Imagine if Sup Forums faced actual oppression



Yeah we'd fuck your shit up.






When no one replies to your thread so you have to reply to it yourself.

He does realize that's exactly what communism does?

And that's exactly what he shilling for right????

People can't be this dumb....

>Sages a thread
>Posts an image which cancels out the sage
Jesus Christ nu/pol/ really is cancer

>get odd stares because my head is shaved due to balding
>people actually do tell me to smile a lot because I just generally don't smile. It's actually really annoying and I hate people that are constantly smiling for no fucking reason

This must have been written by a white person who has never lived in an area where white are the statistical minority.

They are, every single day. Retribution is coming, and it won't be stopped.

>says the homosexual

You think this is about "oppression"?

This is about the 14 Words and the Future of the White Race.

You know JACK SHIT

Sup Forumstards are oppressed though
no one would bat an eye if I started posting vidya here

>you're not oppressed enough to speak out
Is that his actual point? Does being more oppressed give you freedom coins you can then spend on free speech?

in ITT thread liberals act like faggots.

you mean, like heteronormative oppression?

>imagine if these people ever faced actual oppression

>you're a fucking white male
>privileged whitie
>affirmative action
>white cis males are worse than hitler, they are literally Hitler

Gee. I wonder what caused it.

>not realizing that oppression is what they're trying to prevent.

"Real racism is getting my feelings hurt because I'm a pussy faggot"

>yfw nobody replied to your thread so you have to bump.

oh what I wouldn't give to break some feisty little antifa going through her rebellious phase.


Cease your resistance

if you have people that are fighting back your ideology and the system that means you are oppressing them plan and simple

> No oppression of white males

Currently men are losing jobs in STEM to meet a female quota, despite having better experience and qualifications for the jobs.

Courts favour women over men in the overwhelming majority of divorce and custody cases.

Men, white men specifically, who don't tow the line of what is an 'acceptable opinion' get demonised every day online, on the air and in person.

White men get blamed for almost all social ills, in a society founded by and built by predominantly White men.

White men are expected to take all the shit thrown at them because they have 'privilege'.

If you're a man you're expected to not debate or talk about 'women's issues'.

If women talk about 'men's issues' men are expected to shut the fuck up and listen.

Trump got elected mainly off the votes of white men and women, and people from the start called for a recount and all sorts of shit, thus trying to negate the system and votes the USA has.

White men are under direct attack and if you don't see it you're a fucking moron.

Is /leftypol/ still here making the same threads about yesterday and terrible arguments with Reddit tier meme?
I just woke up

Like living in a society that's been under the heel of imperialism for hundreds of years like 90% of the third world just so some western fucks can have the luxury of choosing to be obese.

Bunch of neeks like the rest of the bullied edgy kids on here

White reactionaries are being led by the nose into this bullshit.


What a fucking crying baby man you are. Grow the fuck up.

Literally every one of your kike-scripted strawmen has happened to whites, you Soros-funded libshit.
>no one is trying to make them buy insurance

Literally can't even go two fucking sentences into his kiketard rant without a blatant and laughable fallacy.

>sage kikethreads
>ignore kikeposters

> I refute the point made about no oppression

> This faggot resorts to insults because he can't prove me wrong


>yoke the whiteman with taxes to pay for your party programs that bring no benefit to him and actively hurt his family
>pretend the whtieman isn't oppressed.

Whatever crying baby man. Try using big boy words.

OP is truly a faggot.

My mom posted that horseshit.
Fuckin sad.

go redpill her

>nobody is trying to legislate away their right to marry
but they are trying to legislate away my 1st, 2nd and 4th amendment rights, which are actual rights unlike marriage.
>nobody is trying to make them buy insurance to pay for ''male health care"
What? yes, I pay more for health insurance for being a man because we can't charge women more for being more expensive (unlike car insurance where I pay more for being more expensive)
Also, as a white man who pays taxes, one of the few if not only tax net positives for the government, I'm bank rolling this entire government and all your party programs you use to attract more minority votes.
>the law never ... my great grand parents
When my Mormon ancestors lived in Missouri the governor issued an "extermination order" to allow them to be shot on sight.
>There is no effort to disenfranchise them of the vote
Yes, there is.
>science "proving" their inferiority
You're making up plenty of that now

She's been walking the fence. Hopping from side to side on the issues. This whole concept of privilege is one I can't seem to show her is wrong. Completely made up bullshit to silence a portion of the population. The talking points itself is an oppressive Kafka trap.


pretty good

but its all relative, humans are wired that way

Julius Goat doesn't live near niggers unless he is their master and they his servants. However, he squeals with school girl like glee when poor whites get forced integrated under threat of death by the Jewish Controlled National Guard and Cops.

As for the rest, Julius, perhaps the majority race of a given country likes having control as well as neighbors who look like them. But that is illegal under threat of death if you dissent from the Jewish narrative.

Your (((kind))) is so scared of a mere protest that not a single media outlet can be honest.