shit stays in your way you drive straight through it becouse of safety reasons.
And it's not wrong it's common sense. You honk, if they don't move you drive through them.

Antifa commie cunts deserved it. BTFO

we wuz colonialists and shieet.....

There's nothing wrong with killing subhuman communists

>Dude intentionally crashes into people.
>Should have just said 'pardon me'

So, holding torches and gathering at a statue is murder now?
You see why people consider you faggots insane?

Those are PEACE BATS.
They're used to spread peace with a home run!

Accept that there were 2 cars on the road in front of hom, which he also hit....so he's a shitty driver as well as a shitty human being?

Or ya know, drive around?

Kufr infidel cunts deserved it. BTFO

Yet the left will absolutely tell you when a muslim do it it's not terror and it was an asian man and islam is a religion of peace and if you say this was terrorism you are a fucking bigot who needs to kill himself.

Part waParcel, inshallah


Death in the name of a religious ideology vs death in the name of...what?

individual actions vs groups think.

another one

You must be retarded as fuck if you don't see a difference between car killing people walking on pavement and car killing people assulting him while he drives properly on road.

you must be a retard to even assult moving cars.
or a zombie.
or a nigger in france

Yeah, muslims get attacked in their cars everyday

You cannot be a leftist and a human being at the same time.
Therefore, from a moral perspective, the driver of the vehicle committed no wrongs.

Charlottesville is high quality stunt work if a hoax. The London hoax was low effort.

>So, going to the mosque and praising allah is terrorism now?
Some self-reflection would be nice

Not when people already block you and start beating your windows with baseball bats or some shit

the british welcome shitskins in and they repay their kindness with death
the commies attacked nazis and threw rocks at cars and the nazis defended themselves

your children are being raped tea sipper

Muslims share a doctrine that they know is written by god and holds universal truths, and in this doctrine it commands the killing of non believers.

Thats a big fucking deifference.

Massive difference. Muslims invade other countries and then kill random innocent bystanders just for living there.
People who run over commies are running over the people who destroy their countries. They drive over those that block roads, which is legal in most parts of the world.
I don't care about your political affiliation, if someone is blocking the road you have the duty to run them over.

the difference is, you're a fucking nigger so you deserved to die.

Except thats not what happened here.

The difference is ostensible to everyone of us who matters.

You, for failing to naturally understand it, must be a femenine, nutered, anti human scum.

I couldn't believe the degeneracy of your former great nation, yet with examples such us yourself, it makes sense.

one is religiously and politically motivated, the other is an answer to direct provocation by marxist protestors

A street with people walking quietly in their own business vs a herd of violent people with sticks and more weapons.

jesus the fucking cringe and lack of testosterone is audible from your post. go embarrass england elsewhere.

also whether this guy was intentional, accidental, or false flag, hitting a violent mad mob surrounding your car who has displayed massive levels of violence in the past is totally different to mowing down civilians minding their own business.

and thats not even counting the difference in motivation and result: 1. by goatfuckers done for the glory of king pedo muhammed, 2. by some american guy against communist traitor cunts for the defence of his country

seriously this guy was being mobbed by a bunch of left winged fanatics with baseball bats... drives through the attacking mob, they keep attacking, then reverses out of there

where is the chargeable offence for the driver? those fucks would of killed him

The time for talk is long gone.
The final answer is violence, and I would not see the right stop until every coward, jew, traitor and whore is strung up.

As you see here, if they catch you, they will probably destroy your car or beat you up. I dont understand how can you be so fucking demagogue, those two situations have nothing in commom despite in both cars are involved.

religious motive

The other side is objectively evil and the other side is objectively good.

Is there proof that they were attacking him prior to him driving through them? From the videos i've watched, he instigated.

the difference is that the establishment doesn't call out about peace and love and kumbaya when white people do it, which in itself is proof that they want Muslims to take over and get angry at the white man for resisting their genocidal agenda

Someone make an indecisive button pushing meme of "#allwhites" next to "#notallmuslims"

One is in the name of some bullshit Abrahamic religion (we should burn the Jews, the heretic Jews aka Christcunts along with these fuckers, but I digress) and the other has a bunch of faggots looking for gimmies beating on his car and blocking traffic. Do you know what would happen if you did those things to a diplomat's car in most places? You wouldn't be a victim after they ran you over, you'd be the perpetrator. Of course, that's assuming they don't have guards armed with sub-machines ready to neutralize a potential threat.

in islam its permitted to attack and defend, in white culture, whites only do it to defend

That's the bad part about the lack of video evidence. AntiFa are on video in other protests blocking traffic and public spaces, then violently threatening citizens who try to use the street and go around them, even banging on car windows, trying to open car doors and slashing tires of vehicles that honk at them to stop illegally blocking the road. In this instance, there's no video, so they get to cry crocodile tears and lie.

>what's the difference?
the media coverage and spin (lies)

It does in America you dumb cunt

good question i havent seen a good video of the mintues before hand.

Sounds like you've already made up your fucking mind mate, just let the courts deal with it

there must be video but they are obviously not going to give it to the cops.

they clearly have edited the video to hide the evidence and make it look like he just rushed them

One was done by Muslim scum for no valid reason, the other was done by a white man who'd had enough of the subhuman vermin ruining his home

agenda, choice of target

what's the difference between shooting a burglar and getting shot by a burglar?

>what is the difference
none. in both cases commie faggots died

One's a dumb kid driving his pride-and-joy car that panics and accelerates into a mob of Antifa aggressively blocking the road. He then gets out of there without any further casualties (despite plenty of opportunity) and waits for police to come and collect him.

The other is a targeted attack on non-political civilians going about their daily business, where the vehicle is used until it's completely immobilized, and then followed up with a gun or knife attack until the attacker is neutralized.

That's the difference. Not seeing that tells me you're retarded or evil. Probably both.

So you're saying it's an isolated case of mental illness, nothing to do with any ideology and we should all just move on?

You're right, there isn't one.

So, is your point.. not all white supremacists?
Good point!

Well I'm sure not letting Sup Forums make it for me.

wow just like all leftist and commie gatherings paid or otherwise they bring weapons and incite violence.

Well, we don't know that he did it with intent as of yet.

He may have just freaked out after his car was attacked.

Wasn't a prominent alt-right leader telling the rally goers to bring firearms? Why is it good for some to be armed but not for others?