Wow I've never been on this board before but here goes:

Wow I've never been on this board before but here goes:

>Let's do our super secret CIA black ops but leave clues such as secret codes which people can expose, dodgy family ties to Jewish people and fucking PUBLIC Facebook profiles that debunk all of our efforts
>All investigations can be done via the internet (yeah because the CIA/NSA would never figure out how to get rid of webpages etc), post "docs" that keep being debunked and never venture out of the basement
>Take the largest Jewish population in the world (USA) and therefore prove that everything is somehow linked to a Jew as proof of a Jewish conspiracy
>Applaud the USA a land made of immigrants from shitholes like Ireland, Greece, Italy and Russia as being a homogenous utopia in the making
>Compare the Nazi Party, a 30-50 year old social movement who then brought up a youth group, with a group of 18-25 year old memesters
>Come up with bullshit ideas about power like the "deep state" and Soros whilst being cucked by rich elites who are literally right in front of you (people like Trump who don't give a shit about the middle or lower classes)
>Hurpa durp Africans live in huts, have you seen cities in Kenya or South Africa recently they look a lot nicer than fucking pic related
>M-muh genetics, not understanding we are literally bred from neanderthals and have interbred since the beginning of time, and that most melting pot empires like Byzantines, Carthage, Napoleonic France, British Empire were all multiracial
>Applauding fascism and not applying the "veil of ignorance" test (essentially being biased), not realising the perfect society is a communist one
>Having the audacity to use the word "cuck" when you are all getting cucked by the imperialists and warmongers in Washington who are loving that the proles are fighting each other

you seem upset

You'll never be European, nigger.

Our bare naked existence in a natural setting achieves more beauty than 50,000 years of African "civilisation"..



Post boipussy

You tears are like wine to me. Your petulant crying is lovely music for this Sunday.

tldnr, commie

>Wow I've never been on this board before but here goes:
Lurk more faggot

Wow you disagree with us

yea we get it, you want a black guy to fuck your girlfriend, go tell her about it not us ok

>Wow I've never been on this board before but here goes:
if I had a shekel for every time someone claims this I'd be rich

>never been on this board before

Nobody cares OP

Stop posting here. Everyone hates you

Basically yeah, though i cabt be bothered to correct everything

You unironically sound like a schizo

we're full get out

Ha, just checking out this board after reading an article about the alt-right. It totally nailed how idiotic you all were.

Learn to form sentences, schizo tard

There's no alt-right and you are a nigger faggot, GTFO

>I just read the opinion of someone else and you should be surprised that my opinion mirrors theirs
Where do you come from, land of I don't know how to use past-tense?

Greece is not a shithole you shitskin

You obviously have never done any research on false flags or the Deep State. You're conjuring up your own ideas of how such things would work and then mocking them, but your ideas are unfounded to start with. This is just an elaborate way of displaying your lack of understanding.

>Wow I've never been on this board before
Please tell me you'll never be on this board again.

It is , you dumbass hairy mongrel

its not
only asians use hairy as an insult
but you are probably a finn

finns are subhumans


Yeah but obviously there IS an alt-right, and obviously you are it. So when you say that, you just come of as either a) lying through your teeth, or b) extremely out of touch. You want to try again?

Why am I "it"? And why do you think Sup Forums is a true hivemind with one single opinion?


Found the Jew

Haha did posting this make your little tight pussy wet you shill? I hope so. You probably feel very naughty for posting this, shill, but I have to inform you that we don't even care about your post that much, because we really know the incentive behind it. But that probably makes you just even more excited. I can already sense the tingles that you feel right now. You'd wish one of us were at your place, because then you wouldn't get away as easily. Only talking shit to incite sexual tension, making your little used up liberal sluthole dripping like the niagara falls. But don't worry: we at Sup Forums know exactly how to deal with liberal whores. It excites them everytime when we grab them by the shoulders and whisper redpills to them in a sexual manner while you hide your goldrings. This is the kind of sexual dominance you shills wish for, which you don't find anywhere else, which is why you come to Sup Forums only to get yourself some cummies. Don't worry. We at Sup Forums know how to macho. Your little cuckbois can go to their shed while we show you how to really handle little bitches like you. Suck my cock.

Where the fuck is that video from?

Some say SAR, some say Venezuela or other south american country. No idea 2bh.


Du hast vergessen, Deine Flagge zu ändern, Schwuchtel

Whats up with your video though?

nothing, just shitposting in a gommie thread

I've seen this video before, fucking los zetas spics are insane.

hahah sure you have never been to this board kike. Fuck off