Ok the amount of shilling going on here is ridiculous

Seriously, what are the mods doing, jerking off? I mean it's one thing to let shills have their 'lets-reply-to-eachother' party threads, but this is fucked. Yesterday I got a fucking warning for sageing what was clearly just another 'lol drumph is finished' thread. There's got to be some kind of order around here, to at least balance the discourse.

Let this thread serve as a place for your grievances against shills, and also a morale thread.

Dont stop digging into corruption
Keep eyes on Pedogate

Other urls found in this thread:


>complains about discourse on a board that feeds on chaos

you're here for the wrong reason faggot, also checked


Is your safe space being invaded, broflake?

> OP posts a comment that says "the normies are waking up and totally love Nazism u guide"

> Actual normies post "Nazism sucks WTF is ur problem"


It's not chaos when half the board or more is shill threads, that's headed toward uniformity

No, you're actually welcome to be here. Stay and debate, just keep it contained to a few threads, my cucked friend.

Leaf shills are the worst.

> posting in a morale thread

I'm not a nazi, not a white supremacist. You're just spending thread after thread arguing with strawmen. I'm mostly liberal. Voted for Obama(sorry, learned my lesson) But I love Trump.

Keep teminding faggot shills and liberals that of they condemn the whole of the conservative Right, then we are justifying condemning the whole of Islam for the hundreds of yearly terror attacks, trucks of peace, acid attacks, no-go zones and rape of women and children.

*reminding, not teminding

The interesting thing about that is that Muslims frequently and noisily denounce ISIS

Why haven't you denounced James Alex Fields?

^ and if not of

Wow you really rushed through that post. Goes to show a lack of critical thinking before submitting

because the only thing I regret is that you weren't the one under the tire

Because he killed enemy combatants per
68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844. He is a hero...

Oh shit look at those numeric values!

Even your frog god is dying

Who will be the next to lose their jobs? One of you??

It will be you when your masters are hauled off for raping kids and can no longer pay you to post here

> Enemy combatant


Friday, March 13, 2009

Department of Justice Withdraws Enemy Combatant Definition for Guantanamo Detainees

In a filing today with the federal District Court for the District of Columbia, the Department of Justice submitted a new standard for the government’s authority to hold detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility. The definition does not rely on the President’s authority as Commander-in-Chief independent of Congress’s specific authorization. It draws on the international laws of war to inform the statutory authority conferred by Congress. It provides that individuals who supported al Qaeda or the Taliban are detainable only if the support was substantial. And it does not employ the phrase "enemy combatant."

The Department also submitted a declaration by Attorney General Eric Holder stating that, under executive orders issued by President Obama, the government is undertaking an interagency review of detention policy for individuals captured in armed conflicts or counterterrorism operations as well as a review of the status of each detainee held at Guantanamo. The outcome of those reviews may lead to further refinements of the government’s position as it develops a comprehensive policy.

There is no legal definition for an enemy combatant and it is no longer a recognized term my USDOJ or UCMJ

But I'm sure you already knew that. That's what makes you so great Sup Forums .. your attention to detail

> Someone disagrees with me
> I bet Hillary Clinton pays him to do it

How much are you paid by the god Emperor to spam his failing policies?

yes, obviously these are not organic posts. the mods have been compromised.

Ok, fair enough. Lets talk about the substance of your previous post. Do you honestly think that this culture of weeding out people with incorrect political opinions will always work in your favor? Why do you idiot commies gleefully arm our government with weapons of censorship that can one day be used against you and what you believe in, when the time comes, or when you get in their way, or see something they are doing that you dont like and want to speak up? Dont fight me, talk to me friend.

Guess it's time for you to go away and find another hug box safe space.

I hear Reddit has a great board called The Donald!

Real talk? I'm a progressive capitalist

I think spewing noisy political opinions in a non anonymous environment is idiotic.

I think if an AnCap, a bigoted SJW or a neo fucking Nazi gets fired for showing their power level, that's just a beautiful example of the free market fixing it

I remember in 2009 a fat black admissions officer got fired for deliberately tossing white male applications. I cheered and laughed then. Today, I see a god damn Nazi got fired as well. Just as good.

There was a time when America was on top of the world, educationally, technologically, and economically.

Today, we're fractured by noisy, uneducated minority fringes. I support giving them all a basic income (everyone deserves to eat), locking them up in a shitty bit of shelter (everyone deserves a home), and muscling them the fuck out of the way.

That's the honest truth.

A long time ago, I used my own personal and rather impressive network of senior level folks at Home Depot to destroy Gawkers advertising with my then-employer. This was during the operation Shekel Shoah. It was a great and fun bit of collaboration and it worked beautifully. I asked for multiple screenshots of Home Depot branding next to pro drug and pro pedophilia and anti white male editorials, and user delivered.

Then I delivered. It was great.

I'm going to work just as hard doxxing and ruining neo Nazis, as I did ruining Gawker.

There was a time this attitude would have meant great lulz. Because anonymous eats it's own.

Buncha new fags around here took too many memes too seriously. Time to get em out of my awesome US economy.

Well then I hope you will at least be able to appreciate the irony when it happens to you. I hope it's extra juicy when it's for something you are even being falsely accused of, because some idiot LIKE YOU got it into their head that you are some horrible fringe lunatic. But by all means, keep feeding that monster.

You rat fuck piece of shit.

>black guy fired for deliberately tossing white male applications
>White guy fired for going to a political rally
Not really the same though is it?

I wish that all the shills would go watch The Young Turks or CNN and leave us the fuck alone. We should report shills and other instances of "hate" to the ADL they will know what to do.

>I'm going to work just as hard doxxing and ruining neo Nazis, as I did ruining Gawker.

And my followup question is, why do you think this is important. Some guy who *might* be a nazi isn't the same as a whole company like Gawker. I'm no fan of nazis either, but who cares if they work some job and live their life? Do you believe they are going to take over America or something if you dont do this? Pretty sure your just picking on a fringe minority. Your efforts would be better spent going after more Gawkers. Can you just do that?

I mean look at that guy in the pic you posted. Do you think he's evil? How do you know? Are you 100% sure he deserved that, or, could he just have been there because he believes in freedom of speech, and you are laughing as he gets a boot slammed on his face for that?

The kickback would inflame his tennis elbow. No thanks.

I doubt it'll ever happen to me because all of these internet cyber detectives require the target has a heavy and de-anonymized social media footprint.

Which is dumb.

Posting on Facebook period is dumb. Using your real name and associating it with a bunch of political opinions and not locking the page .. dumb.

> Political rally

He's a member of a hate group, working for an employer with shareholders, in a right to work state.

So, close enough

Your American allies could bypass all this by starting their own small business. All it takes is grit and hard work

>member of a hate group
Who made you the arbiter of morals? as far as you or I know they just talk about policies and protecting their community which is still legal under the 1st amendment (right to free speech, free assembly)

> Posting anonymous, self-deleting threads to a private sector for profit legal firm
> Expecting them to do anything about it

I could do both? In between doing my job and being a daddy and husband which is more important anyway. But it's Sunday morning right now, so .. not much going on right now.

I don't know if he's evil. I can see he's too distracted though. He's bad for American business because of that reason alone. Examples must be made of him, just as an example was made of Gawker. I did my little part. Peter Thiel, bless his heart, did so much more.

Honestly I'm not a fan of Trump but imagine what he'd accomplish if he wasn't trying to find a measured response to larping Nazi faggots every other week? Imagine what he'd accomplish if people like Van Jones stopped making decent points about him?

We can't change Trump. So. Let's destroy the larpers?

It's pretty universally agreed upon that Nazis are a hate group. It's definitely universally understood by HR teams everywhere that Nazis are a hate group.

I'm not going to waste my fucking time debating this with you as you try to split the hairs you don't even have, skinhead

> Using your real name and associating it with a bunch of political opinions and not locking the page ..

I guess it would be, with asshole like you out there

>He's bad for American business because of that reason alone. Examples must be made of him, just as an example was made of Gawker. I did my little part

Yeah, I can see you have no real principles. You just want to ruin someone's life, and you use the current moral panic to justify it. Fuck you. Fuck you right up the ass. It's not the same as Gawker you absolute pig. You are doing the exact same shit Gawker did! Do you not realize that? Gawker doxxed people for having unsavory political opinions.

>I'm not going to waste my fucking time debating this with you as you try to split the hairs you don't even have, skinhead

LOL, you can't actually justify what you are doing. YOU ARE GAWKER, /MCMfDJ3.

Explain to me how you arent gawker. They doxxed people.

Shills gonna shill & trolls gonna troll. Just have ride it out, and maybe have a little fun while your at it. The longer we keep them here, the less real life work they'll be able to do.

>Morale booster related:

They came too late to stop us, the movement has broken out of the board and now it's self sustaining. Good times ahead.

You dont know if he was a Nazi/National Socialist or not. All you can be fairly sure of is that he is part of the alt-right and he still has a right to a normal life etc. as long as he doesn't let his 'hateful' thoughts affect his work
