He's right you know

He's right you know

Other urls found in this thread:


I knew you Sup Forumsbabs were cowards, but daaaamn, this is pathetic.

He's a shill you know

>stop being proud of white people's accomplishments
>just let the other races destroy you goy!

(((Paul Joseph Watson))) everyone

Ah, the ol' "No true scotsman" talking tactic.

Guess which one Sup Forums belongs.

>just let the other races destroy you goy!

While you hitlercucks were crying about "muh jews killed hitler" on /pol he was twitterfighting with liberal professors who claimed ancient romans were black.

Not being a neo-nazi white supremacist does not mean you are a civic nationalist you retard

>(((infowars))) shit
Yeah nah fuck off

>i..iits j..just fun guys

They are both wrong and so are most SJW, but we've fucked up and made our politics black and white.

God what a faggot

Uncomfortable truth for those who would want to see the fourth Reich. Most people in the right don't want it. So they must admit it's a terribly unpopular ideology.

>trump attacks Syria
"That's it im off the Trump train"
>starts to lose followers
"I-I just mean in regards to Trump in Syria! Dumb media! M-MAGA right guys?"

There is only one right. The "new" right are just confused lefties.

We're the ones who created the memes and the fun that attracted t he ''new right'' retards.
Watson is such a fucking faggot it's unbelievable.

National socialism was terribly unpopular in Germany after ww1 as well. They had the same shit going on now where if you even recited a few verses from the national anthem people would be angry and hateful towards you

>l'm an edgier version of Mitt Romney

National socialism is the only thing that can bring culture into this judenized and subhuman infested world. That applies to the Internet too

Of course he's right. Only stormkikes think that they're any sort of majority or have any real power.

What power do you have turbocuck?

So powerful...

More than children who cry about kikes, then unironically use their exact same tactics while pretending to be better than them.


And yet neither of them has instigated any violence yet, while Antifa are the ones starting violence unprovoked every single time, which naturally gets retaliated against, and only the self-defenders get blamed.

/r the donald

You're not convincing anyone.

based, simply based

me and my nigger tranny lgbtqbbq pro-israel transjewish gf(bf) agree with this post

I make memes, have a maga hat, and don't bother with being openly political but if nazis wanted to start purging lefties I wouldn't try to stop them.

What do I classify as?

>I'm a faggier version of adolf hitler

Can he not see that he is co-opting Dicky Spencers brand and Sup Forums's memes?

>muh superior debating tactics

Spencer is 100% controlled opposition.




>Trying to distance yourselves from the (((alt right))) meme
Really makes you think.

"Paul Gottfried is the first person to use the term "alternative right", when referring specifically to developments within American right-wing politics, in 2008. The term has since gained wide currency with the rise of the so-called "alt-right"."

"Gottfried is also notable as the first person to use the term "alternative right", when referring specifically to developments within American right-wing politics, in 2008. The term has since gained wide currency with the rise of the so-called "alt-right"."
"Gottfried was born in Brooklyn in 1941, to Jewish parents."

*morgan freeman voice*

You are a faggot for posting these kinds of thread.

>they include whites, blacks, asians, latinos, gays and everyone else

Except it's mostly just white guys. Just because you know one person who voted for trump doesn't make them raging xenophobic autists as well. Nor is it accurately representative of who voted for trump.


He has absolutely no idea what he's talking about
>create memes
Top kek.

Why are you guys shocked? This is a job to people like PJW not a political movement. His goal is to keep this going as long as possible without rocking the boat and getting ad revenue and book sales. He isn't your friend. Lauren Southern isn't your friend. None of these are. They are leaches.

Most leftist tranny lgbtqbbq transjewish people support Islam and hate Israel, user.

It's one of the many reasons I dislike leftism so much and almost root for the Nazi LARPfaggots despite being Jewish.

>shilling this hard

Can someone add a merchant face to the antifa on this meemee for me

Alt-right are redditors who care about e-celebs

He is absolutely right. And I for one cant stand PJW... So get off ur high horses bitches! Time to MAGA!


hehehehhe cant maul the paul

As the guy who photoshoops most of the funny memes around here, let me say that I really do dislike Jewish people. There is no irony behind this.

This so much

How do people not see this as the same bullshit with the "not all muslims" rhetoric whenever a muslim kills someone

people gotta own up to their shit ideologies

What the fuck is a sub reddit

Where is his torso?

You are free to refute my claims that (((Paul Gottfried))) was not the "first person to use the term "alternative right"". Face it you memer fags fell for a shit tier meme started by a Jew. You Muh Jews Are To Blame faggots literally fell for a literal actual Jewish meme designed to (((trick))) the right.

Prove me wrong. I will be waiting.

To be fair, he is somewhat right, even if he is an opportunistic profiteer.

Nazis, like all other radicals (communists included) only propose destruction and ruin as their policy - be it against other races, other classes, other sexes, other faiths, whatever.

Thus it is they themselves who are subhuman, since the essence of humanity is life and creation, and they (extremists) only want and celebrate death and destruction.

In conclusion, fuck Communists, fuck Feminists, fuck Islamists and fuck National Socialists.

>They include whites, blakcs, Asians, latinos, gays and everyone else

i.e. trannies, muslims, democrats, antifa, etc.

Alt-right is controlled opposition term aimed to delegitimize independent anti establishment right wingers.
Anyone who calls themselves that is a useful idiot to the globalists. There's no alt-right, there's only right and its infested by traitorous politicians who suck globalist dick.

>people gotta own up to their shit ideologies
Good let's investigate that.
Which holy book do these right wingers follow?
Where are the commandments to kill lefties? Do the right wingers disavow such commandments?

you're proving his point

Now Ben should do one with Spencer and his posse driving over people like the Muslims truck of peace... oh wait he won't.

they don't love islam they love minorities for votes and muslims happen to be a minority so they pander to them, the islamist political party of my country (one of the only in power) is considered right-wing: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_and_Development_Party_(Morocco)

it's not even close to being hardline islamist and still right-wing
yeah we love trannies and lefties just you wait for sharia law and you'll see how much we love them

Wait, so you guys weren't serious about the jews?

muh antifa r the REEL FASHEEST

The fact that you retards even consider taking an Infowars employee seriously show how dumb this movement is. Stop paying attention to these attention whores.

Guess which faction came up with all the memes?


a fat woman got run over why is everyone losing their shit?

This is what a non-racially aware future will bring

>their exact same tactics
So you admit the jews are employing a strategy that is detrimental to our existence. And their tactics can only be countered by taking a hardline approach.

>Ben should advance my bullshit political narrative

haha no


There are two rights: the right, and cuck leftists with no balls

It's called chad activism

So there are cucks and true heroes?

Correct. CIA plant

Of course, IRL nothing would BTFO all of these leftist degenerates faster than Islam.

That being said, quite a lot of them are anti-Israel.

If you present me with an SJW my first instinct is that they're probably "anti-Zionist" and attend pro-Palestine rallies and talk about "Palestinian children" rather than support Israel.

Israel support is much more prevalent among Republican conservative Evangelicals than any leftist groups here.

>There are two 'Islams'.
>One is more accurately described as True Islam. These people like to wear hijabs, pray regularly & observe Ramadan.
>They include whites, blacks, Asians, latinos, gays and everyone else. These are the people who helped Sadiq Khan win the election.
>The other faction likes to fester in dark corners of Syria and obsess about Jihad, Muslim superiority and Muhammed (peace be upon him).
>This is a tiny fringe minority. They had no impact on the election.
>Guess what faction the media is giving all the attention to?

Really activates my almonds...

>this few replies mentioning just how accurate this observaation is

Now try again without the strawman.

Your'e not a nazi = You are a civic KEK

And that's why the nazis are the 0,0002 of the population.

Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Accelerate towards those who insult Sup Forums

Grovel and apologize PJW, you know that'll end well with the SJW crowd, you fucking spineless kiked faggot

>These people like to wear MAGA hats, create memes, and have fun.
So fucking clingy my god. Also I'm not sure the day will ever come when one of these ecelebs will name the jew.

Amen to that.

Retards with their nazi flags and klux dressings. Larps

that post if from like 10 months ago


wrong, Paul

>Shit tier
Kekistani's (Civic Nationalism)
White supremacists (White power xd)

>Meh tier
Stormfags (All jews are evil)
Ancaps (Muh free market)

>Great tier
White nationalists (Don't hate other races , but you should protect your own)
Anti Zionists (Not all jews are evil , but alot of them are and should be eliminated)

he's right
nu-Sup Forums is the only sustainable future of this board

What is the creed of the alt right? How do I join?

Alt right is a empty label forced by (((some people))). Because if you don't have a name you can't attack it.

Whatever helps you get those infokike shekels Paul you fucking pussy.

This switch doesn't really work when nearly all media coverage of muslim tettor attacks are about how we need to show more love for muslims.

Damn, I hate getting BTFO'd by Watson.

THey're the opposite side of the same coin. You stupid goys can't seem to stop talking about MAGApedes being a front to white supremacism. Saying things like, "hurr durr shill! why talk shit about people spreading our ideas to the normies hurr!"

Watson is a bandwagonfag , tell me something new.

He actually thinks any good memes comes from reddit. fuck i hate normies

nu-Sup Forums is definitely the New Right

>wear MAGA hats, create memes & have fun

I have a hard time believing this graph. Most white men my age are liberal cucks, and I'm 28


Please stop with this meme

>There are two ' right wing movements' .
>One is more accurately described as Sup Forums. These people like to redpill, create OC & make caricatures of all political opposition.
>They include redpilled whites, blackpilled whites, bluepilled whites, OP and everyone else who bothers. These are the people who helped Trump win the election.
>The other faction likes to fester in the normiesphere that is Reddit and obsesses about based blacks, 'not true Scotsman' fallacies and civic nationalism.
>This is a massive group of normies. They had not nearly as much impact on the election.
>Guess which faction the media is censoring?

>*nuzzles you*
Fucking faggot

Can i get sauce? I've seen this hundreds of time but never sauce.

Why do you want the source? To jerk off to black men fucking Asian women?

Ur a fucking fag m8

I didn't asked to be judged neckbeard. I like seeing meek asian women being violated, black or white.

>wants to get virtually cucked
>calls others neckbeard
I am judging you tho, chunks
