That didn't happen

>That didn't happen.
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
>And if it was, that's not a big deal.
>And if it is, that's not my fault.
>And if it was, I didn't mean it.
>And if I did...
>You deserved it.

Watching you kiddies perform mental gymnastics to justify this one is hilarious.

This was one of you.

Watch all the kikery and false bravado it makes your skin crawl.

Bretty good post.

It happened and it's good. He killed a communist and he is a hero.

This. Too bad only one "person" died.

We will do better next time.

Self defense.


lol the alt right is a joke, no one takes them seriously anymore. White supremacy lost yesterday and it will continue to lose because every sees these pasty white nerds behind their computers posting shitty memes as the world passes by. Bye bye alt right, bye bye white pride.

To be fair she was large like three persons.

>It happened
>It's bad if you care
>It's a big deal if you care
>If it's my fault I don't care
>If it is, I meant it
>I hope I did
>You deserve more

>wtf I hate the alt-right now!

Is this what you expect us to say?

He did nothing wrong. It was self-defense.

He's a big guy

I give no shit about justification. Libshits must die.

It's almost like watching the nightly news talk about blacks and Muslims isn't it?

quattro u

Kek its just like the holohoax,it never happended but even if it did it was a good thing and if it did not it actually needs to happen this time for real.

I'm actually really upset he only got one. Just like that Finsbury Mosque attack.
Really makes you think. Everytime there's an "attack" on the left, barely anyone dies


The real victims here are the innocent White Nationalists who will be grossly maligned and have their red caps knocked off in public by intolerant bigots.

Criticizing White Nationalism is giving the Alt-Right exactly what they want.

That makes you wonder, would more people have died if she wasn't this fucking fat?
I've not seen any footage of her specifically being hit, but I imagine her fat fucking body absorbed a lot of kinetic energy. Maybe the death toll would have been a lot higher if she wasn't a cow.

Based terrorist

I wish I could take his place, I would plow a 3rd time

Only subhumans who thought we were kidding are against him

actually really happy you are all this stupid. finally you do something as stupid as running people over in a car. thanks for being the reason the world watches your dumbasses get your ass handed to you by antifa.


Her body prevented the car from going forward any further, forcing the driver to retreat. It's fair to say she saved many lives.

I think it's because these people aren't the ''white supremacists'' media makes them out to be.
This is probably just a former leftist who jumped on the Trump train for the memes.
Real ''white supremacists'' like Breivik are killing machines.

We know for a fact that our guys are much better at killing than leftists.

>lol the alt right is a joke, no one takes them seriously anymore.

Then why is everybody so hysteric about them?

Guess that solves the mystery of why the left is pushing body positivism.

If he did it for the reason you think he did, why didn't he just drive on the sidewalk?

>Mob of hundreds starts walking with weapons drawn and chanting
>Start openly discussing arrangements to go find and fight more altright people

>Be this guy
>See and hear mob of people arranging to assault people on your side, like you
>Salty bitch because your protest got shut down by a bunch of niggers and LARPing college kids with rocks who had help from the governor + cops
>See group of people celebrating their victory against you
>Floor it?

>If you kill us,we win

he didn't even kill anyone. the victim was a landwhale that died of an heart attack.

>>That didn't happen.
>>And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
>>And if it was, that's not a big deal.
>>And if it is, that's not my fault.
>>And if it was, I didn't mean it.
>>And if I did...
>>You deserved it.

well I guess you'll get Bill Nyes Emmy now


أبدا ستعمل تعطيك، أبدا ستعمل نخذلكم، أبدا ستعمل تشغيل حولها، والصحراء لك

>the world watches your dumbasses get your ass handed to you by antifa
Nice fanfiction, antifa has only ever been able to beat up their enemies when they ambush or vastly outnumber them

White lives matter!

Self defense!

Sup Forums is now just an arm of the_donald

We've gone full Reddit.

If this was a left winger attacking right wingers, you'd rightfully call for his head. I agree with that, because resorting to violence because of what people believe is NEVER acceptable.

But because it's right on left violence, it's ok? You dumb motherfuckers.

If you really believe that, then you're no better than those ISIS freaks who behead people just because they're Christian or Catholic. You even use the same excuses as ISIS
>It's for my cause!
>That guy is a hero (martyr)
>I hope we can indoctrinate others into our world views!

Face it, you've become a cult.

Here's my justification:
Don't play in traffic, kids

Don't be racist

>fag spotted !

you are trying to combat trolls/dumbasses with logic, ain't gonna work bro. Don't worry, one more world war and they shut up for 50years

>But because it's right on left violence, it's ok?
>one sperg is the right

let alone the fact they first accused someone else

because everyone finally sees how you can sway fragile white minds to do something as stupid as what we say yesterday. now its easy to dismiss such ridiculous rhetoric.


He did it in self defense too as the mob accosted him in his own private vehicle.

Get the fuck off the road if you don't want to get hit by a car you self righteous piece of leftist vermin.


Sup Forums is one person.
Sup Forums needs to justify every action of every person.

Fuck off, kike.

>No. No... It wasn't us. It was them. It was the Warriors

It's so embarrassing to watch alt-right meme faggots trying to damage controll their asses and defend this terrorist act. Fucking pathetic. The funny thing is that most of them are fat greasy beaners just like the guy who did it.

>do something as stupid as what we say yesterday
>driving your car on the street is stupid
Was he supposed to be driving on the sidewalk?


He may be a fat greasy beaner, but one of your commies is DEAD.
How does that make you feel?
Next time you visit Japan and they serve you whale meat, remember that one of your guys is D E A D.

Wrong James Field

In other news: ISIS claimed they reached their goal: Western people attack themselves.

>Mohammed and Ashraf are sipping their tea in a fancy bar on the beach

lol you are only proving my point even more. ;)

It doesn't matter if it's one guy, it a thousand, because he's still being hailed as a hero by right wingers, which brings me back to my original point.

The whole alt-right are fucking hypocrites of the highest magnitude


You're all constantly talking about how active you are and how real our movement is to you, but when shit hits the fan you whimps go limp, pussy the fuck out and look the other way? What the fuck are you doing? Where are all the "brave" people who constantly post "race war now" and "right wing death squads when?" threads? I swear you are all so fucking disappointing. You bait others into doing the dirty work, and when they do, you fucking abandon them in the most disgraceful and cowardly manner. Fuck off, Sup Forums.

Why do we want to go to Japan and eat whale meat?

just asking, for a friend

Is your point that it was opposite day that day? If you guys are gonna declare opposite day you should really make sure everyone knows, or people could get hurt like this

No violence is ok you mongrel.

If they were actually members of the master race, they wouldn't have to cling so hard to the idea that they were white people and thus better.

People who are better than other people are better on their own merits, they don't need to cling to some idea of "oh, I'm white" or "oh, I'm a Republican" or "Oh, I'm a Socialist" or whatever to have value.

They know, deep down inside, that they're worthless and that if they all castrated themselves, they'd be improving the gene pool.

Indeed, it is kind of ironic that people who are so deeply obsessed with such things are generally low-end people who shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

nice delusion there, buddy. Takes a lot to stand out around here.

that may be true, but you kill one person the spotlight shines through this movement and it now starts to lose any of its power due to the public light. have fun being behind a keyboard your entire like, would rather be dead than be a neo-nazi jacking off to the swastika and hentai girls in their basement.

Fuck off, reddit spacing bastard.

Running over protesters who are blockinf the street should be legal anyway.

Hundreds of similar incidents have happened over the past months during anti-Trump protests alone, this is nothing special.





>he's still being hailed as a hero by right wingers
nope, we just don't care

then get out there and protect them you fucking faggot

And if it did, he did a good thing.
Now fuck off paid shill

The fact that I condemn this act doesnt make me a commie. It makes you a fucking retard for assuming everyone who disagries with you belongs to the lefties. You'd better pull out that nice Tiki torch out of your sorry ass and at least attempt to think.

>typing correctly is reddit
Not an argument.


>rather be dead
Who said you had a choice?

with how weak and ridiculous they are now, we could probably take over this website and push out all these greasy kids.

>posting reddit maymays
You're not helping

That's nothing new. There's no real difference between violent nationalists and violent religious extremists. They all luuuuv their flags.

logic and the reality that you have no power or real chance of actually doing anything to me, anyone, or yourself in this life.

You're still not making an argument.

1v1 me irl lmao

thats all the justification I need faggot

Who's this 'they' you're talking about you French faggot Sup Forums isn't one person and just by posting here you're as much a part of Sup Forums as any other poster whether you like it or not you cheese eating surrender Monkey. Why do you think you're special?

> be me, 26 white male, huge cock, get all bitches
> Hate Jews, niggers, sand niggers, all the different nigger-mon types, Canadians , etc
> Someone finally decides to man up and kill some other humans over their political views
> Inspired.whitesupremacy
> Go to my room to thank my white male god for giving me a massive penis and flawless white skin.
> Think about how I can contribute to rid the world of non white males
> allofmywhite.penis
> Turn on computer
> Ready to make change
> /Pol already open
> I smile as I don't have the ability to take action into my own hands and actually make a change

Being a commie makes you a commie, commie.
Who the fuck cares that a communist got killed? Breivik killed a lot more communists and he is a hero. He single-handedly uncucked his nation.
All those people who fought commies during the Cold War were goddamn heroes, they killed hundreds of thousands of communists, including their women and children. Yet now one guy kills a commie in self-defense and we are supposed to condemn it? Fuck off. You are a commie.
His only crime was not killing more commies.

>This was one of you.
no he's not. he's a terrorist and deserve life in prison.
the alt-right, or whatever you call us, is far less violent than libshits and leftist.
i know you retard are happy now, that this happened and you're trying to ridicule our mindset. it won't change shit.

Study history, retard.
The boot is coming.

Why were people in the middle of the road OP?

Also hours earlier the original group who did have clearance to rally were forced to leave despite having clearance.


Again with the idea that shaming people is the right way to handle an argument.

Who is the child, here? If you want to change things, I think the first thing you require is a Fuck ton more respect.

>Artist's rendition of the neo-nazi skinhead mentioned in that article

yes it will, like it or not

lol dont yell too loud you will wake up your parents! you are literally making yourself look fucking stupid.

We need more guys like him desu


Allow me to pick you apart with one acronym
Now, let's all put a skin on our fb picture and come together

What he said! btw gas da jews and niggers xDDDD

Fuck off you delusional retard.

no it won't. let's just wait for the next outrage from leftists (like in hamburg) or the next trauck of peace, that kills 20 people.
until then, go and read up how many vitims the left produced in contrary to the low number of right-wingers. maybe you'll see where more terrorists and killers arise

ID the guy who hit the car with the bat prior to the car hitting people. Would be an easy manslaughter case against him in VA. Sudden acceleration of a driver caused by bat impact is a natural consequence of hitting a car with a bat. Hitting a moving vehicle with a bat is probably a felony in VA so felony murder rule would also apply.

>tumblr reaction image
Tits or gtfo

And I've been enjoying watching you shills piss on wildfire all day.
Many streams, fuck all impact.

>Being a commie makes you a commie, commie.

Tiki torch is still there, I see. No, I'm not a commie. I just think that ramming a crowd of defenceless people whoever they are is wrong and horrible. And if some SJW moron did the same, I would condemn it as well. By the way nice Ad Hominem argument, retard.

Wow, that's wildly inaccurate. First, the neo-nazi shit had what we call an "american fist" (those rings of metal you put your fingers through), second
he didn't die from the punch, he died because he hit his head on a metal post. But if you still want to come, I live in Paris, when can you get here?


im pretty good at the internet, just check out my computer.

He's Jewish.

Because that fat shitbag killed one person. He's no better than a Muslim doing a terror attack.

first of all: i'm not leftist, so you are not harming my precious soul. rant all you want about leftist i will even give you a cookie
secondly: public mass thinks alt-right pulled an ISIS on the libtards. This fact will change people look at you, no matter how hard you cry
Thirdly: i'm not here to look up numbers, i'm here to laugh with all extremist idiots, left or right (you included) who think they make sense but in the end (it doesn't even matter, RIP our lord Chester) you all are just poor people, grown up without the love of your parents, screaming at the computer in the basement, bullied at school, ignored at work