>REMOVE Sup Forums
Daily Reminder Moot would have deleted Sup Forums LONG AGO

>Sup Forums is now /stormfront/ HQ
>helped get a dictator elected
>openly trying to start civil war/race war
>plans on violent protest resulting in terrorist attack

Sup Forums is now for Neo-Nazi terrorists. This board is yours. It'll never go back to the way it was. You now own this board. But this doesn't mean Nishimura has to keep Sup Forums here though. If Nishimura keeps Sup Forums he's harboring terrorists which could bring down all of Sup Forums. It's time to amputate this infected limb.

Sucks for you, Hiro is ultra right wing.

thank god japs are super nationalistic

m00t is dead, hiro is an honorary aryan
Try again, shill

Neo nazi heroes fighting terrorist bankers *

Nowbwe reach the final stage - acceptance

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh paaaannniiiiic

I was wondering how long it would be until these guys moved from concern trolling into "ban everything"

I really do wish moot would make some kind of a statement as to his thoughts on the current state of Sup Forums.




moot is long gone hiromoot is in charge now faggot.

hiros whole family were nazi supporters duriong ww2 idk y u think u hav power here

But user-kun
Racism is cool in Japan

kys faggot

>I really wish an actual cuckold who dresses up like women and gets fucked by other men should weigh in on the state of a board which has been split between National Socialists and right leaning libertarians in agreement on ethnic social policy since its beginning, so we can trick the newfags into thinking this is somehow new

White genocide. Cultural marxism. We want to stop them, you want to promote them. Promotion of genocide is punishable by death. So we are at an impasse.


No one cares about that fucking kike m00t.
Emulate success, not autistic looking cucks that kept failing at business. It's not too late!

should have stopped reading here but stopped here instead
>REMOVE Sup Forums

>hotpockets are a bunch of sad Sup Forumstards

*le siggies*

hehe hope a mod-kun sees this soon~ =3

And always keep begging and scamming people for that matter.

It was always the agenda, because liberals are scum.

What's the solution to gaslighting leftypol faggots and why is it stabbing them in the eyes with a rusty spoon?

times change faggot, we're in control now

Moot is getting chucked by sjws at jewgle, I don't give a shit about his opinion

Nope, those were the old based mods before the cuckening. See, Sup Forums was actually a lot better before, before Reddit, before you showed up and flood the board with intentional trash to dilute it, and started astroturfing the idea it was always your board.

Pushing Nazis into the street has resulted in the rallies we see lately. Those are your fault. You did that, you could have left us alone, but nope. We cant even organize on the internet anymore, so now we march in the streets. Everything is picking up pace, and at every junction, its the left which pushes us forward. Thank you, for being so politically ignorant that you actually help us.

Sup Forums was invaded by Cointelpro long ago, that includes invasion of the mods
but, one mod on Sup Forums does not speak for all of Sup Forums
And it certainly won't stop CIA when they shut this whole place down because of storm-fags turned it into a domestic terrorist recruiting center

Please, hotpockets are still a bunch of Sup Forumstards
The current state of this site with Sup Forumstards leaking and shitting up everywhere, without mods giving a single shit about it is proof enough
That and the jew gook who wants more money even if it means to destroy the site

You literakly don't know what dictatorship means, right?
Instead of picking one, pick a gun and kys yourself.

I'm just here for the keks

And I'm just here for the kikes.

No he's just ultra Jew. He turns a blind eye to the newfag alt right reddit cancer that's spreading through Sup Forums and onto other boards because traffic and ad revenue are through the fucking roof and he's making more dosh from this site than moot every did.

Imagine being this delusional. The website is about free speech, its not Reddit. The same reason youre still here while you post nigger cocks etc and only get 3 day bans is the same reason we only get 3 day bans on other boards for off topic. You get treated much lighter than we do elsewhere. Youre allowed to post obvious Sup Forums tier trash, all these Sup Forums btfo threads which appeared out of thin air one day, and then were brigaded into a forced meme.. all the 1 word posts with a picture etc, this was all garbage we removed before. The mods are going soft on anyone whos marxist, if anything. The only thing youre complaining about is that this isnt the exact same thing as Reddit, that Sup Forums doesnt ban anyone right of center.

Communist threads for example. We know you, and the commies are from lefty/pol/. We have the caps, we have your raids, over and over, threads full of them because lefty/pol/ mods are participating. Them bragging about mole mods even, the board operator talking about how they have a several mods on the staff here. You control the mods. You started banning nigger hate threads even, which have always been here.

As I said, push us into the streets - and we will gladly push you into the fucking oven.