Do billionaires actually work 12 hour days

Do billionaires actually work 12 hour days

more like 16-18

they fart on peoples heads for 12 hours a day

24h on an easy day

T. Guy who met one and saw 2 others



They work and fuck women in their pussy. The rub their dick into their hold and cum a big cum short inside. And they dont give a fuck.

They're on the clock for longer than that, but they don't actually do all that much work.

12 hour day != 12 hours of work

Billionaire here, I sleep about 4 hours a day. My business is my wife & child.

Yeah but it doesn't feel like work when I see all that income coming in

This. And if you're smart and good at time management most days will be shorter than 12 hours. You'll still have long days, but not everyone who us successful whines about what a martyr they are.

1 hour is spent bowing to Rothschilds


yes, that or more
the only issue is that the CEO of a major company might spend some time at a conference with the board, then go over something with with the CTO, then meet with some politicians, maybe somehow do a little supervising or something in between
they might work 70-80 hours a week but they're doing something different usually throughout the day, and "work" could include a dinner/lunch meeting with other critically important people
this is different from staring at a computer for 12 hours every day debugging code or working on CAD models

They do at the start when building their businesses but obviously not much later on. Zuckerberg said he works about 50 hours a week and this was when he was a billionaire. I think musk is an exception but his companies aren't as safely entrenched as bezos or zuckerberg

billionaires don't work you idiot

>billionaires at work

Depends what you consider work and who the billionare is. Think of it this way, you are on call 24/7, and every outing you have is a business outing. This is where lines get blurred. Golf outtings can close billion dollar deals. Every dinner can mean growth and brainstorming opportunity.

This is where they are criticized, but the line really is blurred. Their job is to be social samurai for their company all while having their finger on the pulse of all internalities and externalities. Every conversation eventually becomes about your company. You never get to leave work at home unless on your Vacation, and even then chances are you better be on your best behavior because you're still the face of your company.

Some are Lazy shits that just hire some other guy (VP) to make the tough calls for them, others work 24/7 and are married to the job.

It's completely optional if they do.

They could put their money in stocks/bonds, never work again, and probably end up with billions more even after spending billions.

> peasants in those times had the average IQ of an African retard
> lords were not just the most educated but the only educated people
> lords owned the land peasants worked on, meaning that they literally created every single job
Fucking liberals will never learn how to meme


they are all coke heads and barely sleep

I can always count on right wing retards to worship their overlords

>billionaires working

>being born rich and inheriting wealth must mean you're a genius

gotta love right wing retard billionaire globalist cock sucker logic

Probably depends on if they're still actively managing their companies or just collecting checks from investments/royalties/etc.

Some billionaires probably spend all day getting their toes sucked by sycophants. Others probably barely sleep they're so involved. If I had that money I'd be lazy as fuck since I'm already lazy as fuck.

education etc. resources increase AI, see african blacks vs american blacks

Choose one faggot

If by work you mean able to be reached by phone and drop everything if required yes, 24-7. If you mean actually sit in an office for 12-20 hours a day no.

Maybe, maybe more, but much of the time that 'work' is just telling people what to do.

Someone like Bezos will just be sitting at a desk with his feet up telling a manager what to do, and that manager will tell a lower manager what to do, and there's probably a chain of at the very least 5 of those in the hierarchy before you get to the minimum wage people in the warehouses. Because upper management is very highly paid and it's so cut throat to get a position like that in such a big company, you can bet they'll be working their little asses off running the company while Jeff takes a siesta.

For what it's worth, companies like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook... They got where they are through alliances with the Rothschild family. Nothing to do with hard work, having the best/ most innovative product on the market, or luck. Completely to do with knowing powerful backers who made sure their brand became the dominant one through a variety of means.

>wasting a get and using two posts to try and bait a reply
you're trying too hard, cacuck.

Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Google get spybux from the CIA and NSA. They're perfect vectors of mass surveillance in the guise of products, and they get pumped with black ops money.

billionaires invest their parents money or make ab usiness

Not all of them do but practically every single self made billionaire did to get there. Some relax a bit and hand over control of their companies or stocks once they reach billionaire status and realize they have more money than they can spend but most end up addicted to the work that got them there.

Relaxing to them means they are only 50% focused on their work but they still work 10+ hour days even on vacation.

All succesful entrepreneurs (who aren't crazy lucky) are work horses. 12, 16 or 18 hours a day is normal.


It's almost impossible to be successful if you consider yourself a martyr and whine about it.