
>300 deads in muslim car/truck attacks in 2016
n- not all muslims
>1 fatty dies in a right wing car attack in 2017
all nazis need to die

How do we fix this ?

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3D Pornography Ethically Destroys Societies.

Ban is a nasty word that no one likes.

However, I don't believe we can allow pornography to continue to dictate what is ethically free in the west.
Have we grown incapable of protecting the women of our western societies by allowing them to be put in harms way, in terms of abusing their bodies for capital gain?

Ask yourselves, "How many women will sexually exploit themselves in 2017 for money?"

Rather the sexual exploitation is occurring in person or online, the effects are being seen in the actions of others.
Countless billions of viewers are in the process of being so desensitized to reality, that it's horrifying - and we're likely only beginning to see these effects in the younger generations.

Overall, we know that pornography has negative effects on the brain.
When will we take the first step in repairing society by banning 3D pornography and promoting 2D pornography?


>But 2D porn isn't any better!
2D porn is ethically a better choice, no one is hurt besides the user's brain.

>Why not ban porn completely?
Because there are people out there who refuse to ban porn outright and would make a big fuss.
The best option is to make all 3D (real life) sexually stimulating images illegal, after 15 years of being 3D free, maybe we could start looking at banning 2D - one step at a time.

By removing all lefty scum. Commies get fucked

If current neo-nazis didn't equate non-whites as inferior or animals, it wouldn't be demonized by everyone.

By it I refer to nazism, obviously.

A year and a half of red fist, Che Guevera hammer and sickle imagery at protests: NO PROBLEM

A day of a couple swastikas: DISAVOW NOW TERRORIST

the dumb lefties cant to better with their microbrains.

the (((media))) is brainwashing them. and who is behind the media?


The jews did this

Sup Forums
>300 deads in muslim car/truck attacks in 2016
all muslims need to die
fatty dies in a right wing car attack in 2017
how we gonna spin this and shift the blame

>1 fatty dies in a right wing car attack in 2017

Wasn't a car attack, antifas were just chimping out and he was trying to flee

This goes both ways:

>Muslim terrorist attack using a lorry
See, I TOLD YOU that all muslims are terrorist!

>Some idiot drives his car into protestors
N-not all Sup Forumslacks!


So if we kill our enemies they win, am I getting this right?

That's a bitch spin and you know it


>duh , i'm CNN
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This! Marginilized white people of all backgrounds will be feeling the wrath of alt-left racists. I'm literally shaking that these innocent white people will have to hear racist comments from leftists.

It's terrorists that commit those crimes. They even commit them in Muslim countries and they even try to bomb the holiest of Muslim sites. You people support this event as is obvious on the website. Let's see what mental gymnastics/cussing you try to do to explain yourselves.

Oh look, I found an Asian person.

lmao, every truck of peace has hundreds of thousands of muslims giving their thumbs up emojis on Al Jazeera live streams

take your #notallmuslims crap back to your shithole home

Kill all the Nazis. Problem solved!

Remember, the "not all Muslims" is correct - just like most white people aren't Nazis, most Muslims (especially in the US) aren't Islamists.

Islamists are equivalent to Nazis.

Pretty much everyone does hate the Islamists, except for the real fucking crazy people.


We buy Dodge Challengers, then run over leftist scum while yelling "Allah akbah!"

Lefties die painfully, Islam gets banned. Win/win.

damn he got nice quads

>right wing car attack

Don't you try that subtle narrative directing Jew trick in here!

picture related is so far best pic of face.

not shooped, it's real, check it yourself using below pic.

> high res pic (better quality maybe is somewhere?):


is that this dude??????
is that this dude????
is that this dude??


looks like we need to run over 299 other leftists desu

Anyone who says "all Muslims!" is as idiotic as people who say "all Trump supporters!".
That said, Islamic terror is not even the main problem of mass Islamic immigration. There are many, many more problems that Islamic immigration brings to the west. Therefore, people have valid reasons to be against mass Islamic immigration and non-islamic mass immigration.

More ramming.

Really makes you think

nazis are hated more than muslims

thats why when the left calls every white person a nazi we get more members

keep pushing!!


Kill all Commies in the West. I never thought Communism would do us a favour, we don't really have antifa/commie students around here.


By leftists? Sure.

Why are his brake lights on?

Shit that nigga with the fly Jordan 12's tho.




nam jef

Pro tip - the people saying "not all Muslims" and denouncing vehicular terrorist attacks, were other Muslims.

You wanna save face? Start by denouncing the vehicular terrorist attack.

Moderate Muslims don't make excuses for ISIS, but Sup Forums has been nothing but excuses for over 12 hours

im not gay btw

fellas be honest, is it gay to suck dick

>b-b-but he was attacked by bats!

Pristine car

Checkmate right wing

>Moderate Muslims don't make excuses for ISIS


This is how I know you've never met one in your life. Prepare to listen to half an hour of kvetching about how "ISIS is bad BUT you gotta understand it's all the US's fault if they hadn't blah blah blah".

There is nothing to fix, because there is no such thing as integrity in a political struggle as ruthless as the one opposing us with liberals.
We are so diametrically opposite that everything is allowed, we can't share any common ground.

I'm going to ask nicely goy.
Delete this immediately.

Sort of like every thread on Sup Forums?

If you want to save face you need to denounce this murderer

Fucking this, I don't know if everyone's retarded or just playing dumb thinking terrorism is the main problem, when it is in fact the smallest one.

This. He's just a leftie shitposting that's never even met any of the people he champions for.

You mean.
>muslim terrorist attack
>alt-tard terrorist attack
n-not all alt-tards!

>How do we fix this ?
End yourself, it would be a good start.

>more than a billion muslims in the world
>barely a few hundred nazis in the world

Statistically this event is more representative of white nationalists than a hundred islamic terrorist attacks.

Just point out their cognitive dissonance everywhere: twitter, whatever.
Stop spamming this in every thread.

>300 deads in muslim car/truck attacks in 2016
n- not all muslims, all radicals need to die
>1 fatty dies in a right wing car attack in 2017
n- not all white people, all nazis need to die

Fixed it for you

Bottle of piss on the ground

He was stepping on the brakes.


It is clear what we have to do


Both are correct. All muslims should be shot on sight and all national socialists (or any socialists) should be shot on sight. I don't know why people don't get this. Both ideologies are cancer to western civalization and should be extirminated as such.

Imagine the toll if he had used a Prius during a concert

Lmao antifa getting fucking REKT
The solution is to purge

Yep, mass unfettered immigration from ME and 3rd world countries brings their problems to the 1st world and can bleed it dry due to the people with unmarketable skills.

Wait let me get this straight, I though that there was an alt-right protest going on where someone drove into. But apperantly only antifa-members got BTFO and the driver is an alt-right guy? How did this happen exactly?

them there are brake lights

he didnt accelerate til the baseball bats came out

oh yeah, try reasoning with a bunch of morons. nice try.

> people he champions for
You're an ass. At no point in this thread have I "championed for" any Muslims.

What I said was, denounce white domestic terrorists rather than spew this nonsense:

> He was stepping on the brakes

No, he committed vehicular homocide and is a terrorist that you condone

1. commies quite literally aren’t people and can only be killed, not murdered

2. self defense

maybe the alt right should stop murdering innocents

Liberals who fucking celebrated when the 5 cops were murdered in Dallas last year by BLM are now talking about how they need to crack down on white people for the violence that is destroying the very fabric of America.

> be anti america, anti white, antifa domestic terrorist
> block road and attack car
>get crushed
>muh Nazi terrorism

fuck off

>No, he committed vehicular homocide and is a terrorist that you condone
How come every murderer is a terrorist now? Calm down, the guy is just a cretin.

Civil War.

what have we become

>No, he committed vehicular homocide and is a terrorist that you condone
The CIA can hack and take full control over any modern vehicle. Unless we get a statement and know all the details of the case this can't be ruled out.