Power and influence


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>trusting a homosexual kike
The other two have been garbage for decades, so nothing that comes out of their worthless mouths is surprising

McCain and Ryan are perfect examples of why the Republican party is a failure.

>black power symbols everywhere in Charlottesville
>white supremacy is a scourge

The rally was a legitimate melting pot of the right though right? Did the BLM rally that shut dow Dallas and killed 5 cops receive the same denouncement? What do these rino's stand to gain attacking their non racist base that were at the rally.

>Did the BLM rally that shut dow Dallas and killed 5 cops receive the same denouncement?

No, but the president spoke at their funeral to chastise them white raycisses for hurting his sons who dindu nuffin wrang.

Sup Forums RESTORE JEFFERSON LEGACY, youtu.be/hCIc5ymZai4


Trump is trouncing Obama on issues of race, and Obama was a historically black first president. Trump beats him on every issue, stock market, trade, jobs, border, SC, etc


they think they gain respect and acceptance from the left by saying shit like this but the left will never respect them. they need to learn this but never will

>traitor calling free citizens traitors
Top jest

But not just that, the neocucks did not denounce BLM half as hard as this alleged terror attack. You expect King nigger to be a nigger, what's Pauline Ryan's excuse?

They'd rather virtue signal to their enemies than crush them. Pathetic excuses for men.

I can't wait for McCain to die.

They will forget about it and next week say that McCain and Ryan are based. They have a memory of a guppy.

John McCain calling anyone a traitor is amusing, and his stepson Paul Ryan can go right to hell with him.

>2 gay kike pedophiles disapprove of something
if anything that just means we're right.

they sound like social justice warriors and social justice warriors are more hated by the day. this will only push those in the right firther to the right and those in the centre away from the left and the cuckcservatives due to them sounding like social justice warriors using buzzwords

all of the presidents up until JFK were "white supremacists"


The old mix of water & gasoline balloon, sure to be deadly

Pretty sure the gasoline would melt the ballons before you get to the rally.

Is this degenerate still alive? I would think with the amount of coke this guy does he'd be dead already or brain dead at least like his gf.

Stanhope is such a lush he would huff all gasoline before it ever made it to a protester.

Don't they have any self awareness of how evil they are? Dudes simply walked with tiki torches to protect a monument and hang out and he wants to burn them all to death. How exactly is it immoral to want to exterminate Jews, then? There's overwhelming evidence for that group conspiring to cause massive harm to people for millennia. Whereas the "white supremacists" literally just want to be left alone.

Yet again, republicans prove they care more about what the democrats think of them than actually winning.
The fact that they didn't push on Scalise getting shot, or the BLM terrorism is proof.

This is the same guy who says you shouldn't be proud of your heritage because heritage doesn't mean anything to him. He's also the same guy who says that he's proud to drink himself to death.

When I was 20 this guy was the funniest thing in the world to me but 15 years later I just want him to kill himself.

>two of america's most spineless career politicians side with actual antifa terrorists.
Who woulda thunk.
>Sludge Report

the funny thing is, it was probably the mossad.

I'm surprised this degenerate hasn't died from an alcohol related illness yet.

It doesn't matter if you look righteous. It only matters if you look strong.

>fill water baloons with gasoline
>gasoline melts the baloons
>cucks are now a spark away from becoming like Kurd separatists in late 90s that were constantly torching themselves

Kek, the cucks are completely divorced from logic