Good Joke!

They couldn't just make torches? Someone went to the local Wal-mart and purchased the entire BBQ display. I mean it looks like people protesting the closing of a beer garden. This cause is dead. I mean it's pretty worthless anyways. Segregation makes for bad economy. Life is about money, not race so if these dudes want their own state, they better know how to make their own money.

Other urls found in this thread:

(((Life is about money)))

It's just getting started, newfag.

I don't see the problem with buying torches you can later use in your 10 acre backyard or lake home.

>implying islandniggers invented tiki torches

Is the Alt-right supposed to be a joke or a buch of evil racist Nazis?

Are you telling me that the future founders of the 1000 year ethno-reich were too lazy or incompetent to make their own torches?

It takes five minutes and costs pittance, also they look cool and intimidating, unlike fucking Tiki Torches, Jesus Christ... Why are Yanks so autistic? first Trump, then Kekistan, now this...

is that moustache matt? what the fuck was he doing there?

>Segregation makes for bad economy

Can't say I share that sentiment.


Why does (((Spencer))) the subverter want to use torches at night anyways?
It's a sure fire way to discredit a movement, making it look intimidating to the normie.
In no way does it advance the cause in a positive way

maybe he wants to intimidate them
its the same reason he does the nazi salute shit

>Life is about money

low quality bait

then he instantly makes the movement untenable to the mainstream
Doesn't look like he's trying to grow the movement. It looks like he's trying to discredit it by pulling it to the extreme right

You're shocked a bunch of lonely NEETS couldn't do something right?

OP is one weird, desperate faggot.

>non-white using twitter


>When you have to use technology invented by whites to talk about how whites are the most evil people and that they must vanish



>polynesians had metal cannisters that held petroleum

Just because something is called a tiki torch doesn't mean that it is


why are niggers so dumb


>Segregation makes for bad economy

How do we make the multiculturalists understand this?

>that image
Would it be better if they used an actual torch - a Neolithic cultural product?

>all these shaming posts and threads

hmm how scared are you right now? was your face all red when typing on your keyboard?

Every single non-white culture on earth that cries about white people constantly appropriates white culture.

Tiki culture itself is a white invention, inspired by Polynesian culture.
Tiki torches never existed before white people decided they wanted a light source that aesthetically matched a white artistic perception of Polynesian design

Kek, this doesn't stop cucks from screaming "cultural appropriation" though

segregation improves the economy but it's still bad.

Oil tanks and wicks are a Polynesian invention.

>appropriating torches
>not accusing shitskin of appropriating everything they touch and use due to being inferior and unable to invent anything themselves

I thought it was because actual homemade torches are illegal.


shilling his twitter as usual

wtf I better vote for hilldawg now.

Actual handmade torches tend to hinder permitting process.

>when you have to use a white cultural product (computers, electricity, internet) to bitch about white people online

Why are they going to hard with the 'white supremacist' meme? Pretty sure it had fuck all to do with supremacy of any kind.

Rekt how will white nationalist ever recover

>Life is about money, not race
Lol no. Without a high trust white society there is no money, just endless hoods and favelas and niggas robbing one another with so little trust you can't have an economy.

Why should they? Didn't you pay attention? Chinks are good for railway work, the making of torches and some of them even make nice animes.

Let white people rule the world in peace and everything will be alright.

ok mr "fellow polack", show me how Spencer is jewish

I don't matter, none of that matters

This is true.

Tiki is an American pop-culture phenomenon. It's not authentic Polynesian culture, and it isn't even specifically Polynesian. It's just a weird mixup of anything people even remotely associated with Pacific islands.

Ignorantly criticizing the Nazi Tiki Party as cultural appropriation reveals an embarrassing perspective of cultural privilege.

I've met some Polynesians, they were bro-tier tbqh.

shit, coffins are expensive

>I mean it looks like people protesting the closing of a beer garden.

Kek. The tiki torches were truly a fail tho. Just drench a cloth in gasoline and wrap it around a stick.

>they better know how to make their own money.

You mean printing it? Because that's how the Kikes make it.

Are you fucking serious? The situation in America gets increasingly more autistic by the day, it's literally a bunch of losers prancing around pretending they're some kind of warriors.

Tiki culture is 100% white culture.

You guys will grasp at anything. Meanwhile nigs wear white clothing, live in white society, have white jobs, etc.

>Italian using an American board
Bibbity babbity boopity mama-mia. Geta fucka howtheysay outa here. Estupida

Psssst it's about the fires not the torches. I know low IQ shitskins have trouble understanding simple things.



It does look pretty gay now that you mention it, desu

Lol and when they have BLM rallies they're using all products by black people?

Only* products
Made by *

Fuck me

Muslims never invented tiki torches.

It's just too funny. No intimidation.

"Life is about money" is easy to understand.

If you're going to want to segregate off your race you need an economy to sustain it, these guys aren't warriors so obviously they can't conquer shit to adhere to the supply and demand to maintain a healthy livelihood.

Seriously, plan for the fucking future and realize you're not the only ones in the world.
Better have something to offer the rest of the world, being "White" won't be enough when you gotta trade for resources.

Good thing whites can afford them

You think you live in White Society. Stop fantasizing and get fucking serious. You probably just spend time in a damn beer garden thinking everything will be okay while others are failing at the work you want achieved.

Kek. K faggot.

If tribes can only use the things that tribe has invented themselves, then non-whites can't use any technology.

Good thing you're wrong and there's a thing called free trade, which is not cultural appropriation.

I mean looking at those Torches, those are the desperate faggots. YOU in this photo too? You can't see the fail?

I can't believe this was an accident.

It's not white supremacy


Yet most technological improvements have been from non-whites. Innovation doesn't happen because of the race of people but the type of people, like people with knowledge and logic.