Lauren Southern is /ourg.. uh oh

Lauren Southern is /ourg.. uh oh

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Fuck you

>Nazis think they have any supporters
I'm a white nationalist, not a Germ supremacist.

She and Faith Goldy are the only non-alt-right people who are not disavowing the event and are actually defending the event organizers.

Cucks like PJW/Roaming Millennial are on twitter shitting on the whole event, not just the violence that ensued.

The faggots on the TRS forum are currently having a thread about what new flag they should use as a result of Charlotteville to remove the stink. That's the level of intelligence these people have. They are designing something with a tiki torch on it.

They already have the best flag — the American flag. None of those weirdo freak flags should have been allowed to fly. Americans do not related to them.

You wave the American flag and try to look as normal as possible.

Richard Spencer and TRS brand of alt-right is still born.
It is never going to expand past the malcontent group of freaks it has attracted.

It is never going mainstream.

Time for all you Nazi freaks to fuck off.

I guess civic nationalism is as good as it gets in the 21st century.

It's NEVER going away. Not until whites are exterminated or they win. Look at prisons; people form gangs based around race for survival. There literally is no way that peaceful coexistence will occur. Civic nationalism is always a mere transition phase of ethnic cleansing/genocide.

It will be forever a sideshow while whites are replaced. It will accomplish nothing other than be a flogging horse for the media and the establishment. Even Mike Cernovich and Milo will accomplish more.

TRS will make a few shekels a month from the dress-up nazi freaks who want to hear them say 'gas the kikes' once more and that's it. David Duke has only been able to carve out a tiny niche and he's been playing the same game for 40 years. I laughed when he ran for Senate recently on the back of Trump and thought he had a chance. He got 1% of the votes.

Bad optics and no game-plan to win anything.
We need some adults in this movement.

Left tells us to hate our skin . Right tells us to love ourselves and feel no shame . So who is for love and who is for hate . Being a white male is the most hated thing ever . Liberals and feminists hate us . So now we stand up .

Good for her. You'd think people would learn by now that if you just take a deep breath and relax, these things have a tendency to look better with some hindsight. Freaking out is never helpful.

We've seen it so many times now. After Trump's pussy-grab comment, after the Syria airstrike, after Spencer's Nazi salute -- people on the right act like it's the end of the world and they'll die if they don't run out and disavow everything and everyone. Then the smoke clears and they look like spazzes, while the people who stood their ground look just fine.

>Cucks like PJW/Roaming Millennial are on twitter shitting on the whole event, not just the violence that ensued.

I checked her twatter after seeing your post.
Lol, that bitch really hates Japs. It's funny though, because she would actually be accepted in Japan but she acts as if we're all still imperialists. Fucking comfort woman slut.

OP is german got a problem with that? I hope Kim nukes you

She does this for money she's not real . All jump on trump train for attention . And clicks . Then leave and disavow

>(((lauren southern)))

The shills come here, and because they've never gone through the process of Nazification, think that they're harming the Nazi cause by showing us people who are on the path, but have not reached the end of their journey yet.

There is nothing wrong with that post.

Her sister will be getting my time from now on

>leave and disavow
>"I'm not in the business of disavowing"

>I'm a white nationalist, not a Germ supremacist.

I feel the same way. I don't consider myself a "national socialist" or any of that crap, but I am a white nationalist, as were the men who founded this republic, without any conception of "national socialism". That said, let's be real here, when normies like Lauren Southern use "nazi" they're casually referring to all white nationalists of every strip.

>That said, let's be real here, when normies like Lauren Southern use "nazi" they're casually referring to all white nationalists of every strip.

This is false. She has defended Richard Spencer in the past and wouldn't call him a nazi.

Heck, she is good friends with Martin Sellner who is the leader of an ethnonationalist movement.

That ass is to die for. And its been blacked too. Theres literally Black DNA in her womb right now.

PRcucking NEVER works. Every fag on the right-wing is always so willing to throw everyone else under the bus. Do you see the left do this shit? Did you see anyone in the media or democratic party disavow the boomer who shot scalise? Do you ever see any communists disavow violent antifa? Do you ever see them disavow BLM while they're busy rioting in the streets?

/ourguys/ didn't even do anything wrong, for fucks sake. Some fat commie girl gets run over while trying to smash a car with a wiffle bat, and two cops die in an unrelated helicopter accident, and suddenly it's "THREE PEOPLE KILLED BY EVIL NEO NAZIS!"

Also, this board is being shilled to hell and back by CTR (or whatever group they're going by these days). They're trying to crack consensus and get Sup Forumsacks to turn on each other. Fuck that bullshit. Have a goddamn backbone.

Roaming identifies as Asian.

She grew up in China and is currently in Hong Kong.

>but I'm not one of "THEM".

Finnshill understands

>Do you see the left do this shit?

What's wrong with that? Why do you want to preserve your genes so much? You're probably a fat ugly virgin who will never get to pass your genes anyway.

What else does she say, for the people who aren't on Normiebook.

why don't you just fuck off to reddit? That bitch is just pathetic attention whore.

when you're that cucky

>non alt right
>Joins Generation Identitarian


Didn't know about Roaming Millennial until now. 200k subscribers, 4k a month on patreon. No wonder they want to preserve the system they have now.

>is currently in Hong Kong.

lol is she really? wonder if I could find her

>white nationalist
Fuck that, I feel almost no connection to Yanks white or otherwise.

The polish shill is here.
By the way, your former leader Laci Green betrayed you, how long until you attack her too now?

Turth hurts

>They already have the best flag — the American flag.
gayest thing ive ever seen on Sup Forums

Lauren got banned from Patreon so now she's backtracking ? She needs money to feed her hedgehogs

How is she backtracking? If she was backtracking she would disavow the rally.

People support NK against their own country . The same lefties that burn the USA flag . Support NO cause Hillary lost a Election . Think about that . Leftys say punch a Nazi . Yeah try that when he's driving and see what happens

Fuck off potato nigger. I'd like to see you talk such cucky shit once your country become 50% muslim.

This guy knows what's up. Anyone who's "disavowing" basically confrimes reputation of bein a shucking and jiving shill.

North Korea is literally national socialist you dumb Irish potatoe farmer

i need to find her social media accounts. where to find more pics

Look moron, if you want to be an attractive organisation, you wave the American flag, not nazi freak flags which nobody apart from dress-up nazi freaks relate to.

Laurens sister is /ourgirl/


Nazi flags are for white eastern German trash

Yeah and what happened to her? She has been ostracized from the left. The left has rallied around their own extremists to kick out those who counter signal. If the left were like the right, most leftists would join Laci and start attacking themselves. Imagine to us how funny and pathetic that would be. The left laughs at the right for being pussies who will disavow their own allies when the left points a finger at them like the cuckolds most rightwingers are. You see it often, even on Sup Forums


>if you're a nazi claiming I'm one of you
She must be talking about you, because I've never claimed her
Finnkike BTFO

>Laci Green
Literally who?
Grab a book and read something written by real economists, philosophers or politicians. Jewtube attention whores are for plebs and pathetic, retarded cucks who can't think for themselves.

She's like a better version of her sister.

Lacey gets death threats all the time by SJW

Using contacts to change eye colour is pretty disgusting.

Hope you like shitskins

Yeah I'm confused by that statement. In North Korea if you have anything other than Rally in support of Glorious Kim Jong Un you'll be sent to the gulag.

Americans should be proud that we DO ALLOW Nazis to rally.

Her name is Jess Southern

Right sentiment though.

I've never claimed she is a nazi.

>feels no connection with whites
shitskin detected

I don't see what that has to do with not liking you cunts. If anything we'd be better off on that front if it weren't for you lot.

Who's she talking about then? Which Nazis have claimed her as one of their own?

She switched from sjw to anti-sjw because its a booming e-celeb market now. It was a career move. The amount of retards on Sup Forums who chanted "hurdur Chris Ray Gun red-pilled her" speaks volumes about this place.

i know but searching finds me nothing

glow more, jap

I feel a connection with White Europeans and Englishmen. I don't feel much with seppo cunts like yourself despite your supposed origins. You're essentially traitors, you've done nothing but harm.

Hey moron, there will come a time where you have decide whether your goal is to play dress-up in your nazi underpants or you want to stop Europeans being replaced in their own countries. That time was about 50 years ago.

Cop the fuck on, freak.

why does she look iranian

also, the fake blonde

The thing about the left is that the moment you start questioning any thing about them, you are literally Hitler.
Meanwhile here people still don't trust people like Spencer too much.
That's why the left is a failure, because they don't accept anything but their most extreme version, and that version just gets more and more extreme, because it's not about ideals for them, it's about being the most special of all snowflakes.

>Wow, you accept muslims?
>Well, I accept gay muslims.
>You accept gay muslims? Well, I accept transexual trigender muslims.
And so on.

Biggest SJW on youtube, she has millions of subscribers and all her videos surpass the million views.
They turned against their biggest ally on one of the most popular websites on the internet just because she dared ask right-wingers why they believed in their ideologies, and then talked about that.
And now she's literally Hitler for them.
These people could get a reencarnation of Stalin, and he still would be literally Hitler for them because he wouldn't be able to keep up in the special snowflake scale.

She isn't that hot but ok

I don't know, people in her comment section? It's usually full of WN/Nazi stuff.

goddamn. literally made for the BBC.

hate the way they both dye their hair to pretend they are nordic. bleach blonde hair is the ugliest hair a woman can have. Look what it does to the texture of the hair.

They have been WILDLY successful they RULE culture. You better learn what they did to win it or lose. Most rightwingers seem to be content with losing, because muh principles. They never disavow, that is a STRENGTH not a weakness, because they know once you show any weakness to the enemy that is when you lose momentum.

This the right has no spirit group.

I've seen plenty of people calling her a Jew, but don't recall any Nazis making the claim that she was one of them.

She's skinny which is the only thing I care about.

No you got that wrong.

You are against any form of Socialism including National Socialism (or its fake name the left is pushing today called State Capitalism).

where are you getting these pictures nigger

>They have been WILDLY successful they RULE culture.
They have been because up until now they were very moderate, but right now the right's biggest weapon is the madness they preach nowadays, a madness that people can barely keep up with.
For us to win we need the left to continue their insane retoric of bringing in people who hate whites, and turning against whites.

Laci Green is the embodiment of what will happen if leftists continue their narrative.

>showing skin
>attention whoring while being half naked
How is this slut traditional?

Lauren Southern is a Jewish NGO shill set up to destroy the movement from the inside.

If you want to make Sweden or France into an ethnostate, you might have a case. The USA is a multiethnic former colony. The only people with blood in the soil here are the Indians, and we are NOT giving it back.

Nice proxy pekka

from the internet

Black Men have been in that phat ass and hit her cervix. There's Black DNA coating her internal organs. It's brilliant.


Japs are weirdly acceptable to hate even among liberals. I guess it's because you guys are competent and orderly besides having a pretty homogeneous nation-state. During GG there were lots of "Japanese are racist sexists fuck them" articles published by mainstream leftists. Nobody bats an eye until you start insulting obviously inferior groups like fags and Arabs.


she is much hotter than her hobgoblin of a sister, though

>the left is a failure
Stop eating paint.

I wouldn't call winning with no opposition a success.

You are a good goy. That's what you are. Just like every single other anglo.
>muh whites
That's why Jews could so easily manipulate you retards. Anglos have no sense for ethnostates anymore, due to their massive imperialism. That's why all you have left is whining "muh whites".

You wouldn't call running both major political parties, almost all significant NGOs, and almost all mass media in the most powerful country in the world a success? Weird.

You don't get it, retard. He's trying to save you. Your movement isn't going to get anywhere unless it attracts more normal people and it isn't going to attract normal people larping around with weird flags and acting like nazis.

Finnkike BTFO



No I wouldn't, it's the equivalent of considering nazi germany invading France a success, of course you win when there's no opposition.

This, antonio amadeus foundation coorperates with media matters. Open secrete

>1 post by this ID